a sea of red hats

a sea of red hats

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Well fun is over and I now have another memory to hold onto

First off I am going to say a very huge thank you to Carol Conrad and the members of her team for putting on such a wonderful event.  I have never had so much fun in three days of being with all these ladies.  Enjoying laughter and giggles and maybe a dribble or two. Oooops!  From the opening to the very end.  Had so much fun.  Then there is my roomie for the week.  Darlyne Wagner.  With her I had double the fun and always had a partner in crime if I was trying to do something sill.  She went right along with it.  I don't understand how she could put up with some of the sill antics I did for the weekend, but she did.  It was soooo much fun.  Oh I guess I said that already. But I cannot express enough how I feel right now.

To all the ladies that came up to me and commented on my blog and the stories I wrote about my travel to and from.  You all just realized I am a very quiet person.  I can blab a mile a minute on Facebook and my blog but when I am face to face I am just not a talker.  I am trying to get over it but it is a dang hard thing to do.  So I hope I did not offend anyone because I did not say very much.  I do love all your comments and the love you are all bringing to me.  I can write it down but just do not seem to have the words in person.  So thank you all that came up to me and said how much you enjoyed reading my blog.  I will be keeping this up as I go to other things red hating. So keep in touch. I love the feedback and comments.

This blog was started when I started red hating.  You see I am a living ailment here and things are slowly getting worse.  I am fighting it off as much as I can, but sometimes it wants to take over my life. I am not going to let it and I keep pushing forward.  So some days I am down and others I am doing much better.  My motto is I am not living with this it is living with me and if I had a choice I would evict it right out of my body so I can be a normal person.  But I know that is not going to happen so I will keep pushing and working hard to keep it in the background and have all the fun I can.  So my other thing is another motto of shoulda, coulda, woulda.  Well instead of that I am gonna do it and get on with it.  Not worry if I am doing something wrong.  This is where red hating comes in.

First off I craft in order to keep myself active.  If I am not active I will seize up and not be moving at all.  Now what to do with these crafts afterward.  Well that are not going to sit in my house anymore.  So I donate them out to red hat events to give away as gifties.  I ask first if someone is interested and if they are I make something that is appropriate for their event.  I have made knitted and crocheted shawls and afghan.  I have quilted items and I have done a few woodworking items as well.  Some of my items are very popular with the ladies.

Second of all I want to travel and see places.  Red hating is giving me a chance to see places I have never seen before.  Later in life I may not be able to do too much traveling so want to get in as much as I can.  So far I have been to New Orleans, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Edmonton, Oshawa and Reno.  When I get to these places I am not alone.  There are so many red hat ladies I can join up with and have a blast of a time.  I can behave my self or I can be a little silly.  No one seems to care which way I am.  The kid will come out and play once in while.  When she does watch out!!

The third is so many friendship I am making.  I have met some very beautiful ladies inside and out.  They take you under their wing and love you like you are a long lost friend.  That took a little time to get use to.  Being the quiet person I am that has built a shell around herself to protect herself from the negativity that has happened in the past. And a bit that is still happening.

So now I am doing this woulda, shoulda, coulda  theme in my life.  I want to do this and by Gaul I am gonna do this.  The first time I drove by myself to get to the airport in Bellingham to go to Reno.  I traveled there by myself, got on a plane and landed in Reno not knowing anyone.  I got to the hotel on my own did allot more at that convention then I thought I would ever do.  My first convention was in Sacramento, but I traveled with other ladies to that one.  They welcomed me into their group and showed me the ropes and pulled me out of my shell.  It mad been ages since I had felt that way and had so much fun.  So I signed up for another and that was Reno.  I talked to myself so many times about the fact I was crazy to go on my own.  What the heck am I thinking.  I talked myself out of it so many times,  then one days I said to myself.  Okay stop the idiotisy and just do it.  Well it was a big worry for me, but I did it and I loved every minute of it.  The next convention was Las Vegas.  I did not go alone on this one. I took my son with me.  You know what.  He just realized from that time on that there is a different side of me that he has never seen before.  We had a great time together and played the whole time.  

I have blossomed over the two and half years I have been red hatting.  I am also getting to be much more braver in what I want to do.  I have now been to an international convention and to top it all off I can dress silly or very regal the way I did when I was a child.

Oh now speaking of child in my latest travel I found something I have not had since I was a child.  I use to ride my bike into the nearest five and ten cent store to get this and you know what I found it in my travels this past weekend.  Okay gonna sound silly but I just loved eating this.  Green Shoestring licoric. okay don't laugh.  I lived out in the country on a dairy farm.  Never got out much and anytime I got to go to the store that is what I would buy.  And yes I bought some and yes I ate the whole bag in one sitting.  Okay laugh all you want.  I had a very quiet life here.

Now the biggest adventure I had went by this last weekend. I signed up for a convention in Edmonton. I asked carol if it was okay to make a giftie and she said yes.  Well I spend four months working on a quilt for her event.  I had the time of my life designing what I was going to make.  Gathering material together and then putting it all together.  Doing this between going to work and keeping a the rest of my life in order. I had so much fun making it. It was a labour of love.  Now I had a thought.  It was big and how was I going to get it there. Well I guess I could drive there.  WHAT!  By myself.  Oh here comes the doubts again.  I went back and forth on this for so long.  Then finally said. Drive.  It can't be that bad.  You drive across town everyday to go to work you can sure a heck drive to Edmonton.  You have done it before with your hubbie.  Only he was driving and usually kept driving.  If I did this alone or with someone I could stop when I wanted to.  See things I want to see. And do whatever I want.  Well I started planning. Got reservation to hotels along the way.  Planned on things I wanted to do and see. And started getting excited about this.  At one time I had two people going with me, then it went down to one and then it was just me again.  As they had other obligations to attend to.

Sunday rolled around.  Got myself out of bed and packed up the car, took car of my dogs for the last time, hoped in my car and started driving.  Once on the road all doubts disappeared and I was enjoying myself.  No one asking when the next town was, not one asking what road to take.  No one passing someplace you thought would be nice to get out and stretch,  and last but not least could pee when I wanted to instead of waiting till we got gas.  My tunes blaring away and not sitting in silence.  Sorry I and making a few dibs here I shouldn't be.  But I was not affraid and I was enjoying myself.  I looked for the first time at the scenery around me and said this is beautiful.  Never really noticed this before. Whenever we had traveled before.  I wonder why?  Well anyways I was doing this for me.  You know what I did it.  And I am so proud that I did.  I will do it again in a heartbeat.  It was so much fun and I could en joy my own company. I saw some pretty wonderful things we had just drove by before.  Such beauty out there.  Take the time and enjoy it.  It may not be here again.  I enjoyed a break in the hotsprings that made me sleepy on the drive to Edmonton and I also took the tram to the top of a mountain and saw a whole lot more of the world from the top.  The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky.  You could see for miles

Now getting into Edmonton I started to worry a little.  What road do I take.  Is it up here close or do I have to drive allot in traffic.  I lost a couple of fingernails on that part of the trip.  The fingernails I didn't have to worry about.  I got there no problem at all.  And the nails they will grow back.  A day before everyone else was to arrive.  Well that day I scouted out around the area.  Walked my butt off.  Found were the pirate dinner was. Where to find food to eat.  What was in the area.  I picked up allot of Edmonton dirt on my saddled feet.  I even the next day walked to west Edmonton mall. Now that was a long!! Walk, but I did it. I met up with some ladies having dinner there and smart little me got a ride back to the hotel.  Worked out rather well on my part.  I would have walked back if had to but hey who can turn down such a generous offer.

That day my roomie came in.  I was sitting down in the lobby waiting for her and talking with Carli when she came in.  So we sat a little langer and talked then and hour later finally got her up to the room and settled.  As we came back down to the lobby we stopped and talked to a couple of ladies who she met on the plane.  We ended up going to the dinner theatre with them and having a great time.

From there Thursday night was the pirate meal. Easy to get there as I had scooped out the are the day before.  So I drove over there easy easy.   We got there a little late and ended up at a table by ourselves but was soon filled with other ladies to talk to.  No one walked the plank.

Then next day was regidpstration and a trip out on the paddle wheeler.  Very beautiful day and the sun was shining with out a could in the sky.  In fact the weather was great all weekend..  We traveled down the river and turned and came back up River.  The meal was great and we where back in time to get ready for the nights events.  The gala dinner.  Dress casual, fancy or in a costume.  

The next day we headed for the market.  Lots of food a few crafts and bling.  We headed over to the mall in downtown afterwards and started our shopping there.  I found some great tops .  My closet is gonna be fuller when I get home.  Hopped on the bus and got back to hotel with time to check out vendors and then head to room to change for dinner.  Costume night for the two of us.  I was octoberfest and Darlyne was in East Indian outfit.  She looked great.another night of great meal and lots of door prizes and just sitting around and talking.  The dance floor was opened and many shook a leg.  We sat at one of the tables and talked with anyone who happened to stop by for a chat.  Didn't get back to our room until late that night.  Straight to bed as pj breakfast next morning

A few ladies got a kick out of my pjs a few others may have thought otherwise. It don't bother me one way or the other.  I wear what I wear.  It wasn't provocative so like it or lump it.  We had out breakfast and then had our goodbyes.  So sad to say goodbye but all good things have to come to an end.

That afternoon we had a snack/lunch with a couple of ladies. We then went our separate ways and Darlyne was out with her son for the afternoon.  A little time to piddle around.  I went down to the mall for a bit and then it closed on me.  The door where I parked my car was closed and had to wonder a little to get to were my car was.  Did find it thank goodness.  I headed back towards hotel and stopped for a burger.  I could have met some ladies at red lobster but was just too pooped to pop.  So went back to room, might have nodded off for awhile and then started playing on my tablet.

Next morning Darlyne was out of there early.  Miss her already.  We where together most of the time in Edmonton.  Had a great time with her.  

I got up and packed down the rest of my stuff.  Gonna be on the road again. In a little while.  Had a bite to eat and then checked out headed back towards Jasper.  This time though I went down through the park.  Such a glorious place to drive.  The scenery is breathtaking.  My only thing is you are suppose to see wild life.  I did not see any.  I saw two squirrels and a bear on the way to Edmonton but on the way away from Edmonton did not see anything.  Do I scare animals that much.  Everyone else said they saw animals.  What is wrong with me.

I stopped at the ice fields.  But was getting a little late and I had to be at a hotel in Golden.  They said the tour was and hour and half.  Hopefully next time I am through.  Yeah that is the woulda, coulda, shoulda saying.  So I missed out on it.  I guess too many stops along to way just to look.  I did see allot though.  I stopped at saskachewan River and looked in the gift shop for something to snack on.. I found green shoestring licoric.  I just love that stuff.  You can never find it anymore.  I ate the whole bag in one sitting.

Got into golden later then thought. Into my room and sat watching tv for a little while.  Took a dip in the pool and off to bed.  I had an early morning the next day and started driving.  After a great breakfast included with the hotel.  Along highway 1 till I got to sicamus.  There I turned to highway 97 and down through the Okanagan.  I stopped to look at the house boats and a stop at a place called lag barn outside of Armstrong.  Interesting place with all sorts of statues around and delicious food.  I bought a strawberry pie to take home.  The rest of the Okanagan was just driving a looking.  Not too many places to stop and just relax for awhile.  Since I was asked when I was getting home I just headed straight through to home.  The twisty road of highway 3 through the manning park and then back to highway 1.

Got some gas when I was back in Mission and headed up the hill towards home

Thanks all for the great time.  This gusty gal is getting gutsier all the time.  Loved meeting some new friends and meeting up with old friends again.  Until next time.   Remember there is the I coulda done it and there are the I will do it.  Well I am trying hard to be in the I will do it.  But well you know this gutsy gal is trying real hard to do it.  Thanks for listening.  Catcha all when I write again

Monday, 8 June 2015

Heading back home, but I was having so much fun

Just letting everyone know.  I made it to my first destination.  Have a bit more to drive tomorrow or the next day. Depending on how much I keep stopping to take a picture of oh WOW!!

 Yesterday allot of ladies had left for home and more where heading home today.  A few are still there and doing some tours around the area.  Safe travels everyone.  See you all at the next get together.

Well the convention is now over.  Boy had such a great time. Between the friendships I have made, the tours I had gone on and the shopping and the food.  Dressing up in beautiful clothes and all around laughing till my sides hurt. I could say peed my pants but that would just be embarrassing. Oh did I mention the shopping.

Oh I will tell you I did go back to the mall yesterday and you know I did not buy anything.  Well the reason is they were closing soon and I couldn't get into the store that had what I was looking at before.  Bummer!!!  Well I did mention the shopping.

Woke up around 8:30.  All alone in my room.  Well I was awake earlier to say goodbupye to my roomie.  She left early this morning to catch a flight home. 

So the car is now loaded up.  Took a couple of trips to do.  It took a couple of trips to get it to the room as well when I got here.  You think I might have just packed a little too much stuff.  Na might have need something if I had left it at home.  Can never be too prepared.

Had a little breakie and then headed down the pike.  Two hours into my drive I had to pull off to stretch.  This is gonna be some long drive if I have to keep stopping.  Maybe just a little too much water for breakie.  Well that could be too, but it did feel good to get out of the car.  I had to change the position of a cushion I was sitting on anyways.  It was cutting into my driving leg and my feet were feleling a little on the bigger side.  So a little walking around seemed to have done the trick.

A couple of hours later I was at Jasper national park.  I said I was driving straight through but I had to pay for a day pass anyways.  Oh well I guess if I was keeping to highway 16 I probably wouldn't have had to pay.  But no I wanted to go down through the park.

Well the drive down was worth it.  So much scenery it was hard to keep my eyes on the road.  I stopped so many times to take pictures and just enjoy what I was looking at.  It is worth the drive if you are ever going to be in park.  The only thing is I stopped so many times to look that I didn't have enough time to go out on the glass platform to look out over the glacier.    I didn't want to come out of the park too late that I wouldn't get a room for the night. I did stop at the glacier and look around a little.  Looked in the gift shop.  Yeah shopping again.  Didn't buy anything. Aw there is something wrong here.  After I left there I stopped again down at Saskachewan river crossing.  Debated on whether I should stop there for the night or make it to the destination  I wanted to get to.  Well after I picked up a snack I headed down the road to were oh heck.  Construction well that is going to slow me down too.  Oh heck. Maybe I should have stopped back there.  Well I am on the road now might as well keep going.

So through the park is another drive of going way up to make it to the glacier area.  Mountain tops you see. To driving way down into the valley.  I loved the aqua blue of the water.  There was lots of snow on the mountains yet.  The water is really rushing down the mountains and the rivers are moving really fast. I got some great pictures of the falls coming down the mountains.  Just beautiful.  If you are looking on my Facebook page. That is where my pictures are posted.

Well I am out of the park and back on BC soil.  Well more ups and downs tomorrow.  Heading west on highway 1.  Now just not sure of when I get to Kamloops if I will stay on highway 1 or if I will take 5 to get home a little faster. There is also highway 97 that will take me through the okanagan.  Might be another route.  Well I guess when I get there I will decide.  Time for some shuteye so I can get back on the road tomorrow.  

Talk to you again tomorrow night.  Whether I am home or still on the road.  Just taking a slow touring ride home.  It is fun but there is allot of driving.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Last day and then on my way home tomorrow.

We gather in the lobby once more.  This time Well the fun in almost finished and the time has gone by so fast.  It will soon be time to think about the next one.  Oh heaven forbid.  I have to think about another one when I am still partying at this one.

I sat in the lobby for awhile and watched all the ladies rushing out to catch planes and shuttles.  Pack up their cars and all head out.  I have one more night here so my rush will be tomorrow morning.  Check the room one more time to make sure that no feathers have been left unattended.  Glitter was left around the floor and assorted rhinestones were added to my growing collection.  These little lost items find a good home at my place.  They enjoy their stay with the rest of my crafty things in my women cave.  To be used and recycled into something else. I do collect any scraps and such that will be used again for something else.

So I didn't get to writing last night on the fun fun time I had yesterday so this may be a little long winded as it is going to be from the two days.

Now I forgot what happened yesterday.  I must be getting old.  Na I am never gonna get old.

An early morning get up.. Umm something not too easy for me to do.  Dressed and down for breakie.  Could they think of having a breakfast a little later. How about brunch.  No?  Well I guess we would not make it to the bus that would take us to the farmers market downtown.

We gather in the lobby to get on the list for going to the down town farmers market.  Once our names are marked off we head out the door and onto the school bus.  Brings back many memories of riding the bus to school.  Won't go into that though for a few years not the greatest experience I had.  Anyways better get back to the bus trip.  Traffic is light and we get to downtown in not time.  Few rules set out.  Where we are being picked up.  Where the farmers market is and where the mall is in distance to the farmers market.  Oh, oh a mall.  Sometimes they grab me in and take over on saying buy, buy, buy,  I better behave myself.

We wander the market.  Fruits, veggies, flowers and a few crafty thing.  My first mistake.  Stopped at a silver jellewer.  That spelling doesn't look right but it isn't correcting me so I go with it.  Anyways. Pauline says it and then Darlyne sees it and I look.  A dolphin.  I see a silver dolphin on a chain and one on a chocked.  I want it, but no I don't want it.  You know the wants won out.  Some times the nos win , but not this time.

I am now the proud new owner of another dolphin.  Go figure.

We wandered the market a little more and then headed over to the mall.  Mistake number two.  I am in a buying mood.  The biggest goof I can be when I am in the buying mood.  I see something.  Gotta, gotta have it.  Well it got to be the right kind of something first.  I love the hippy, boho type of clothes.  They are comfy and loose and cool to wear.  And guess what.  There where stores in the mall that had items like this. Mph boy am I in trouble.  I go look anyways.  Normally I go into malls and go to where I want to be and get what I want and then head back out again.  This time a little wandering.    I admit it I am a shopping addict.  Not all the time but it does sneak up on me once in while.  Well today was one of those days.  I did great the other day when I was in west Edmonton mall.  I walked looked at things and then walked onto something else.  But not today.  The other mood hit me.  And it must have been contagious because Pauline and Darlyne where doing the same thing.  It is an epidemic. Well we didn't buy that much but we did do some shopping.  I found some tops I really liked.  Most of them were purple but a couple were in a different colour.

Well I better stop on the shopping.  You know though that is what red hatters do.  Shop and eat desert first.  I did buy some desert in the mall as well.  I am on a roll.  Truly a red hatter now.

Around 3 we had to be back at the bus.  Most of us were on except one lady.  We waited for one person.  Well she made it back and got some roaring applause making to the bus.  Off and moving back to the hotel.  Traffic still great so make it back in no time.  We head up to our rooms and drop off our parcels.  Oh that is cute.  I like that.  We both admire our purchase.  It was such a fun day and I got my shopping dedication out of the way.  Even if I did buy some things at the vendors as well.  Glad I have room in my bug to take these things home.  I guess the bug will loaded a little on the way home too.  A few of Darlyne's things and allot of mine.  So the quilt goes out and new parcels will go in.  Bug will be as packed as when I left.  

After we unloaded our parcels and sorta put them away.  We got dressed for the nights activities.  One octoberfest waitress and one gorgeous East Indian.  Wow I thought Darlyne's outfit suited her well.  She looked great.  Now my outfit not too bad.  Only thing is I very rarely wear shorter dresses.  Well these ones will show my knees.  Which are nobbaly and full of cellulite .  Great.  I hate showing my legs.  They gots to be hidden under something.  The funny thing is I wear shorts that are almost close to short shorts. But when I dress up can't show my legs.  I know I am strange.

We head down to the other end of the building where there is a a great place to get a photo op. Took a couple of pictures and headed for the ball room.  A night of relishes food.  Which included roast beef and mashed potatoes.  Well filling. A few more giftie were given out.  And I got one of them tonight.  Also from the table hosted I got a red hat tea cup.  Which I almost left on the table.  I went back to get it before they cleaned up the tables.  Boy that would have been silly to leave that.  Came back over to Darlyne's table where we sat and talked while the music played away for the dance that night.  First with Pauline for awhile and then with Eleanor and Jan. Into the night.  All about seasoned red hatters to us new by red hatters.  Was a fun night with allot of insight into what we can look forward to..  Talked about the next two conventions coming up and all the fun that is going to go into this one.  I might have even got another order for another quilt.  Oh boy more to keep me going.  Love it.  Just as long as I do not over tax myself I am doing great.

We finally made it back to the room were you know we went right to bed.  I didn't get any blog written or do anything last night.  Just too sleepy.

This morning.  Up early once more to go for another breakfast.  Still brunch would be great. But I can not win everything. So up dressed in pjs for breakfast.  Yeah get out of my usual pjs to go dress in another pair of pjs and go down and have breakfast.  Better though then the ones I was wearing.  I don't think I would go out anywhere in them.  These pjs I wore  had bears on the back.  They said bear bottoms and my top was with a bunch of owls on it.  The saying was Canadian hooters.  I got a few comments on them. Down to breakfast of lots of fruit and then scrambled eggs and bacon.  I am glad I wore the best dress the first night.  I bet it would be a little tight with all the food I have eaten in the last couple of days.  I am a just stuffed.

The last of the gifties were given out.  All the thank yours were done and then it was time to say goodbye.  All gathered around the outside of the room in a big circle and sang a good bye some.  Hugs were given all around and then the fun was done.  Many of the ladies left to catch shuttles and others to pack their cars and head for home.

I have a couple more days before my fun is done.  I will be heading for home tomorrow.  Driving my little bug back over the mountains for home.

This afternoon.  We had a little dinner with Linda and Diane.  Then they went their way and we headed back to the room.  Darlyne got ready to visit with her son for awhile and I headed out and put a few things in the car.  Then drove over and filled with gas.  The last thing for the day is I went to the west Edmonton mall one more time.  Oh I checked out micheals too.  Not much different then ours.  A few different things but nothing that interested me.  I then went to the mall.  Came in through galaxy land headed in to just wander one more time.  It turned to six and the mall started to close.  I walked towards were I got in and the gate was closed. Monday were do I go now to get out.  Walked a little further and finally found a place to get out that was close to the car.  

Back in my hotel room blogging away and checking Facebook.  Had a little snack for supper and then back to the blog.  I know long winded tonight but it included two days of fun, fun, fun.  Will catch you tomorrow night after a long drive on a long and winding road.  Maybe this time I will see some wildlife.  I am going to go down through the park.  Maybe a stop or two along the way.  Time to play tourist again

Talk again tomorrow

Friday, 5 June 2015

Hi all. Another day and more giggles

We were up a little earlier today.  Had a tour to go on.

So once up and ready to leave the room.  Went over to the diner and had another great breakfast.  Way too much food though.  Didn't get to walk it off though.  The pounds will be a comin on here any time soon I know it.  Great I am wearing my dress tonight so I do not need to worry about fitting into it the next night.

After our breakie we head back to hotel and catch up with Pauline who is sitting at the resteraunts talking with a couple of ladies.  Pauline is our queen.  She got in yesterday afternoon.  Hadn't seen her yet so am catching up a little on things back in home town.  

We then gather at the front lobby and wait for the bus.  There are three buses waiting for us to board.  We are going on a river cruise today.  On a paddle wheeler. The weather is just so perfect for it.  Now wind and the sun is shining with a few clouds here and there.

We start out with singing the wheels on the bus go round and round as we board the bus.  Three buses heading to the other side of Edmonton to the saskachewan River.  Um only in Alberta would there be a sask. River.  Just thinking there.  Anyways. We get to the dock.  Three buses unload and a wave of red and purple head down the trail to get to the dock.  Once at the dock we wait for the crew to open the gate so we can get on.  We are the only ones on this boat ride.  No one but red hatters for this trip.  There is about 85 of us going on this little cruise.

The sun is hot and we sit in our chairs in anticipation of the boat leaving dock.  It gets a little warmer and then a little more warmer as we wait.  Finally we head away from the dock.  Water is calm and there is a little breeze to keep us a little cooler.  The food is being served as we make our way down the river.  This is very enjoyable.  A meal out on the apwater on a nice sunny day.  Good conversation and great views of the city.  The sandwiches were huge.  Another big meal for the day.  Oh my gosh. Am I going to fit into that dress tonight.  Suck it in princess it is what you are wearing.  We make the turn to head back up River.  Passing the dock and seeing some of the properties up River instead of down River.  Some very impressive buildings along the river.  The old with the new.  Interesting.

We make another turn to get ourselves heading back to dock.  An easy landing at the dock and then we head back to the buses.

We get on the first bus.  Tell our driver we have to get back to the hotel.  The vendors are opened and we got to get back to do some shopping.  The bling may be all gone by the time we get back there.  Come on drive us back to the hotel.  He finally relinquishes and we are off and back at the hotel in no time.

Well are we going to go drop off our bags or just go over to the vendors.  The vendors won out and we went to lookie loo.  Oh oh not lookie losing anymore. I found a few things I like. A couple of shirts and a pair of pants and a coup,e of facinators.  Okay no more.  I do have to get home yet.  Well maybe just one more look.  Oh oh there is something else I like.  I better stop while I am ahead or behind in my way of thinking.  I am an addict for bling.  What am I going to do with myself.?

I drag myself away from the vendors and head for the room.  I have some things to put always and then get ready for tonight's dinner.  Okay the costume or the pretty dress.  Well I went with the pretty dress.  All gussied up I am and my hat big and blingy.

We head down to the ball room.  Here is were the waiting comes in again.  We are all standing in the hall waiting for the doors to open.  Everyone talking and waiting.  Finally the doors open and in we go. The room is set up beautifully.  Tables on one side and tables on the other.  About fourty tables with eight ladies to each table.  Easy enough to find our tables.  All in order and decorated up with globes as centrepieces.  The bar is in the centre and everyone is lining up to have a taste of the purple passion I think is what it is called.  A special drink for this event.

The meal was ceaser salad and then lasagna and bread.  Wow the plate was just heaped full and you got a stick of garlic bread with it.  Then for desert was a huge piece of cake.  That was a meal and a half.  Enjoyed it emmencely.  Prizes were given out afterwards. Most of the Nevada ladies are taking most of the prizes home.  Well that is for tonight.  Tomorrow night it may be someone else..  After all the thankyous were done and everyone went their own way.  To socialize and meet new friends.

The two of us heade up stairs changed our clothes and then went to soak a bit in the pool.  Oh that water felt so good after wearing a pair of high heal shoes.  Yeah silly me still wears them once in while.

So had no other takers on the pool while we were there.  Too bad.  We left checked out the bar for a minute.  No one around there either and then headed back up to our room.

Today was a great day.  Weather is perfect.  The friendships I am making old and new are great.  And I am having a great time..  Too bad it can't last a little longer but alas I have to go home sometime

Thursday, 4 June 2015

The fun is beginning will be busy for a couple of days now

Oh oh slept in today.  So my bad habits are starting to come back again.  Must have need the sleep though.  Didn't do much turning or anything.   Didn't even notice when Darlyne got up.  

Yeah I have a room mate now.  No she is not sleeping in the tub.  I let her sleep in the bed.  See how generous I am.

So getting up a little late we headed over to have a brunch type breakfast at the diner across the street.  A big plate of food and for a diner it was delish.  Price was very good as well. We were looking at the home made pies. They where bringing out as we where leaving.  Wow they looked so good.  Thought about sitting down and having a piece.  No maybe later.

Well I am happy to say.  I did not make Darlyne walk anywere.  I actually hopped in the car and toured on a couple of streets.  I am not much for city driving but getting the walking tour down yesterday and the day before I have a rough idea of where to go now.    So out in the car we made it to value village first.  I seem a very nice dress there.  Yes colour of purple but I would have to stuff myself in to wear it. Just one size too small for me.  Aw shucks!!!

Our next stop was fabricland.  Oh oh that might have been a mistake, but you know I walked out of there with nothing.  I was looking for remnants and didn't see any.  Well my loss and I am empty handed.

There are two other stores I want to check out but that will have to wait until Sunday.  Saw a micheals and a hobby type shop.  Now I don't know if the hobby shop is models or is it other hobbies.  But if they are opened on Sunday I will probably take a look.  

Our last stop was over at west Edmonton mall.  We split up there and said we would meet back up together in a couple of hours at the skating rink.  So I walked down one side and then back up the other side.  Went down every offshoot and hope I didn't get myself turned around.  Saw the water park, mini golf, the seal show and the Pirates ship.  There was also Galaxy land.  And roller coaster.  I saw this beautiful out fit.  Looked kinda like what you would wear in the hippy era.  Bright colours with bell bottom pants and the top was loose fitting.  It was even in the colour with purple in it.  Perfect.  I just loved it.  Then the sales lady said.  I have one in a small and one in a medium.  Could you see me getting into a medium.  Ug!!  One strike.  Then I looked at the price. Well there is stricken two and three.  299.95.  And it was almost thinking it might be mine until I saw the price tag.  Oh well wasn't meant to be and walked back out.  Some of those bridal shop dresses are gorgeous though.  But what would I need another formal dress for.  I have a few in different types of styles now.  I know but it is not in this style.  Well I wouldn't be buying one anyways but it is sure fun to look at.

I guess I got my walking in today.  The mall did that for me.  So my exercise was done for the day.

Some more ladies have arrived at the hotel now.  Many of them I knew from other places I have been and had to say hi to as many as I could on the way by.  Still the quiet one though and not much for me to say.  Just my big beautiful smile.

It was about 3:00 now.  We come back up and I take a load off my feet for a little while.  We sit in the room and gab a bit while I have my feet up.  It was nice to sit and talk. As the next few days will be a whirlwind of activity.

Around 4:00 we got ourselves gussied up for the pirate dinner.  Go down to the lobby and all these pirates op are waiting for rides to the other hotel. Pictures are taken and many giggles are.  My new saying instead of a gaggle of geese we are a giggle of red and purple.  Na doesn't really sound right.  Got to work on that a bit.

Linda takes us down to the other end of the hotel.  There is a place there were she figures we can get a good picture.  So we all do the pose for her.  Scoot back down to the lobby and head over to another hotel where the dinner is being held.

I drive over to the hotel and notice another car following me.  Every turn I make they make too.  I drive through a parking lot thinking I might be able to get to the hotel without driving around the block and this car keeps follow oping me.  I have a stalker.  Then relize it is another group of pirateters getting to the same place as U.S. And followed us so they knew where they were going.  Well not stalker.

We sign in at the pirate dinner.  I find out my name is not on the list.  Well I did pay for it. Yeah just a missed name and I was put on the list.  Now we look around for a place to sit and there is not many seats left.  So for a little while the two of us are sitting at a smal table all by ourselves.  Well this is going to be a fun table. Then three other ladies join us.  Well the fun just got a whole lot better.

The dinner was allot of different kinds of food.  From Asian to spicy to meat and potatoes.  You could have your choice.  Then desert afterwards.  Another big meal to bring my dress size up. Well I am enjoying anyways.  Food is so good.

After the dinner was over and prizes were given out we headed back to the hotel.  Quick changed out clothes and then went over to the other tower to register for the convention.  Got ourselves a goodie bag full of things that include a hat and pin and some chocolate.  Did I tell you how much I love chocolate.  Went back to the room with my goodie bag and picked up the quilt I had made as a giftie and took it to the registration room.  It was set with the other gifts ready to be given to someone to enjoy for many year.  That is if you can tear it away from carol.  She says it will look so good on her bed.

We came back to the bar and sat down with some ladies from California.  Hobnobbed with them for awhile and low and behold I see jan Lukas across the room.  Over I go and say hi.  I get the biggest greeting I can get from anyone.  Such a beautiful lady and makes you feel like you are special.  I believe she is the special one.  We talk for awhile and she takes her pictures.  I talk with some other ladies for a little while then head back over across the room.  Jan and eleoner are making the rounds and say hi to anyone and everyone.  I say she is a tornado of a person.  Loves people and loves to make more friends wherever she goes.

Night is getting closer and tomorrow we are heading out on a cruise down the saskachewan River.  So will end my blog for the night.  Say good night to you all.  And will have happy sailing in the morning.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

So today was a relaxing day. Well!!! Maybe not so relaxing

I started my day off a little later then I had the past couple of days.  Got up at 8:00 instead of 7:30.  Wow a whole half hour.

Once I got around to eating timmies muffin and cleaning,no up for the day.  I decide that I had a bit of time before my roomie shows up from her flight.  So I decided that maybe I would walk on down to micheals or the hobby store I saw yesterday and maybe take a little look around.  Well I got to walking. Made it up to these stores and then for some reason my mind said to me.  How far do you think it is from here to west Edmonton mall.  I looked down the street saw the bridge down there and said I bet that is where it is. And for some stupid reason I just kept on walking.

Yeah I did another day of putting one foot in front of the other and ended up further in a destination then I was thinking of going..  Well I am here might as well go in and take a small gander.  I am going the next day to take a bigger gander so just a small one today.  I cross the parking lot and head into Sears. Walk down one way and up a set of stairs over another way and then down a set of stairs.  Okay it is a mall.  A big mall at that.  After up and around and over and through.  So much for a small gander at the mall.  I find myself at bourbons street.  Hey Jane said something about being there today to meet up with a few ladies and have some lunch.  So I look to see if they are still around.  It is 12:30 and not sure if they even came today or not.  Then I see them.  I scoot into the resteraunts and say my hi's. There is Jane Eaton, Carol Conrad, Jill Lepeck and another Brenda.  Plus a couple more ladies down at the other end of the table.  Talked for a few minutes and then I said needed to head back to the hotel as Darlyne would be coming in soon and I was going to great her.

As I was about to leave. Carol said she was heading back to her place and was wondering if I would like a ride back.  Well who would be silly enough not to except such a generous ride back to the hotel. That would just be sill to say no and then have to walk back to the hotel telling yourself you are such an ass for saying no.  Carol your ride was much appreciated.  It stop my inner self from telling me all the way back that I was an idiot.

So now I am a little early back at the hotel to wait for Darlyne so I go back outside and take a walk around just a block.  Yeah that is right I go out and walk some more.  Me thinks I should get a better hobby.  One that just pertains to sitting around and just waiting.  Well I could have brought my book down and read for awhile.

Na too easy.  So I grab myself a little snack and then head back to to hotel.  It is close to time now for her shuttle to come in.  As I am sitting in the lobby Carli Rae and her husband walk by.  It takes a couple of minutes before I figure out who it is.  I know this person. Then it comes to me.  So we sit and talk for a couple minutes and Darlyne comes through the front door.  So instead of going up to the room so Darlyne can drop off her bags the three of us talk a little.  And watch other red hatter arriving.  

Carli decides that it is time to go up to her room and meet up with her hubby again.  So we head up to the room and Darlyne puts her things were she wants them.  No I did not take up the whole room with my stuff.  Just talking that I had the whole room full of stuff and no room for her.  She was smiling when she came in   Tired but smiling.

We took a little walk around the block so she could get her bearings.  When we came back into the hotel there were some ladies sitting in the lobby.  We stopped and talked with them and found out they were going to the dinner theatre tonight and there was still some tickets available.  So we went over and got some tickets.  Dinners and a theatre production for half price.  Very nice.

Up to the room for a little while then back down stairs and sat at at the same table with them.  They were from Langley area and flew in on same plane with Darlyne.  

So the meal was delish.  Lots of food on the buffet.  I would have loved to have had more but I do not eat much these days.  I didn't even go for desert.  That is so not me.

The theatre production after wards was cabara.  A bit long in parts but fun to watch.  Now backin our room now and doing my usual internet stuff.  But probably time to get some shuteye.  Got my fresh air today walking around and sleepy time is soon going to catch up with me.
Oh my only picture from today.  I bet this is something you do not see everyday were you live.  He walked past me and I had to look twice before I realized what he was wearing.  I quick got out my camera and snapped a picture before he walked too far ahead of me.  Well only in Edmonton do you see something like this

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

I'm here. When's the party start

Gosh where do I start today.

I woke up early again.  Got to be this fresh mountain air.  I never get up early.  Even if I have to get up.  I enjoy my sleep.

Well after tossing a little bit I decided to get up, have myself a light breaking and get myself on the road.  There are more mountains to see and then to find the turn for the hot springs.  I don't want to miss that.  Packed up all my stuff again and put it back where it belonged, checked the room and then dropped off the key at the front desk.

On the road another day.   Okay I turn left here should get me back out to the main road and on my way.  Next turn will be at pocohauntis.  I know bad spelling.  Anyways   I make a right there and then follow this road back into the bush.  Way back into the bush.  Says it is a twenty to thirty minute drive.  Hmmmm I think that is way back in the bush.  I start going up and up and there are some switchbacks and the road and trees are closer then what they are on the main road.  Oh look a squirrel.  My first wildlife to see.  Around another bend and there is construction going on..  They are tearing up places in the road.  So there is groves road in places with big bumps in them.  You really got to slow down for that.  You just get up to speed and then there is some more grooves..  It is taking forever to get were I want to be.  And trucks and cars come up behind you and would like you to go faster.  So first chance I get I pull over and let them pass.  Oh look another squirrel.  Well two bits of wildlife I have seen.

Finally get to the hot springs.  Okay where do you park.  Or where the heck do you go.  I drive up to the top and nope no parking there unless you are with a handy cap sticker.  So I go back down a couple of levels and find a spot to park down there.  Grab my swimsuit out of my bag and head over to go soak up some mineral water.  Dang I am too early they do not open for another twenty minutes.  You mean I could have sllept for a little while yet. Oh well the drive was nice.

Well when I finally get to go in and change. I like the price.  Towel rental and a couple hours in there.  Not more then ten dollars.  Better then what I paid for the lift the day before. Locker cost a dollar on top of that.  

Time for a soak.  There are four pools there.  Okay talking about the three beats.  One is too hot, one is too cold and e other one is just right.  I went into the just right pool.  I tried the one that was hotter and couldn't stay in it very long..  Went back to the just right pool.  Had to slip out a couple of times to cool off.  I was watching a girl no more then ten.  She would go from one pool to the other. Hop in the too hot pool then run over to the cold pool jump in and then back out again and then back into the warm pool.  She did this so many times.  Well she enjoyed herself anyways.

I was there for a couple of hours.  Back was feeling a little better. I knew it wouldn't last but for now it felt just great. I may have gotten a little sun as well.  That I have to be carful with.  One of the mess I am on makes it so my skin is susceptible to getting sunburnt  real fast.  It happens before.  I was in Panama sitting in the water there and ended up with a blistering burn on my back. So in order for that not to happen again I got to watch how long I stay out in the sun.  I have never been a sun worshiper anyways.

The drive back out seemed allot shorter then going in.  Hey saw some more wild life.  No not another squirrel.  I saw a bear.  He was standing along the side of the road. Chewing on some leaves there.  I was driving slow enough that I did not disturb him.  I tried to get as close as I could with out bothering him.  He took no mind of my car and kept on roughing around in the bushes at the edge of the road.  I lined up my camera.  Had a great shot as I zoomed in and a dang car came up behind me.  Driving a little faster then should be and the bear start to amble back into the woods. Dang and I had such a good shot of him.  Well I got a picture of his back.  Does that count
Well I almost had a picture.  This is my first bear I have seen in the wild and I could not get the good picture I wanted. Dang.

So now back out on highway 16 heading for Edmonton.  A coup,e of hours to go and I am there.  The mountains start to disappear and the land has a rolling feeling to it.  Not so much up and down is extremes anymore.  The highway is straighter and it is just trees along the side of the road.  Oh oh the hot springs has made me a little sleepy and driving a straighter road is not going to be good.  Time to stop get out and do a little walking.  Rest area ahead.  Still another 130 klms to go to get to Edmonton.  A pee break is in order anyways.  Drinking allot of water to keep hydrated.

So the last leg to Edmonton cost me three fingernails.  The closer I got to Edmonton and traffic the more I started on my nails.  Great I don't chew on them often but something was up and I started nibbling.    Bad habit but I do it once in while.  I kept repeating to myself you take this road off highway 16 and then turn onto this road to get to hotel.  Well I didn't miss the first turn and made the second turn without any problem.  Hotel just up ahead.  Now what was I worried about. Well my fingernails say I was nervous.

Alright I am here.  When does the fun start.  Oh heck I have been having allot of fun already..  I finished off my night around here by taking a walk.  I found many many places to eat.  Now what to decide to eat.  Keep walking though and find the place were we are having the pirate dinner.  I also find a bank for me too.  Great will need that sometime this week.  That is after I spend all my available money on vendors.  Then again may not buy anything but what fun is that be.

Now I am back at the room.  Was a bit of a walk.  Wrote my roommate and told her I have moved all my stuff all over the room.  There may be room for her to sleep in the tub.  Na I wouldn't do that to her

Well will see her tomorrow when she flies in.  For now just sit and relax before it gets to hectic here with meeting and enjoying the company of many red hat ladies.

Monday, 1 June 2015

What do I say. How about WOW and just more WOW!

There are really no words to describe what I saw today other then so much OH WOW!

Aw fresh mountain air.  Gets you to sleep at night and up early in the morning.  Or is it just that I am so excited to get on my way that I wake up early.  I woke up around 7:15 this morning.  Tried to roll over and go back to sleep but though I tried did not happen.  I just layed there and kept thinking about my journey today.  

So got myself up and had a muffin for breakie.  Packed up my stuff and lugged my suitcase back down the stairs.  Yeah still now elevator.  Easier taking down then it is taking it up.  You know I should have just did a smart thing and packed a small bag that I could have taken to each hotel room.  That would have been too easy though.  I usually go for the harder way anyways.  Sometimes I am just really a ding dong.  Well maybe next time.  That is if there will be a next time.

So car all packed up again.  My poor bug almost groaned at me I think.  So I did a nice this for her and scrubber her front window. Cleaned off her headlights and did a little on the front hood as well.  My bug is not bugged anymore.  Or at least as not as much as she was.  Gas attendant may not have liked me using the windshield brush to do a bit of the car but I had to get some of the bugs off.  Then I filled up the gas tank and I am off to the races.  Well not really the races.  The speed limit is a little slower then what it was yesterday.  From going 120 on the coquahalla down to 100 on highway 5 and then down to 90 as I hit the Alberta border.  You just seemed like you were going too slow.  Well I am not worried about it.  No hurry to get anywhere.  Just driving and seeing what I can see.

Once I got into Alberta the speed limit went way down..  There was paving going on for a few Klms.  Sure did slow down and bunch up the traffic.  Still not much traffic though.  More they want to pass and be speed demonds then enjoy what is right there in front of you.  I know they have probably saw it a dozen or so times and just want to get from point a to point b.

Well enough about traffic and cars that just want to drive too fast.  Me I just puttered along at the speed limit and enjoyed what was in front of me.  I turned onto highway 5. Headed north until I reached highway 16.  The yellow head highway.  This highway goes from somewhere in Manitoba and goes all the way to prince Rupert on the north west coast of British Columbia.  I turned to go east.  Heading into the pass. The one I talked about last night that I did not want to drive in the dark.  I am only about two and half hours from Jasper so have most of the day to piss around and look and take it all in.

I come around a bend in the road and up ahead of me is this beautiful scene.  The sky is blue, not clouds at all and you just look up and see this mountain ahead of you.   The first thing I say is oh wow!!

I want to stop someplace but not a good part on side of road to do it.  As I come around another bend there is a rest area I can stop at.  But the view is not as good.  So I hope out of the car and walk over to the side of highway. Snap my picture and just look.  I do not think I have ever seem it so clear before.  We have been through this way a few times but I guess just never really looked or it could have been the middle of the night when hubbie was driving and wanting to get someplace.
The first picture is from the rest area.  The second I did stop a little further up on the side of the road.  A so much better picture.  Still I can say WOW!!!

I traveled along the road a little further and came to the mount Robson provincial park.  Pass the stature so far mountain goats on the side of the road and I am in the park.  Sign says not gas stations for 100 Klms.  Good I filled up but I don't think I had to worry about it yet.  Could make it to Jasper no problem before I will be needing gas. Drive a little more down the highway and then come to mount Robson  information area.  Time for another stop.  Sit on my hood of my bug and just take it all in.    I even did a silly thing and took a selfie of myself.  I know silly as I do not do that much.  Well I took one in niagra falls when I was there and this is another wonder to me so I took a selfie of the mountain as well.
I is just gorgeous eh!!!  Talking Canadian here.  Eh!!!

Now you will say I am doing this on my way to red hatting.  No red hat on and no purple shirt.  Well I did put a red bandana on my hat.  The shirt is a nice cool shirt to wear while I am traveling in warm temperatures.  So I have a couple of days yet before I get the red and the purple going.

Well anyways after a while of just enjoying the scenery I check out the gift shops.  Yeah another silly thing I do.  Don't buy anything but look.  Most of the gift shops have the same things anyways with just a couple of other things thrown in, but fun to look at.

Headed down the highway again.  Come to the Alberta border.  And you know a time change.  Didn't notice that though. I made it to Alberta.  Yes!!!  Thought I would be turning around and heading home but no I made it this far.  Having a great time just driving and looking around. Still have not seen any wildlife though.  Something I usually think I should see and never see.  Must all be  hibernating when I go through.   Maybe they don't like my bug.  Well maybe tomorrow I will see them.  Who knows.?

I come to the turn off of Jasper.  But I am not going into Jasper yet.  I am going to go down a little in the park and take a sky tram ride.  Something I said I wanted to do when I said I was driving.  So turn south go across a bridge that has construction on it and then make a right onto a secondary road.  All of a sudden I am driving up and up and up.  And there are motor homes coming down that do not stay on their own side of the road.  I am still driving up.  For about four Klms.   How far up is this going.  Am I on the right road?  I didn't make a wrong turn someplace?  Then I come to the parking lot.  Full of motor homes and cars.  Okay to find a parking spot.  There is one over by the trees.  Well my bug will be in the shade.  I get out and walk over to ticket booth.  Oh my gosh it is 38 dollars to go up on the tram.  I was figuring a little cheaper then that.  Well I guess not.  I came here to go up I am going up.  Gonna go to the top of the world.  Or at least above the tree line.

Pay and get on the next tram.  They go every nine minutes so there is not much of a wait.  Not too many going up right now. So on the tram. We go up and up and just keep going up.  What you can see from here and we are still going up.  You what a great zip line ride this would be going down.  Something I would not try but just to think about.  We then go over a tower and the angle changes a little not too steep.  We still go up more.  Finally come to the platform and get off the tram.  Boy it is good I put on my pants for this.  The wind is just a little more chillie then down below.  We went through four atmospheres is what the guide had said..  There is no trees up here.  But there is still some snow
See the fellow trying to dig out the path so people are not walking off the path. So now you want to go the rest of the way to the summit it is another. Two and half klm walk.  You know it is all uphill too.  So I decide to see how far I can get.  I start walking.  If I can get to the top the view would be so great.  I start walking up, up, up,up. Then it levels out the up, up, up. And then another level out.  I stop.  Breathe, turn around and say what am I doing.  Oh wow look at the view.  Maybe just a little more.  Up, up, up and more up.  I stop again and breathe.  Look around and just love what I am seeing.okay I will try for a little more.  Up, up, up then look up ahead and still see little forms of people up further.  Hell I am not going to make this.  I will go a little further and then probably sit for a few minutes then head myself back down.  It just got steeper with every step I took.  That was enough for me.  I over do it I will be layer up for awhile and not enjoy the funvation coming up.  Well I can say I made it pretty far, but did not make it to the top.  Well I did what I did and I am happy that I did do what I could.  Does that make sense?

So now it is around 2:30. Get back on the tram to go down.  Grab a little bite to eat at the bottom, hop back in the bug and head back down the hill.  Drive into Jasper and take a bit of a walking tour of the shop there.  All start looking the same after awhile.  Tshirts, native ware, statues, and jewelry.  Some of it looks interesting but I don't want to pay the price for it.  I do find something that I might wear to the pj party on Sunday morning.  Kinda cute and yes I bought it.  Maybe I will wear it or maybe I will save it for something else.  Who knows.  It may be a little lighter then what I brought along for the pj party.  I was checking out the resteraunts as I walked down the street.  And down at the end pizza won out.  Got myself a individual pizza. And enjoyed every bite of it.  I can just see the pounds coming on

Hop back in the car make my way down the road and find my hotel for the night.  A reservation I made a long time ago when I decide I was going to drive. I head for my hotel a little further down the road.  Made a reservation through air miles and am sleeping in a room tonight that only cost me 27 dollars.  I like that kind of a price and I used my air miles  to get it.

So now after a day of allot of walking and allot of oh Wow!  I am snuggled in my room.  Resting my legs and yes playing on my iPad.

So talk to you tomorrow,  will be enjoying a hot spring soaking and then head into Edmonton where I sure a heck hope I do not get lost and find the hotel for the funvation.  I am there early but I want to wonder a little and see Edmonton 
Hello down there.  That is Jasper way way way down there.