This shawl I have been working on for ages.. Knitting, knitting, knitting.. That was the easy part. Just start small and then slowly adding stitches to make it bigger and bigger. Making a triangle. Then add a fringe to the outside of red, purple and white.. Now comes the hard part. Beading. Yeah!!! No pattern to follow just doing by heart. Well I do have a picture to look at to figure out where I should be putting beads. So first I put on the words. One bead at a time. That took a few hours.. I looked at the clock once and seen oh my goodness. It is four o'clock in the morning. Great. I got to get some sleep. I didn't think it was that late. Put down the beads and go to bed. But I only have a little more to do of this. Not put down the beads. Well okay I put down the beads.
Next day I am back at it again.. Um no I had to go to work. Great early shift and no dang sleep. What the hell was I thinking to stay up so late the night before. Well at least it is a short shift. After the short shift I decided to take a break from crafting. Well went shopping instead.

Blingy blingy blingy. I found these beautiful gems and half price to boot. Then into another store and found a pair of shoes to help accent an outfit I have to put together for a convention I am going to. A nice small heal. I can not wear the high heals anymore. Then there was the dress I found. Seventy percent off. Yes!!! Out fit is complete.
Shopping is great but got to keep to my budget. Anyways so now I think I have all I need to be blingy and dressy as well.. Well shopping done and I was back to the grind of crafting. Trying to get caught up on my crafting. I have about three or four projects on the go right now. Knitting and then beading a shawl. Then there was a shawl I was crocheting. Then I have a poncho on the go. Last but not least there is a cross stitch I am working on. All right now piled on my dining room table.
Well I am proud to say. I have the crocheted shawl done
Then I have the poncho finished
Nice picture of me taken in bathroom. Well it does show the poncho.. And from picture above you can see I have finished the beading and painting on the rosé shawl I was working on. That was a couple of very long days of working my butt off. Now I am writing about it. Taking a breather here. I was up late just watching the boob tube and working on my crafts.
Proud of myself. Getting caught up. Still one to go. The cross stitch to work on. Well it will have to sit on my table for a while. It is half done as you can see.
Sometime I should get around to that.
Lets see what else have I been working on. Oh yeah I made a pirate wall hanging
This was sewn all hand sewing. I do not have a sewing machine but thought I could do this. And it was a idea I had so just went with it. This one will be donated to the pirate dinner I am going to.
Well speaking of sewing I decided then I needed a chair backer to cover a chair at a convention so I am able to find my seat again if I get up to go somewhere. Also so no one takes my chair and I don't have one any more.
This is the front and the back.. Along with that I started decorating some hats I have around here.
Just keeping myself busy. Well way too busy. I do love my crafts and it keeps my hands busy. The there is the afghan I made a few months ago
This afghan is going to Vegas with me. It is a donation for a prize at the Vegas convention I am going to.
Well talking of conventions I have one coming up next week. I am excited and chicken all at the same time. I am going on my own. Well I will be traveling with a few other ladies, but yes it is just me going on my own. I said yes I want to go a few months ago and now that it is getting this close I am saying what the hell am I doing. I never venture off on my own. I usually am with someone else(like my hubby) But this is me going with no backup. I am thinking what the hell am I doing.
Well I am going. Paid my money and I am going. Just have to keep my nerve up. My nails will be down to knuckles before I go though.
So today took a bit of a break. Today was an outing. A tea in abbotsford About eighty ladies getting together to enjoy each others company. We where celebrating the members who are over eighty. There were sixteen ladies all ranging from eighty to ninety who love being red hatters.
Me I got all gussied up for it
I clean up pretty good don't you think. I went to this tea and as usual not too much to say. I am a quiet person and it is hard for me to talk with people. I sat and listened to the conversations going on around me. It was a little hot in there. We celebrated and then we had this delicious chocolate cupcake with filling. Donated by thrifty foods.
It was yummy. And a little ring was stuffed in the icing. What a lovely gift. And a rosé too. I brought those home and put them in my scrapbook along with a few pictures I took.
So my day has been spent taking a break from my crafts. Going to a tea and then blogging here tonight. No crafting today. It will keep me up all night and I have to work in the morning. Lovely. I was enjoying my time off. Well it was only two and a half days but it felt like heaven just to sit and craft and do a little shopping.
So over the next four days I am stuck at work. Four days of eight hour shifts. Lovely. Then I am free for seven days. These seven days will be spent in Sacramento. My first funvations. I still don't know what to think. I am still chicken. Everyone is telling me this will be fun. But for me a quiet non talking person who does not socialize very much. Just blogging and facebook. No face to face. Does not dress up very much. Pony tail and track pants are the norm for me to be wearing. I am going to make the best of this. I better because I have signed up for allot more and I am going to all of them. I have made friends on Facebook and do want to meet these ladies in person..
Yeah! But I am still a chicken.
Well that is my last word on the subject. So now you have had my boring interest in my crafting of lately. And of my idea on going to these places. I have to try or I will just kick myself for not trying.
So for the next few days you will get my call on the funvention I am going to. It will be from a quiet and reserved person who is not sure how to have fun. So ladies help me out here, but I think I am a lost cause.
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