Well I did get up on time. When ya got to go ya got to go. Ifen you don't you end up with a real desperate situation. My thing is it is an obstacle course to just get to the washroom in the first place. Let's see I have to untangle myself from the sheets first. All the tossing and turning I do every night just to get comfortable. I lay one way for a bit. Then my hip gets sore. I lay the other way and the other hip starts yelling then I get another way and my arms or hands will fall asleep. I just can't win. After I untangle I have to get by the two dogs that sleep so close and cuddle to help keep me warm. Even if I don't need to be kept warm they insist that I do. One cuddles up at my belly. And the other is in behind my legs. You know they don't seemed to be bothered by the fact that I have to get comfy. They are comfy so who cares about anything else. Hmmm just got thinking. I will be sleeping in a bed with no warmth tonight. The mad dash to the washroom should be a piece of cake. Well if I don't run into anything getting to a washroom in the dark in a hotel room that I don't exactly know my way round. Well one thing is for sure. The sheets will still get me. Unless after all this plane riding today I am so bushed I conk out and don't notice the soreness. Ha that will never happen. The soreness gets me wherever I sleep and tells me all about it. In those big four letter words we are not suppose to use. Do I say words like that. You betcha! But I try to keep them under my breathe. If I say in front of hubby he starts asking what the problem is and then says just live with it. It is with you forever. Ha, some help he is. Mind you I do live with it. Some days worse and other days I can be in heaven. Well I am hoping this next few days I will be in heaven. If not it is going to be a nasty holiday for me.
And my poor puppies have to contend with being at home with hubby. They won't cuddle with him, but I know my pillow will be getting some cuddling while I am away. Will be thinking a bit of febreez on it when I get home. Doggie smell from cuddles is not what I really want to sleep with when I get home. I will think about that later for now just got to think about the comfort I have to have in this plane seat. First ride to Calgary. Not too bad. Was only and hour flight. I sat on one side of the plane. Didn't get a window seat. Something I usually get but did not have enough time between flights to be waiting for others to get out. Well anyways sitting on that side of the plane for some reason my left but cheek started to tell me it was time to stand up. Couldn't do it though. I guess I could have walked the aisles for a minute but it was only a short flight so grin and bare it. No I don't mean bare my but cheek! Just take the bit of tension and hope it doesn't get any worse.
Well I am off the plane in Calgary. They changed the area a little. Go figure I walk the wrong way. Dead end ahead, but the numbers where going up. Had to be at gate 20 and these numbers only got to 6 and then stop. Walk down to the other end, but ends at 1. Okay what am I doing wrong. Then I see it. A doorway and a ramp. Goes up to the main terminal. There it is. I know where I am now. The gate is just up that way. Well at least I hope that has not changed. Yes food court. The gate is just down from there. Well I did find it and a little time left to get a snack and do a washroom break.
I get back to the gate and they are calling to load. What the heck there is an hour yet before they are ready for takeoff. Hmmm you know what? My watch did not change. What is it with clocks and watches. I think they are out to get me. It was good I came back to the gate to eat my snack. I may have missed a second flight. Not batting a hundred here today. Well all swell that ends well. I am in my seat now. A window seat one the other side of the plane. Hoping that I get some sort of view. Just love wat hing out the window as the fields go by below you. The different terrain, roads, lakes and rivers. All,below you. I fascinates me. The odd cloud below drifting by. On my other side is an empty seat. Bonus. Do not need to squish my arms together cause someone else is an armrest hogger. The one none bonus. The plane is not equipped with WIFI. So can not do anything with my iPad except write in it or read. Maybe play a game or two. I would have liked a movie or something. What I really should be doing is catching up on some sleep. Yeas I will probably do that but thought I would get my thoughts down here before I doze off and snore everyone out of the plane.
Butt cheeks are getting sore again. So I guess I will be wiggling for the next couple of hours. Another bonus to not having anyone beside me. I can wiggle and not have someone looking at me like I amdisturbing them to no end. I can be a real pain in the butt sometimes. If I really want to but right now it is my own butt giving me the pain in the butt. So time to stop writing until I get to my room for the night. I wil just wiggle my way to Ontario.
Flight was good. Made it here in one piece. That's great. But my butt cheeks and legs are telling me a different story. Well one thing I can say I did 10000 steps today. My Fitbit went off in the last airport I was at. I think I did a bit of walking. Just to get from one terminal to another. From one gate to another. But now I can just sit back and watch a little tv and write the rest of this blog. Hopefully get it online as internets keeps jumping in and out here. Not the greatest hotel but it will do for the night to put my head down have a good night sleep. Well as good as I am going to get in a strange room.
So I get off the plane and wait for my luggage. Hey both pieces come through. Didn't loose any. Next stop to the car rental place and pick up my car for the week. Wow I got a jeep Cherokee. Lots of room in it. Great steroid system, automatic everything. All except navigation. Dang. I guess we are going to get lost a few times. Well that is part of the adventure I think. Just as long as we do not end up in Manitoba we are doing good. If we get that far I might as well be heading for home. I know Ivy isn't going to like that though. Well she asked for adventure didn't she. Oh yes we will have some fun.
So I get to my hotel. Not the greatest but it will be a place to rest my head for the night. The internet clicks in and out. Send off a message to hubby to say I got here. Got three messages from Ivy or was that two. I sent her back that I made it. She is so excited about this. It makes me feel like when I first started Red hatting. Brings back some of that excitement and laughter. Have had a video chat with another lady and was doing another chat with another lady when my internet went kapoot all together. So hope I am able to get this on in a few minutes before it is gone again.
So guess that is it for the night. Lat you all know I am here and am heading for a good night sleep now. Night all and hatter hugs
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