Up and Adam and moving. Got to get to the venders so you can get the good stuff before anyone else. Well for me I wasn't really looking for anything except another big bad hat. I know you can never have enough stuff but hey. I can always be good for once. Since I bought quite a bit at the quilting tour. I wandered around the venders and looked and looked and hummed and hawed. I tried ona. Few but they just didn't seem to have it for me. There was one on a back table but I couldn't really get to it. So bide my time and hope that the table clears out. Well that wasn't going to happen. So I decided to come back later maybe I would have better luck. That is if that hat was still there.
Just look at all the stuff. Many many purple and red items. So many tables to look at.bling bling everywhere. What the heck to look at first. Well you can't look at much because there is always someone else who wants to look at the same stuff too. No I better be good. No more room to bring something home. But well you know. I might need it for something coming up. No be good, walk away.
Okay so I returned again later in the day. Just couldn't resist another look. The first hat I tried on had too many feathers around the bottom. All I could see was feathers. So that one was out. Then I tried on another from the same vender. It kinda went lopsided and heavy on one side of my head. No it was a very nice hat but just did not fit without falling off. So much for that vender. So I circled and waited. That other hat was still back in the corner. Well I tried it on. Oh oh, I now have another hat. But I should not buy it how do I get it home. Then I was told it looks so good on you. Fits just like it should. That hat is made for you. This was not the vender telling me this but other ladies. The vender said are you going to be sorry if you do not buy it. Do you just love it or is it something that does not suit you. Well I thought for a whole minute. How much. Credit card spoing!!! Heap I did it. And now wonder can I get it home. Yes I can. Like the train says I think I can I think I can I think I can. I will!!!!
I know not very good picture but wait till you see it on me. Well tomorrow I be good and stay away from the venders or I might do something else stupid. Oh yeah I bought a Vegas pin for my hat and a blingy thing I am going to use as a garter with my outfit tomorrow night. Wait till you see my outfit. It is pretty weird I say. But I tried.
Here is the front entrance were registration is. Nice setup display.
After I did a little shopping tried my luck at the slot machines again. Well you know my luck in with a couple of dollars and gone in an instant. At least I stopped sooner then I usually do. I still have a little money in my wallet so I can do things. Well that may be a matter of opinion on how much I am spending on this trip. With the shows and stuff I cost a little more then I usually spend on a trip. But the shows were worth it
So tonight after all the shopping the real fun starts to happen. We get a buffet style meal tonight and then a show afterwards. So I get all gussied up and rob is still in his jeans a tshirt.
Gold fever I dressed for. Well the dress was gold anyways. And a little gold bling.
We head down to the buffet. Decide to get there early enough so we do not have to wait in line. Are there about 4:30 and go straight in. Oh my gosh food valour. Salads, soup, roast beef and ham, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, seafood of shrimp and oysters and sushi, macaroni and noodles. Plenty of deserts to go around. There was no end to the food. Delish it was.
We then wandered around a little bit until it is time for the show. Checking out what is happening around the casino. Not much different then before except that there are allot of red hats out there.
It is now 6:45 and we head upstairs to get in line for the show. Not too many ladies there yet. But a few. Rob says he feels out of place. All these ladies and he is not wearing a red hat. Well I could have let him borrow one of mine. Not on your life mom!!!
The doors open a few minutes later and we find ourself paves at opposite sides of the theatre. Well that is great. So rob heads his way and I head mine. I think I got the two tickets mixed up as he is sitting with my table mates and I am over with ladies I will not be sitting with. Oops! Well ht e theatre fills up. Red and purple in almost every seat. What a sight to see.

I know I know. Pictures a little fuzzy. But you get the gist of it.
All the seats were filled. And now we wait. The show did not start until fifteen minutes late. Once it got started though. Dang was it funny. Every impression he did may have not been bang on but they were good. And he made fun of just about anyone. He tried to tune it down a little as it was a bunch of ladies in the audience. I think he must make it a little more raunchier then what he did. But gosh it was still funny. His name is Gordy Brown. He does the stand up for before Celine Dion goes on when she is touring. He did Clint Eastwood, Sammy Davis jr, jack Nicolas, Robert denaro, frank Sinatra, and many many more finishing off with Elvis. I say it was a great show.
After the show was over getting out of the theatre and finding rob as he was not anywhere I was. He got out before me and was waiting on the outside. Yes he was sitting with my table mates. Oops!!!
So now another day gone by. Had a great day. A little shopping. A little dressing up and a little eating. Tomorrow another great day of fun with the group.
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