Now I am going to say first off for all you school marms out there that I am not a professional writer. I do not profess to say that I can spell or do the right type of punctuation. My school days are long gone now and anyways I was just a dork in school. So if you see something wrong the blame will be on me as I am a little older and just do not care about the right way to write things. I do try and once in a while spell checker will help and put something totally different then what I was trying to spell in the first place. I just hope that I get my point across that I am writing about. Without it sound way out there.
To be axact I really don't give much of a %#*{€about anything anymore. I am too old to care anymore. It is the age I am at. I say what I want and I think what I want and I do what I want. Well within reason and when hubby gets involved. Then I am just a perfect little angle he expects of me. HA!!! I do still have some values but I really do want to do what I want to do. Just have to get out of chickenshit mode and just go do it. What is life for anyways except to do what you want to do when you want to do it.
So now getting on with today's writing I have had allot of feedback. Allot good, some great and a couple that got to be down right nasty. I was told by someone that if the red hat society wanted a herstory written of any kind that they would do it themselves. That I should contact hatquarters and talk to Emily Yost before I start anything. Also mentioned that ladies do not want their herstory brought to light, it is in the past and should stay that way. She had also put a few more nasty comments on my Facebook comment so that after getting a bit of info from other ladies, I copied and just deleted the post.
So for your saying enough is enough I did contact hatquarters just to mention that I would be delving into my latest obsession. I got a very lovely note back from Emily saying it sounds like a great idea and we are all sisters here.
I started on this obsession as I am a bit of a newbe to the red hat society. I joined a small group in my home town by answering a newspaper article about wanting to get to meet other ladies in the area and have some fun on the side. Well that article sat on my desks for a few weeks before I decided what the heck and called her up. For being a chickenshit that was the best phone all I ever made. If I would have hummed and hawed and kept thinking about it I would have never called and would still be sitting on my duff at home wondering what the heck to do with the rest of my life. I had never heard of the red hat society let alone knew there was anytype of group that would except you in so beautifully with open arms and love.
So now I have been a member for three years. Standing proud and happily paying my dues. Loving every minute of it and not wanting to look back at the life I had before that day.
I got to wondering about the past conventions. There is regional ones, national ones and international ones. Then there is the little groups that get together here and there to enjoy each other's company. There are so many ladies involved in this movement. I started reading the book that Sue Ellen wrote. Then I started into newspaper articles about the red hat society. This then got me thinking, besides the basic facts that you read in all this. What about all the conventions that have gone on before I joined. How about the ladies behind the scenes. Has there been ladies that have been to all international conventions. Well I can set you straight on that because I have found out that info.
Here is a little trivia for you. There is five ladies that have been at all the international conventions since the first one in Chicago in 2002. These ladies of course are Sue Ellen, Linda Murphy, and Debra Granich. There is also Marcy LaSalle and Carol Lewis who have been at every international convention. These two ladies where the first to start up in their home states after reading that first article. Their chapters are now 15 years young. This is something that just fascinates me to no end. I thank Marcy for telling me about that little tidbit.
So now I should get on to tell you about these writings I am going to be doing. It will be about all of you ladies. The ladies that make up the red hat society. I have had a great response so far from some of you who would like to share your stories and the fun and laughter you have shares through the years being a member. It can be short and to the point or long and about all your years. Memories of being a gutsy gal going to your first event. First time meeting up with someone of the red hat society. One big one here. Putting on that first red hat and feeling so silly, or being so proud of being able to wear that red hat. Oh I can come up with so many ideas to write about.
I went to my first red hat regional convention in Sacramento. It was called over the rainbow and the theme was the wizard of Oz. I signed up to go not knowing what the heck to expect. I just so wanted to go and see what all the hubbub was about. I was scared to no end. Did not know anyone and thought I would be traveling by myself. Something I never thought I would do in my life. I then got word that there was other ladies in the area that where planning to fo as well. The ambassador for this area called me up one day. Told me what flights they were going to be on and that she would be happy to give me a lift down to the airport. I was on my way. First convention and I was starting to meet up with ladies in the area. Traveled with five other ladies to Sacramento and they took me under their wings and helped me to fly. I had the best time of my life and have not looked back.
I will get more into my adventures later. Some of you may have already read some of them on my Facebook page and this blog. Right now though I would love to hear about your love of the red hat society. Items of fun laughter and love given back to you by the red hat society. Stories of being a gutsy gal. Memories of convention. If you do not mind sharing your herstory with me I would just love it. I would love to share your stories on my blog. But I can keep them private not using any names if you wish it,or if you wish I will not write about them at all.
I will say here. I am not doing this to make any money off of. I just like to here stories and get to lnow all of you better. You see I am a very quiet person. Never say too many words when I am out with anyone. I do watch and I so listen. Well that is when I put in my hearing aids so I can listen. I am a gatherer. Take in all the info and just love to share it with others. For not talking much I do write allot. You can see me blabbing in Facebook and my blog over and over again. I guess I like to talk with my fingers. I can talk a mile a minute in here but get me face to face Nd I am as quiet as a church mouse.
So let's get started. If you would love to share your love of the red hat society please give me a shout. On my email of or message me on my face oil page. I am already in the process of two stories that are going to be shared with me. One from a Canadian red hatter and her first convention in the Maritines. Another will be in the works after that on her past year of enjoyment.
The red hat society is such a beautiful thing, please let me spread the word on our love laughter and fun. I would love to hear your herstory and I believe there are allot of other newbies out there who would love to hear these stories as well. If nothing else just to know that there is a life after 50 that can be so full instead of thinking the rocking chair is all they have. For me it was the thought of a wheel chair, but for now I am living my life to the fullest and staving off that wheelchair they say I will be in in a few year as best I can. I keep fighting the fight I have with my body everyday and keep the good times rolling.
Thank you for listening to me. Hope to hear from many of you out there. I society is full of so many beautiful ladies from all over the world. I have met so many of you all ready. Some just in passing and others who have embraced me into their love. Then there are the many Facebook friends I have not met as yet but hope too at an event or get together.