a sea of red hats

a sea of red hats

Friday, 16 December 2016

From the website of the red hat society

These are the four blogs I had put up on the website for the red hat society this past week.  You see we have a new website.  Thought it was going to be tough to learn a new site after all the years of using the old web site.  After a week it seems pretty straight forward to me.  As I say I am not a techie but this site works good for me.  I got the basics so I am happy.  

Each blog I did on different days.  It isn't going to distinguish when one day blog ends and another starts.  The blog format right now does not know paragraphs.  So each blog I did is a paragraph.  Then the next day I did another and it was one big paragraph as well.  I did my paragraphs bu pt when it was saved and shared the program does not like different paragraphs. 

Anyways just for those red hatters who are not on the site yet and want to get a jist of what it is like.  Read along and enjoy.

Day one on the site:
This website I thought was going to be a little tough to get working on. You know once you get started on it and play a little. You know it is relatively easy. Then again I have been on Facebook for quite awhile and this is something like Facebook. How do I discribe it. Well how about a bunch of pages that share on Facebook. First thing to figure out is ,if you do not want allot of emails coming into your email account, you will have to go to your privacy settings. There say no to allot of questions that tell you about do you want a email if this or do you want an email if you do that. So to save getting allot and yes I mean allot of emails is start saying no to those questions. A tedious thing to do but at least it will save you from deleting over 1000 emails in your personal email. Now your cooking. That was the big thing for me. Now mind you this may not be what you all do to set up your new site to personalize it for yourself. These are just things I have found in my wandering around the site. I am a play and learn type of person. So I looked at a couple of the videos. That got me the gist of what the site was like and then went to playing. There are still things I need to learn on it, but I keep playing little by little and eventually I will figure out what I need to know. So now so far. I have made albums, wrote some post, ask to connect with other ladies, liked and commented on other posts. I started out with putting on some pictures. Then I figured that these pictures are on my news feed and if you are looking for a certain picture that you have to go through all pictures to find this one. So if you make albums for each event or idea you want pictures for. I did an album for an event I had just gone to this past week and added those pictures. then I also made an album that shows ladies in my group. Now this was done on the group page of my chapterettes. Today I took it kinda easy. Too much overload will make it just start running it around in my head over and over and start confusing things. so in the next few days will probably be back at it again. Hopefully Whalen I am feeling a bit better. I could explain allot that I understand so far, but I think if I try to write them down I may just confuses you a little more. I start trying to explain it to myself what I am doing and dang I could confuse myself in no time flats. For now, I understand it so I am not going to confuse myself by trying to say something that is not exactly right. For now just figuring out the blog I have. Seeing whether it is seen by anyone or whether it is something that someone has to look for on my page. Orif it will show up on the news feed of red hat society. Well will see.

Day 2 on the site
Well I tried this afternoon to write this blog. I then tried again tonight. Poof they disappeared. My fault though. Not the web site. I was busy playing around. Exploring the web site. Then hubby said. I need you for a minute. Ha we all know what hubbies mean by a minute. So I set my iPad down and went to help him. I thought for once may only be a minute. Um! No it turned into half an hour. When I came back to my iPad the screen was on screen saver. Iopened back up and poof no more of what I was writing before. Dang I had been writing pretty good today. You know the words that come out when something is missing. Mine is oh s#%t. Yep that is the word. So now am back and trying again. Things I had found out or at least figured out. You write on your own news feed, or put up pictures, the post will show up on the society news feed as well. O you do not need to post it twice so everyone will see it. That simple. You read your news feed you will see the ladies you are connected with who are writing or showing pictures. You read the society news feed you see what everyone is writing who is a member of the society. All comments and all pictures. One thing I am trying to figure is if this blog goes to the society news feed or if it is something that only connected ladies will see. I didn't see my last blog post come up on the society news feed, but wasn't looking that much at the time. Someone had seen it as they commented on it. So a little figuring there. Now if you are writing on a group page. Like the queens page or your chapterettes group page these are private to whom ever is connected to the group page. So if you are writing on a private group page and expect an answer from everyone, you are not going to get an answer except from whomever is connected to group. For instance I put up my smiley car on the sunshine girls group page. It showed up on my newsfeed as I am a member of that group, but it did not show up on the society group page feed because it was a private page. This will be the same with the queens group page, or the ambassadors group page. Now speaking of privacy. You can go to your page and set your privacy to whatever you want. You don't need to get every single email coming in. You do not need to show your birthdate or your address or put up a picture if you do not want. I haven't looked that close yet, but I think you can block someone if you are not comfortable with them. I haven't found anything like that yet, but I will keep looking and see what I can see. Then again. You can not play at all. The problem with that is you are not getting some of the benefits of the red hat society. The other site is now gone and if you want to know what is going on with the society you do have to tune in a little. Forums are threads. There is hatters chatters, how to do something, what is going on someplace. And so on and so on. You can find info here. If you can't find the info there. Start a new forum and ask the question yourself. Everyone will see it and you should be able to get your answer through someone on the thread. These forums will show up of the news feed for the society. So everyone sees who is a member of the society. The group page for the red hat society also has calendars that show all activities that are going on around the world. Now there is calendars on every group page. These are private to your group. They will show on your newsfeed only if you are a member of that group.you can set reminders of when something is coming up in your group. You can put your events into the calendar so that all in your group can see something going on and when and where it is. I haveput the agenda of the next few events that are going on in the next few months for my group. All they have to do is check the calendar of their group and find when and where they are going next. I think it is so organized On my own page I can put on the calendar items I am going to personally. When I leave to go to a convention. My flights and hotel info can be added in. All in one place on my personal calendar. Yes it is private no one else will see what you are doing personally. I think I have put you on overload allot here today. Maybe have helped a few ladies who are asking questions. Maybe confused some others. I am having fun with this site. Everything is all in one place where you can add and talk to everyone. Connect with someone you have not seen in awhile. Or just keep a little bit closer to home and do the basics. The reason I am doing this blog is so I can keep my mind remembering. I write about the society. I write about what I am doing. You have probably seen some of my writing over on Facebook. I can share this blog over there as well. I discovered that today. Now how I did it I am not sure, but I will find it again. My life gets full of fibro brain fog once in while. Makes it hard to remember some simple things. So if I can read back on what I write it will bring back something that is lost in the fog right then. So this is more personable to me, but I love to share. It may help someone or it may confuses them a little more. Depending on what they are looking for. I learn the basics by playing. The videos to me are like being in school and after a bit I start to tune out the teacher. I am a hands on type person. I play, make my mistakes learn from them and start over and try again. So whichever way you learn. Try the web site a few times and get to know the basics at least. That way you will at least know what is happening at hatquarters.

Day 3 on the site
I changed from my I pad to my Mac book today. I guess eyesight is getting that bad. No, I just keep thinking there should be something else there and i am not seeing it. I tried many times yesterday to figure out how to get a picture onto my group page. yYes I could say. I might have used a word that other refined ladies are using now. That F word. Oh now don't go thinking it is a bad word and Brenda ow could you say that. the word actually is frustration. LOL!!! Got cha there. For the life of me I just couldn't seem to ee the things that Emily and Joann where talking about. Just add this to here and drag it across to here and voila you have it. Hump! that is easier said then done. I must need new glasses cause i just can't see it. So the next best thing. I got a bigger screen. If that didn't work I was moving to the office and using the big computer. Well i tried my Macbook an see what happens. MY IPAd is going to be so lonely without me. It seems to be a regular part of my hand. you know though on a cool winter day having this Mac sitting on y lap is nice and warm. There is one good thing about it.My fingers can warm up anytime just by putting them under my laptop for a few minutes. I know you don't want to hear about my cold fingers So after starting out the day on my IPad i moved over to a bigger computer. The layout is a little different. Not much, but yes if you have been working on only one thing it will look a little different. It looks more like the videos instead. that is where iI was having the problem. there is not a button for that. Or if I push or tap on this thing it just goes someplace else instead of where it was suppose to go. I had been going round and round and never got to the middle where I wanted to be. There is where my f word starting coming into play. Oh no not the F word you are thinking of. My, my would I say something like that. Well, sometimes I think yes, the word of the day is frustration. yep! frustration. You go round and round see the same things over and over again.Then you think it is time to leave for awhile. Now mind you all iI was trying to do was get a picture up on my group page. For some reason Joann could do it, but this duffuss sitting right here could not put the right swing on it and get it done. Yeah I said duffuss. I am not a techie. I do not claim to be a Techie. I just play until somehow I get it right or ruin the whole dang thing. So far have not ruined the whole dang thing though. I can say i am pretty proud of myself. I actually know what I am doing. The duffuss is getting the hang of it. I now have a picture on both of my group pages. The Darling Dahlias AKA the Double Dee's and the Adventurous and Crafty Diamonds.OH the second group you will not find under that name. I had changed it before the other web site was taken down. The name change was excepted, but low and behold the Daring Bling-a-lings still reigns as my chapter name. Now unless I can change it on here someplace, would hat quarters be nice enough to do this little favour for me and change it. When you are not too busy. Ha that ain't gonna be for awhile. Back on track. I could see the screen I could play at things that would not cooperate on my iPad. I prevailed and yes I now have pictures up on my group pages. I have a bit of a clue how i did it, but to explain it with out looking at what anyone is doing. I haven't got a clue how I did it. Thats my story and I am sticking to it. oh by the way I have not been checking the notices most of the day. I look at them once in while, but it is always the same thing over and over again. someone likes and then comments. then someone else likes the comment and makes there own comment. It just keeps going back to the same posts over and over with just another sentence added onto the the. So i just look in once in while to see if anyone new is on there that I can welcome. Or if something was said about something I posted. I am not trying to be rude and ignore everyone, but it is just after awhile all the liking and comments for the same thing get tiresome. I may go down the ranks and am not worried about it, but I would really like to learn the site before my chapterettes start signing in and asking questions I really don't know yet. I will like what interests me and it doesn't mean I don't like something if I don't like. it cuts down on the notifications I get. So everyone play as you like. Me I am just slowing down little and doing a little more learning. I am having more fun just accomplishing something new on here right now then liking every little thing. Like I said a minute ago. Thats my story and I am sticking to it. Enjoy your night. I am still playing but in little bits and pieces. I accomplished what I have been trying to do. I am happy now. Time to explore something else.

Day four on the site

I haven't been on here much today. Hubbie dragged me out cause he wanted company. Yeah! Sounds like so much fun. He had to go to the welding place and get another tank. I had to go along for that? We didn't do anything else. Just drive over to Abbotsford. Get a new tank and then drive home. Ha, he needed company for that. Well we got a butprger on the way home. At least I didn't need to cook lunch. Well it wasn't all a waist of my day. He is home until after Christmas. He is on his 18 day stretch off. Driving me nuts is what he is doing. No crafting getting done. No catching up on my recorded tv shows. No can really do anything as if I leave the room for something he asked where I am going or what I am doing. Okay did I tell you he is driving me batty. Yeah yeah! I complain about him allot, so you may hear it once in while. I don't mean to put my complaints on here they just happen to end up at the end of my fingers and boom there they are on the page I am writing. I will stop my complaining now. This is why I joined the red hat society. To be able to have a life that is my own and not all my hubby. Even if this is what he thinks. I need my time. Well I got a little of my time here tonight. He went to bed a little early. Aw quiet in the house. Just me and the dog snuggling on the couch and watching the lights twinkle on the tree. No dumb history channel reality fix em up tv shows. Now down to a little business. The web site as it stands to me. Well at least what I understand about it. Still not an expert, but I have learned a few things. There are only a few ladies that have popped onto the site and given it a try in this area. Was thinking that maybe in the new year could see if I could get a few queens together or anyone who wishes help with the site. We could set up at a internet place log in to pgether and do a little bit of firsts try this before you delve all the way in. First thing though is to watch the videos so they have half an idea of what to do without being freaked out. Really if I can do it so can you. I am a duffuss when it comes to techie and this for some reason came to me very easily. Mind you I did have a few pitfalls, but worked my way around them and have prevailed. Dang proud of myself too. I put pictures on my group wall welcoming page. Took me a allot of the day and a changing to my laptop instead of my iPad. Eyes were getting dreary and figured bigger printing was in the works for me for a bit. You know the page is set a little different on the iPad then it is on the laptop. I found that out yesterday. Made it much easier to see and it looks more like the videos. Then I have a haleyluya there is the thingamabob I was looking for at the top of that dohicky by the toggle. Yeah told you I wasn't a techie. These are my laywomens terms. I just hope these videos stay around. For new ladies joining up afterwards or as a refresher for someone who may be having a brain fart on something. Excuses the language. I do have a few of them I use. Anyways going around the site tonight I was noticing allot of ladies asking if I write here do they see it everywhere. Or am I just writing on my wall where no one will see it. How do I do this. I can't seem to do this to talk to someone. So just a little rundown and maybe this will get rid of some of the seriousness that is popping up right now. You sign in after you have set your profile and made all emails go away. You are comfortable with the site but not just too sure about things yet. 1. The red hat society group page everyone is a member of that. So anyone who write on a blog, forum or on the wall everyone will see. It will go to your notifications, but I do not think it is copied to your wall unless you are connected with this person. 2. You write on your wall it will go to anyone's wall you are connected with. 3. You write on someone else's wall it is seen on anyone's wall you are connected with. Or if they are not connected with the person you are writing to there will be a notice on their wall that you did write on someone else's wall. Hope that makes sense. If I write on bobbie's wall and you are not connected with Bobbie but are connected with me you will see on your wall that I had written something on Bobbie's wall, but do not know what it is, unless you go to Bobbie's wall and look. In this same mode if I write on Bobbie's wall and you are connected to me and Bobbie answers me back you will see that Bobbie's comment. This will only put her on your wall because she commented to my comment. 4. Group pages are private to whomever is in that group. Now for the queens group page you will see any queens comment from the group when they are commenting on there. You will see it on on your wall as you are a member of that group. So only queens can see the comment, blogs and forums of the queens group. It is the same with the ambassadors group page. Only ambassadors can see comments on their own wall and the ambassadors group page as they are ambassadors. So it is private to the ambassadors. 5. If you want something private written to just one person send them a message. They can send you a message back. You think if you are writing on their wall that you are sending them a private message about something. That something is going to get around real fast cause everyone connected to you is gonna see it. 6. You want to talk to everyone go to the society group page and talk your life away. You want to talk to people you are connected to write on your own page and the connected ladies will talk back to you in their posts. If you just want to talk to your group put it on your group new feed page. 7 oh you do not need to connect with everyone who comes on the society site. Just connect with who you want to connect with. They are your group of friends from near and far. If you want to talk to everyone then just use the society group page. The connection is there so you can talk to ladies you have met at conventions or group meetings or in just being out and about. Just like on Facebook. You don't connect with everyone there do you? If you do you are sure looking for allot of friends, but the thing is none of them are close are they? I have a few connections now of ladies who I have met before on Facebook and in person at conventions. From US across the country. I Am waiting for the new year when ladies from British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Alberta start playing on the sight. That is where I have met most of my friends. That is because this is where I have done most of my red hatting, but have been to conventions in the States were I have met some very lovely and fun loving ladies. Now just a little tidbit. If you have been on Facebook you can do this site. Each group page has a news feed like Facebook. You add pictures, you make post and you make comments. The same with your own page. There is a news feed there where you make post, add picture and albums, and you can make comments to other post that show on your news feed. It is fun playing with others. Just don't get carried away that you have to comment on everything or like everything. It just keeps showing that you have so many notifications and you just keep getting the same post over and over again with another like or another post added on. Have fun, but please I look at my notifications and just seems like I am seeing this again and again. You like it like it or just pass it by. You want to comment go ahead, but don't think you have to like or comment because it is there. No one is going to disappointed because one person did not make ten likes on it. Have fun with the site. Play around. Post, Like and comment, but enjoy, don't think it has to be done because everyone else is.the site is informative. It is helping us all to connect with each other and with hatquarters. It is fun. When you are ready give it a try. It doesn't have to be done today. It.doesn't have to be done tomorrow. Whenever the mood strikes you. If you have a problem. Hatquarters is there for you. Well after the holidays are over mind you. There are also a few ladies out there who have become good enough to help with some answers. Don't be afraid to ask. We are all in this together. Sisterhood at its best. Love ya. Have a good night . 
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Sunday, 4 December 2016

Well I think this adventure is worth a bit of a write-up

Last night I just stroked something off my bucket list.  Well this really isn't on my bucket list but I took a chance and I did it.

I drove to downtown Vancouver.  I know now you just laugh at me.  Well the chicken shit that I am, this is a big step for me.  Yeah, yeah you are still laughing at me.

Had a get together last night at Canada place.  It was just our group and a few extras to fill the trolley.  Lyn planned a night out for us.  A Christmas karaoke trolley ride.  Now you say what the heck.  Well you know a tourist trolley ride and since it is around Christmas we filled the trolley with music..  off key music mind you.  I will get to that later.

So for days before I looked at the map on google maps.  I said well I can get there if I can find the sky train in Surrey.  But how the heck do I get to sky train.  There is parking over by Scott road station, but it looks like it is not an easy thing to get to.  I do not know Surrey all that well to be able to drive over there.  Could go to langley park and ride.  That would take us from the the bus to the sky train and then ripped down town.  You know that may take forever too.  So I studied the map some more.  There is parking right down at Canada place where we want to be.  Do you think I could do it.  Parking price might be hell but if I just take this way in.  And turn off here and then around this loop and parking should be in that area there.  It can't be that hard.  Just the traffic and if it is raining the lights on my car are not that bright.  You know I hate driving, but yes I am going to do it that way.

Loa is going with me.  So I email off to her and tell her my plans.  I bet she is dang skeptical right now with what I am thinking.  You know she goes along with what ever I plan to do.  O boy she may be in for a ride of her life.  So around four I head down town and get a bit of gas.  I know I probably have enough but just to be on the safe side if I get lost and am driving around Vancouver all night.  I circles as well.  Yeah I look at the bad side toeverything.  Hey it is an adventure for me.  Just taking Loa along for the ride. She has to be thinking a few things as well, but she was game to try.

So pick up Loa and we are on our way.  Yep traffic is still busy.  I get us to Coquitlam and then ask.  Okay do I go Mary hill bypass to number one and the get off at 1st avenue to main.  Or do I do hasting street to main.  Got to get in the right lane for what way I want to go.  Loa says you are driving so decide.  Well number one will be full of traffic.  Okay I am going Hastings.  Once we got through Port Moody traffic was great.  Good choice.  Burnaby was a little more busy but not heavy traffic.  The rain came on and off.  Wondered if my wiper would stick under the corner of hood and not work.  You see the person that did service for me and changed my wipers.  He put a longer wiper on my right side wiper.  So once in while would stick under the lip of my hood and then not come back up.  I would have to get out unhook it and it would work again.  Anyways the wiper stayed working.  Thank goodness for that.  I don't want to try stopping in traffic to fix that.

I am going off course here aren't I?  I found Main Street (with help from Loa,  she knows some of the streets around here). Right on main and the follow it over to riverfront.  Turn right on river front.  There should be some parking just up on the right and then some more on the left.  The parking on the right was for a heleport.  So figured should not park there.  So now looking for the parking on left side.  Two parking lots coming up.  Oh they are for residence.  Hmmm that doesn't work.  Oh a little further up there is another on the left.  Great and place for the car to be.  Parking only $7.50. Hey that's not bad.  So driving around the parking garage to find a spot that does not say reserved.  Found one for small compact car only.  Yay!  A spot.

Next,  where is Canada place from here?  We are in the garage and do not see a way to get to ground level.  Being me I walk out through the garage door.  Find ourselves on a street we're there is no sidewalk.  I don't think Loa is too impressed as I start walking up the side of the street to get up one level.  Not a safe acted to do.  And dang it is a bit slippery too.  I know should have went back in and found a different way up, but I was so close to next level up now.  I am a doofus sometimes and I take others with me.  Dumb, dumb!

Now up on main level.  We should just have to walk down this street a bit this way and should come to Canada place.  We are at the cactus club now.  It can't be far.  Well at least there are sidewalks.  Finally see the lights of the sails.  We are here.  Now what trolley are we to be on.  They are all loaded up already.  Hey we are still on time.  It is not 6:30 yet.  Just twenty after.  I know we where to meet at 6:15.  Just five minutes late for that.  Well we did make it.

Onto the trolley and jibs about being slow.  Last ones to board and we are on our way.  We where all welcomed on board and off we went.  Music playing and a few off key singers, some louder singers and some singers who should not have the mic at all.  But it was fun.  

First stop and out for a wander.  Raining of course.we stopped in Stanley park to see the firefighters display.  The Santa train leaves from here but we didn't have time for a ride.  The display was great.  Fireman santas coming down ropes.  Oh my how to get the lights up that high and so many in the trees.  A little slippery walking aroun, but the display was great to see.  Rain let up a little for us to enjoy.

Back on the trolley.  More off key singing as we made our way through Vancouver.  Next stop Vandusen gardens.  Have never been here before.  It is huge.  Aw!  The rain has stopped for a bit.  This will be a nice walk around.   The gardens were lit up beautifully.  There was even a light show that goes on to the music.  There was elves walking around to get you pr picture taken with.  Santa was even posing for a few shots.  I even got Loa on the merry-go-round.  As we got closer to the front entrance again we had ourselves and hot apple cider.  A down pour erupted and was so glad we were under shelter then.  Enjoyed the hot cider and dang was it hot.  I burned me poor tounge.  No more singing for me.  The rain let up enough for us to get back to the main building and wait for the trolley.

One the trolley again.  Heading back to Canada place.  More off key singers, but yes they were having a great time.  

Back at Canada place and headed back to the car.  Took and easier way back to car.  Yes Loa found an elevator to take us down one level.  Aw!  Much better.  After we paid for our parking we were on the road again.    Let's see a right here and then we take a left and then should be able to make a left onto.  Um. No left turn.  Well that is a bummer.  No left turn on the next three streets.  I guess we are going up to 1st ave.  yay can make a left there.  Out to highway one we go.  Traffic not too bad and the rain has let up.  Nice!  Onto highway one and easy peasy traffic on the highway.  A few stupid drivers but not bad.  Over the port man bridge and onto Abbotsford. Very easy drive home.

So my adventure.  My first time driving into Vancouver.  I was not thrilled to think about it but I did it.  We actually did cheaper this way the going on sky train.  I didn't get lost.  I didn't scare anyone.  Dang proud of myself.  Will I do it again?  Well!!!  That might be a maybe.  Depends on the circumstances I guess.

When I got home. I saw a message from Angela asking were we where.  Well I told her I was at home enjoying a bite to eat before I go to bed. I guess she got a laugh out of that. Just answered  her four hours later then I should have.  We were just 5 minutes late.  We didn't miss out..  had a great time and I marked something off a list of something I really didn't want to do.  Now if this was during the day and allot more traffic that might have been a different story.

Well until next time.  Talk to you again.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Oh boy I am bushed

Gosh don't know what to say today..  Well I had a great time and met some new friends

I am so bushed right now.  So not gonna be putting too much more down today.  I think the minute I out my head down I will be out.

This morning another early morning for me..  I think if maybe I went to bed a little earlier I might be better.  But mostly I think it is just the time change.

This morning was pirate day for us red hatters.  Another idea that has been building for a few years. Started out with a couple of guys who go out and do sports together.  One day they started talking pirate and goofed around at it a few times.  It started to catch on and they decided that there should be an official day for talk like a pirate.  The day was finally decided on and we now have official talk like a pirate day.  It is September 19th.

Well the red hat ladies decided to get in on the action as well.on September 19th there is allot of events going on throughout the red hat society.  There are groups that I know of.  One that has an event at the international convention.  That one is wenches gone wild.  There is another group in Abbotsford.  Hosted busy Elizabeth Wesley.  Her official branch is roaming red wenches.  Down around louisiana there is Yo-Ho.  I have participated in these groups at one time or another.  There are many other groups around the country that enjoy a day of pirateing and pillaging.  Well mostly  chocolate dubloms though and showing off there finest pirate wear.

There are wenches, Pirates, and the lowly deckhand.  So many different costumes you can see and so many different ideas you can come up with.  I saw so many different ideas this morning. At breakfast.  It was such a great morning..  Well the whole weekend was just great.  So much laughter and fun

Yes though now I am bushed. May have to start rethinking my conventions.  I love going but I am so tired now because of health issues that I wonder whether I should be going or not.  With yesterday's little bit of a vertigo attack.  What if it had been more and I was down in the states?  I have some rethinking to do.  But dang I love going to these.  It is one of the places I can get none stop laughter and love. The ladies are getting to know me and know I am quiet.  They except me for what I am.

So some brainstorming I will be doing. Well I will see.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Last full day of convention

Well it is soon time to say goodbye again.  Head on our way back home to the quiet where giggles only happen once in while.  Not every two or three minutes..  The ladies at our table tonight were so much fun.  Even got this quiet one laughing away.  That does not happen too often.  Felt so good.

This morning I woke up around 6:30 said to myself I don't need to be up this early and rolled over hoping I would not fall too deeply into sleep again.  Well I guess I did.  Next thing I know it is 7:30.  Dang I am suppose to be down stairs in half and hour.  Got to get cracking and get my butt in gear.  Jan calls a couple of minutes later to make sure I am up.  She knows I am not a morning person.

I scoot down stairs and lay onsie and my bunnie slippers.  Most comfortable shoes I have on all weekend.  Bunnie slippers.  Breakfast is buffet style. Oh my so much food.  After we are finished eating a few more prizes are given away and the a lady with pigtails and a pink hat comes in.  Talks about her great auntie and how she loves the red hat society.  Mind you in a very squeakie voice.  She then goes around to tables and tells ladies their fortunes.  The room starts to clear after awhile.  I head up stairs to get out of a very warm pair of pjs.  I guess fleece is just a tad warm.  I get into something a little more comfy and then close my eyes for awhile.  Umm yeah I went to sleep heavy again.  Ended up waking up about a half hour before the tea this afternoon.  Great gonna be close to being late again.

The tea was a bit fancy.  I might have been a little over the top but I like dressing up when I can.  Blingy necklace and the earrings were just a bit heavy.  At least I didn't loose one as they kept coming close to the end coming off a couple of times.  Tea was biscuits and cookies and a dollop of whip cream to dunk the cookies into.  Coffee and tea as well.  Seth Green showed up in the room and started talking with some of the ladies.  He was doing a show in Winnipeg and maybe part of our red hat group may be on tv.

Jan said I should get a henna done.  Okay who is henna.  Yes I know what henna is.  I was trying to make a joke and it didn't go over.  She said come with me.  So over to the other room and we both signed up to get henna done on our hands.  Some of the designs she had done so far really where good.  She did the henna and then she took some sparkle and sprayed it onto the henna.  To give it a red and purple colouring.  I had flowers and a butterfly done.  It looked great well that was until I had to get dressed for the gala tonight.

When I got up from the henna being done I started feeling alittle tipsy.  Oh great I hope a vertigo attack does not come on.  I do not need to be lying on the floor not able to get up as I can not stand up straight.  Not a pretty sight that is.  I look like a drunken sailor.  Well if it happens tomorrow I will be a drinkin pirate.  Great.

I headed back up to the room.  A lay down was defineatly in order for me.  When this happens and it gets worse I am cooked for awhile and may have to miss the gala.  Well what will be will be.  Yep the room started to spin a bit.  It wasn't too bad but yes the room was doing a little spinning.  I took one of my medications for this.  Did the exercise that is suppose to help and then put my head down for awhile and closed my eyes. I am not sure is it was the smell of the henna or just getting up too fast from her chair or if I just turned my head too fast that brought it on.  The excercise and meds had seemed to do the trick.  The room stopped is little jumping around and I could stand up again..  Halayluya with enough time to make the gala tonight with out any problems.

I put on my fancy dress and my bling and went down and enjoyed the night emencely.  The table I was at was full of laughter and fun. Always something strange being talked about.  The giggles were coming on oh so often.  We had a plated dinner with so much food.  Desert I snuck two of, but I was bad and did not finish my main course though.  Bad bad I was.

 There was a couple of skits done by different ladies and then Dolly Parton came in to do a song.  No no not the real Dolly Parton, just one of the ladies doing karaoke. The rest of the gifties were given out. You know they had some real nice items as gifties.  There was three diamond bracelets, blingy shoes, decorated hat and jewelry.

I know not going into detail as much as I usually do.  I think the conventions are starting to be a little much for me.  I end up sleeping during the day instead of down stairs visiting with ladies.  One day my back is sore as heck and today am a bit ditzy..  I come up to the room to change and end up sleeping.well I guess my body is telling me I am doing more then I should be.  Well we should eventually get it right and agree on something.  I want to play, but I do have to slow down as well.  Being sick is sometimes not that fun.

Anyways yes I should go to sleep here soon.  One more early morning coming up for me.  Tomorrow is pirate day in the ball room and then we say our goodbyes to everyone.

So goodnight to all

Friday, 23 September 2016

Today the fun really started. Well after I had a nap anyways

I woke up this morning at 9:30.  Grabbed my iPad and was looking at Facebook.  Yeah, yeah I am addicted.  Anyways the first thing I see is messages from 7:00 ,which to me is 5:00.  We are going for breakfast in a little while you want to join us.  Well dang I missed that by a couple of hours. Guess I will have to have to play by myself for awhile.  

I got up ate a muffin I had in the room and finished off getting ready for the day.  The sun is shining outside so it should be a good day to walk a little.  Not going to walk allot as I might have overdid it yesterday.  Go figure.

By the time I get down to the lobby they are taking registration.  So I get myself done with registration talk with a few ladies around the lobby and of course take a few pictures.  Not very often without my camera.  I don't take the best of pictures but I do get the jest of what is going on around me. After a little while I take my package upstairs to my room and then head over to the mall to grab some more of my caffiene fix. I walk around the mall for a little while.  Just to get a few steps in without hurting my feet too much.  I already did a little damage to a toe or two with big blisters now.  As long as they slowly go down and do not burst I am doing good.  They ain't going to look good with open toed shoes tomorrow night though.  Well will be under a long dress so no one will see them.  I just say I messed up with nail polish and couldn't get it off.  No that ain't gonna work.  It won't be seen anyways. The dress is too big at the bottom my feet will be lost in crimolyne. 

Well at least I did a few steps today.  Came out to allot less then I did the night before.  I guess I made my usual which is about 6700 or so.  Good enough for me for now.  Back at the room as no one is in the lobby.  I turn on the tv for some noise sit down on the bed and the next thing I know it is two hours later and I have just had a nap.  Went right to sleep.  Guess it was something I needed.  I usually don't go to sleep that fast.  Look at the clock.  Oh dang it is soon time to go down for dinner. The doors open at 5:30

I change into my purple coveralls and put on my hat and head downstairs.  Ladies in red and purple are waiting in the lobby to head into the room..  Everyone is talking with everyone.  Treating new friends and old.  I talk with a few of them.  Yes the quiet one I am actually talking to someone I don't know yet.  I am getting better.  I see a lady I have met before.  Give her a hug and she says. I should know you but I can't place you.  She walked up to me later and said.  I know who you are and where I met you.  You were in Edmonton.  The person who had the two bears on your butt at the pj breakfast.  Gee what a way to be remembered by my butt. And it is not even a great looking butt.  Just too funny I think!  Well I did give you a laugh too.

Missing all of Jan's text and emails today.  I missed some more.  She was asking if I wanted to sit with her.  Well napping I missed her messages. I still did end up sitting with her and five South Dakota ladies.  Was a fun night.  The meal was all red neck type food.  Fried chicken, French fries, corn on the cob and pumpkin and apple pie.  Oh and corn bread.  So moist corn bread.  Something I could eat without having to drink allot to get it down.  When you have trouble swallowing you have to find foods that are easy going down.  The corn bread hit the spot just right.  But then so did the pumpkin pie.

A DJ played music most of the night. Ladies were up dancing and having a good time.  Everyone was having a great time.  The food was great and lots of it.  I was stuffed.  But that was because I made a trip to the desert table.  You know should have gone ther first I love desert allot more then the main meal. But got to play nice.

Part way through the night the hosts uncovered three tables at the back of the room.  These tables were a free for all.  Lots of hats and clothing and shoes and eccessories were on these tables.  Donated by some red hat ladies. The tables were full of goodies.  We all got to go up to these tables and pick out a coupe of things to take home with us.  There was so much to choose from. I saw some of the items that were brought back to our table by ladies.  Some nice things.  What a really nice idea.

I didn't find anything but I kinda went up after it was all picked over.  Better chance of looking then when everyone was up there.  Not worried about it.  It would have been something else I would have had to pack home with me. So no worry to me if I didn't find anything.

Around 9:30 the room started to clear out for the night.  Allot would have traveled today so going back to room to catch up on travel sleep.  Some may still be partying down there.  For me don't know. My back was giving me a bit of trouble so here I am up in my room playing on my blog and watching the boob tube.  Well at least I found some new shows tonight instead of reruns.

Oooops. Just looked at the time.  If I have to get up for 8:00 down in the ball room I better put my butt to bed..  Night net.  Talk again tomorrow night

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Wow what a day

Woke up every couple of hours last night.  Is it time to get up.  Heck no time for more sleep. Finally around 8:30 I rolled myself out of bed.    Am I ready for this day?  Well you gonna do this you gonna do this.  Now which way do I walk .  Okay let head to the forks and the river.  

I have good intentions I go down to the desk ask if a bus does go down town or do I have to change buses.  They say it is easy and the price is 2.65.  Okay my good intentions are I am going to take the bus down town.  Look at all the things I have circled on a map.  Enjoy my day there and then take the bus back.

Ha that didn't last long.  I start walking towards the bus stop and then say to myself well walk to the next stop as it is better then waiting for a bus.  It is a beautiful day anyways.  Enjoy the bit of a walk to the next stop.  Well the thing is I never did stop at that bus stop.i just kept walking.  Something I do when I am enjoying the day.  No ups and downs and the weather is great for walking.  Not too hot and sticky, not going to rain.so the dumb, dumb in me just kept walking.

I knew were I was going and if I head in the wrong direction have a map in my purse to put me back in the right place.  Well as long as I don't go off the map that I have.

I turn off portage street and go on Broadway.  I decided I stay on highway 1 it will get me to my first stop.  I love looking down the smaller cross roads.  They are all tree lined with huge elm trees.  Makes a canopy over the street.  Old growth and old houses.  Just spectacular.  You never really notice this kind of ambiance when you are driving in a car or riding a bus.  You can look at things and not worry about traffic behind you. A bus you don't see much as someone else is always in the way of what you want to look at.

Anyways yes I am still walking.  Been doing this for about an hour.  One foot in front of the other.  At least it is not up and down hills like I do at home or larger hills like I did in San Francisco.  That was a walk and a half.  I finally come the the legislation building.  Wow!!!  Very impressive.  Stone Mason's must have been very busy to build this.  There are carvings in the stone.  A dome in the centre with a golden boy on the top.  I took a walk inside.  Have to go through a security check before you can go wandering around. Then you walk inside.  Looks brass and stone and marble.  Just beautiful. The stairway up to the second floor.  It is defiantly a grand stairway.  Two Buffalo on each side of the stairway..  You walk to the back and there is a tables set in a circle around an opening.  You look down through the opening and see a star on the floor.  You look up and see a painted dome above.  As you wander around the building you notice all the stonework, the statues and the workmanship to put this building together.

I finally leave the building and head further down Broadway towards the river.  Construction and traffic, but what I also notice is allot of food trucks.  Parked every few feet selling something different.  Ooooo! Yum!  Yep still walking towards the river.  I come across Carlton street.  There is suppose to be a burned cathedral on that street.  I am not sure where but if I walk a little ways down might see it.  Well I did see an older church.  Don't think it was the cathedral but the church was something nice to take a picture of. Decide to head back to Broadway and keep going.  At the end of Broadway I come to the train station.  One of the hubs of the area.  I walk through the station and out the other side.  I see the museum of huma right.  Now there is a modern building.  To me looks like an ice cream cone.  Different layers piled on top of others and a tower on top.i like the building but was not interested in going inside..  Walk a little further down the path and come to a walking bridge that goes over the red river and into the French quarter.  I could walk along the river walk on this side or I can venture a little into the French quarter or I could turn around and head over to the forks market, which is where I wanted to go.  Well the market was were I went.   I got a couple of pictures of the church top in the French quarter but didn't venture much further.  Was getting too far away from to hotel as it was.  So back over the bridge I went.  There is an outcropping on this bridge.  It is a resteraunt over the water.  That is different. Walked through the waterfront park over to the market.

The forks market.  Boy are there allot of interesting things in there.  From food to articians to clothing.three floors of it and a tower you can climb stairs to get up or an elevator for those who are tired.  You really want to know I took the stairs.  Not too high but did give you a birds eye view of the area.  I met up with Brenda Marshall a few times walking around.  She told me about the river cruise that was very interesting.  You get to all the interesting sites from the water.  I never thought of going out on a mini cruise and it sounded interesting.  Well my feet and back were starting to tell me tails and I knew if I sat down I would probably not get back up again.  So a pass on the cruise or lunch for that matter.  Just keep me going and start heading back the other way.

I was even a bigger dummy and said no to a ride back to the hotel.  Well my mind was set on walking and I was going to finish it.  I headed up Assiniboine street. Heading back towards the legislation building.  Walking around the back of the building.  There are allot of memorial statues and other statues around the back lawn.  I made my way around the back of the building and then headed over to portage street and back towards the hotel.  I saw the bay building.  All five story building.  I didn't go in but was kinda wondering if they use all the floors anymore or just two like they do in other towns.  I guess not curious enough though as I kept walking.

Hour later I am back at the hotel and in my swimsuit and down to the hot tub.  Oooo that felt so good.  Didn't do much for the blister I got but yes it did relieve some of the tightness in my back.  A little floating around and a little soaking in the tub.  I was in there for about an hour between both pools.  Had to go back up to the room eventually though.

I had just sat down on the bed checking Facebook and my mail and a text comes in. A few of us are going out to the Olive Garden for supper.  Around seven want to come.  Okay it is a phone number no name.  I write back sure interested in a bite to eat and by the way who am I going out to dinner with. Jan was in the building.

I got myself off the be dandy down to the lobby to meet up with some other ladies.  Jan was down at the desk.  I got my big hug from her and we chatted a bit.  I went to sit with some other ladies sitting in the lobby.  They were putting together flowers for decorations.  So I fluffed up a couple of them .  There was going to be a big group heading out for dinner, but we're not going out till 8 when the reservation was.  Jan said a little late for her to be eating so she was heading out to eat now.  I decided to go along with her and keep her company.  We caught up from the last time we were together.  I found out things that were going on in Ontario.  I gave her My sister in laws info so she could text her and maybe get her out a few more times with some other events going on.  So Ivy you may have an email for you to answer.  You are going to meet so many wonderful ladies in Ontario.

We sat and talked in the resteraunt for at least an hour or so.  Well Jan did most of the talking, but I put my two cents in once in while.  It was abreast catching up.

Now my last problem.  Will I be able to roll myself out of bed tomorrow or am I gonna be gimped up and not able to move.    Well I am gonna push myself to get up and get moving.  Maybe even be on time up to get to have breakie with everyone else.  Or am I just going to eat my muffin in my room and roll out of my room when I am ready.  Registration is tomorrow so stick around the hotel to get that done.  I would like to go down to the zoo, but could I walk anymore for a long time.  Yep my problem and I guess I am to deal with it.

Yay!!!  Big time red hatting fun coming up tomorrow.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Well I am in the air again. Heading on another adventure

I got my red hat on and my purple clothes.  Bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Well I guess I can't say I am bright eyed.  I got up this morning at 6 o'clock.  Lovely.  I am not a morning person.  Never have been and probably never will be.  I don't drink coffee so no caffeine to get me going in the morning.  That is kinda a minus.  I am hooked on caffeine though.  It is just in the form of pop.  Being early in the morning have not drank any of that either.  So this hour and a half trip from Calgary to Winnipeg I might just dose off or I may have to get myself some caffeine.

I left mission this morning at 7:30 am.  Got to the airport in Abbotsford with a half hour to spare on getting on the plane.  So not too bad a wait. That hour flight was uneventful. But we did fly over mount baker. Had to get my camera out and take a picture. So now they flew into the US air space.  I did not have my pass port.  Oh oh I got to the US without it. Well not in trouble.  Made it to Calgary with a bit of time to spare.  Not enough time to eat though.  Starting to get the hunger growls.  Great and won't get anything until I get to Winnipeg.  Well guess I am going to have to suffer with cookies and a pop.  Yay I got some pop.  Caffeine here we come.  And I got two packages of cookies as well.  At least they are not as dry as the bits and bites they give out.  Aw!  Another sip of caffeine.  Should be almost bright eyed here when I get off the plane. Well I think I did nap a bit though.

Flying into Calgary.  It is a bit nippy in this part of the woods.  They say it is only 3 degrees here.  Good I brought my coat for a reason.  I won't be outside the terminal anyways so why would I need it right now. When we got back on another plane heading for Winnipeg they said if you brought along coats you will not need them.  It is a balmy 18 degrees there.  That is the first time to hear that.  Winnipeg is warmer then Calgary.  Cloud rolling below me on the way into Calgary and on the way out they are disappearing.  Light clouds though so it looks misty below.  You can make out the fields and rivers and such though.

  I love flying and sitting by the window. Something I can not do if I am flying with my hubby.  He has to have the window and then goes to sleep. As the world goes by you see so much of the changing landscape.  From mountains to flat prairies and back to rolling land again.you look at the cloud formations and daydream ablout what they may be.  I think if you could only walk out on those fluffy puffs of cotton and roll around in the softness.  But hey that is just my daydreaming.  Step onto those clouds and you gonna be making a straight beeline for the ground.  I still say though wouldn't it be fun to just play around on the cottony softness.  You fall down you would not hurt yourself.  Okay I will stop.  You probably think I am nuts now.  But yeah I am nuts.  I take off in planes to go on my red hat adventures.  On my own to meet up with some of the most gracious ladies around.  It gets my happy on and I need all the happy I can get.

Well clouds are rolling in again so will not see much for a bit.  Oooo!  These look like,e fierce ones.  Dark and all clumped together.  There must be a storm brewing below in Saskatchewan.  At least I think that is where we are now.  I have no live map on my chair.  So can not see where we are.  Clouds are getting thicker, but once in a while it opens up to see a river or a lake.  Well I guess I will not be seeing anything more out the window except big thick dark clouds.

So where am I going you say.  A red hat convention of course.  It is in Winnipeg.  Being put on by the traveling red hatters.  I have never met these ladies before.  So some more hugs on the way for me. I will be seeing a few ladies I have met before from Ontario so I will not feel all alone, but am still this shy insicure person who when meeting new people am very quiet.  I try but I just can not get the habit of making conversation.  Weird some people can talk to anyone and everyone.  Me I just sit back and watch and listen.  Sometimes afraid to put in my two cents as I may be butting into something I was not suppose to but in too.  Well anyways ladies are getting to know me and except me for what I am.

Well there is not too much more going on in this flight.  So maybe I will put my head back see if I can get a little shut eye.  Another thing I am not able to do but if I am tired enough I can do it.  And since my eyes are getting s little droopy here and a headache is creating in behind my eyes I better put my head down for a while and see whether a snooze will help a little.

Talk again soon when I am at the hotel tonight.  I have tonight and tomorrow where I am playing on my own and checking out the sites of Winnipeg.  I know a mall is across the road so I can get eats, but I would like to find the zoo tomorrow and wander around and look at the animals.  Maybe find the old part of Winnipeg and look at the buildings.  I think there is a part of town that has some older buildings.

Look and see when I get there.

Well now at the hotel.  The boob tube is going and I am typing away.  Catching up on what I missed for the day and send a note off to tell family I made it to were I was going.  Sitting snuggle in my room.  I had a bit of a mishap at the hotel. Some reason my credit card was not working.  Oh boy did that put worry on me.  Had to start making some phone calls to see what was going on.  I was afraid I could not get into my room cause my card would not go through.  I sat in the lobby talking to company.  Well at least sitting with phone to my ear listening to lovely elevator music worrying that I would be back at the airport because I had not room sleeping on a bench.  All sorts of scenarios were going through my mind.  Finally got through to creditors company and low and behold it was because of a stupid little mistake on my part.  Not calling the credit card company before I left and telling them I would be somewhere else. I think it is time to start making lists before I go.  That was a scary situatation for me.  No where to go and loosing my reservation and in a town where I know no one.everyone I know is two provinces away.  Well live and learn.  Make a dang list of what you need to do and don't leave the list somewhere you will forget.  I paticularly do not like a situation like that.  So yes make the list.  Getting too old to keep so much in my head all the time. Especially when I am prone to getting foggy once in while.

So anyways after my stress went down. I unpack a bit.  Just to get the clothes that would wrinkle out of suitcase.  Then I too a little wander down the street.  I found the Olive Garden, red lobster and a and w just down the street.  So at least there is food close by.  I wander a little bit further and crossed the road which brought me to the mall.  Not too far to walk.  Well at least for me anyways.  Wandered through the mall.  Pretty well the same as any other mall.  Stores all the same.  Maybe a few different items in it but you in one mall it is a different design but pretty well the same stores.  In the end found the food court finally had a bite to eat.  Stopped at the Tim Hortons and got a couple of muffins to enjoy in the morning and my caffiene.  Yes a bottle of pop.  I left the mall and headed a bit the other way from the hotel.  Not seeing much that way.  So headed back into the hotel.  Wandered a little and found the restaraunt and the pool.  Nice pool.  Maybe a dip will be in order tomorrow.  Who knows.

I am thinking of either a trip down town to the forks and pioneer area or out to the zoo which is the other way.  This all depends on the weather and whether I will get lost at my wanderings.  Will have to see.

So now I am veggin on the bed watching tv and have my feet up.  Hopefully resting my back and hope the twinges will come out of it.

So will write again tomorrow. Tell you all how lost I got

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Hi all. Missed the last couple of nights but did put pictures on Facebook you want to take a boo

I am a bit on the tired side tonight a may not write too much,  then again I may just blab on for all it is worth.

I am having a great time.

Two days ago I kinda took a chillaxing day.  My sister had a few errands to get finished around her place and since I figured I would be on the road the next couple of days better to just relax and enjoy the day.  Took a morning walk to get out the kinks from sitting on the plane the whole day before.  Ankles sure did not like the sitting all day.  I was out for about an hour walking around tavistock.  Enjoying the sun and getting a little pinkish.  Well at least I didn't burn.  That is usually what happens.  Some of the happy pills I am on make my skin just a little sensitive.  After the walk sat out on back porch for while until sun started to get a little too warm.  I am not really an outdoor person.  Enjoy for a little while then just like to sit on the couch and do something.  You know knit, crochet or read.  I may have even dozed off for a bit.  Too much of that nice warm sun all at once.  It got pretty hot that day and if you are not use to the heat it will drain me pretty fast.  So between a nap or two I was enjoying a mushy book.  Always can get into those.  My sister is real good to me.  I do love the farmer sausage from Krugs in tavistock.  I always try to have some when I am home.  It is not made like that in BC.  No really good type of farmer sausage you can get there.  It is like I go to Alberta to get green shoelace licorice. Not sold in BC either and it is something I like. Well enough about my likes.  I could go on with a few that are sold around here you can not get in another province.

I thank my sis for thinking about me and frying some up for me.

That night we headed over to visit a couple of cousins I have not seeming in years.  Had a very nice visit with them and caught up on a bit of gossip on the family.  She made a very yummies chocolate chip cookie in a cast iron skillet.  Boy warm and a little bit of icecream with it and just finished off the day on a high note.

Made it to bed a little later then wanted to and slept not too bad that night.  Still thought about the drive I was going to make the next day.  How to get there without driving too busy a road.  How to miss most of the cities so I didn't get lost and such.  Mind was racing part of the night.

Up in the morning and still wanted to sleep, but can't lay in bed all day.  Places to be and things to do or I don't get were I am suppose to get or be.

I had lunch with my sisters red hat group.  What a lovely group of ladies.  They go out once a month to enjoy a meal together and catch up on what is going on with them.  It was such a lovely time with them.  We then headed back to tavistock. We're she gave me a few directions to get places and then I was on my way.  Down the road and seeing some of southern Ontario.

I drove cross country.  Headed out of tavistock and went to Punkydoodle corner.  Oops already went wrong.  Was suppose to turn before I got there.  Well I did see punkydoodles.  I guess maybe I just wanted to see the place.  Yep that's my excuses and I am sticking to it.  Followed the road down past Woodstock and found another road I was suppose to take to go east towards Brandford and Hamilton. With trying to stay at the outskirts of those towns and not make wrong turns.  In Brandford I must have made a wrong round about someplace cause I ended up on the other side of where I wanted to be a on the other side of the 403. Abig highway I didn't want to be on.  So instead of turning around I just decided to keep going with the sun to my back and see where it would lead me.  You know eventually I did get back across 403 and on the south side of it and heading east again on the road I had originally wanted.  I was more interested in the old houses around here.  Beautiful brick houses with the woodwork along the eaves.  Just marvolous to see.  Couldn't stop to take pictures because every time I slowed down to look some dang driver would come barreling up behind me to want me to go faster.

Anyways I did make it to Niagara Falls in an almost good time.  A trip that should have taken maybe a couple of hours took me an hour or so longer.  But hey I was enjoying myself so who cares.  Now next problem.  Finding my hotel.  No GPS just my iPad to tell me where I am.  Well it wasn't that bad.  Found the road I was looking for and made the right turn and hotel was right there.  Well at least something went as easy as pie.  Not like two days ago when I was trying to get out of kitchener from the airport.  I missed one turn so decided to go through kitchener and kept going. Ended up going a bit of a long way around kitchener because I missed another turn.  But you know eventually it all worked out with a couple of left turns I made it back to the road I needed.

So after checking into the hotel went for a walk down to the falls.  Oh oh down hill.  You know I have to walk back up afterwards.very quiet down there.  Thought about going up the tower and looking from there.  Not selling any tickets.  Well that's. A bummer.   So walked rest of way down to the water.  So much water going over.  Just a wonder to see.  I stirolled along the walkway.  Took a few pictures and enjoyed the walk.  Headed back up the hil along the tourist trap road.  So many places of haunted houses.  Mirror houses ripleys believe it or not, but no food really opened.  No souvenir shops opened. I guess. It really isn't tourist season yet.  Well the casinos where opened but if I set foot in there I would probably loose $20 in no time.  Found a conviniance store and bought a sandwich.  I guess it had to do..  Back to the room and was out like a light in not time. Problem was I was awake at 2:30 thinking it was later and the clock was wrong.  Nope I was wrong   Went back to sleep after a while and woke at 7:30.  Gaul can I not get a good night sleep but I wouldn't go back to sleep for the life of me. So got myself out of bed grudgingly and got myself ready to go

Checked out and then hoped in the car.  Took one more drive down along the falls.  Sun shining and a beautiful day.  What a day to just tour and see some countryside.  I headed north to Niagara on the lake.  Oh my have you ever seen so many mansions in one place.  Just such beauties.  And mixed in with them are old heritage homes.  You know those beautiful brick or stone house made at the turn of the century.  Just beautiful.  I know I am say just beautiful allot, but I am really enjoying this drive.  Oops missed my turn again.  I think it may be a good thing.  I saw Fort George and down town Niagara on the lake.  Loved seeing the town but the fort was closed.  Oh well.  Once turned around and heading west I ignored getting on the huge highway for as long as I could.  Saw so many wineries.  You could stop at each have a sip and be so out of it by the time you hit the last one.  All the oak trees along the side of the road.  They would be so wonderful to see in full leaf in the summer.

All things had to come to an end.  Coming close to Hamilton and had to get onto a road I dreaded.  Expressway.  But it was the only way I was going to get to where I needed to be..  100 Kim's and hour.  Far cry from the 60 I was puttering along at enjoying myself.  Truck, trucks and more trucks. Speeding by and I just kept myself tucked in behind a truck and followed him until he had the Gaul to turn off on me.  What was he thinking.  I had him as my buffer of not seeing all the traffic on the road.  Well all things come to an end.  I took he 403 to the 401 and just kept on agoin until I got to were I was suppose to be.  Ten lanes of highway.  Oh brother.  Then finally down to six lanes and then four.  That has to close to where I get off.

Bloor street ahead.  Yeas that is where I get off.it doesn't look right.  Hope I am right.  I will go a little further and if not then I wonder what I do.  Oh thank goodness there is the hotel.  I did it right.  Okay so proud of myself.  First time driving through Toronto.  I am growing up I think. Or maybe it is I gots to do what I gots to do.  Well almost.  A two hour drive took me about four hours with my piddling along.  But hey it was worth it.

Unpacked my bag to get wrinkles out of my dress.  Layed down for a bit but didn't sleep.  Thought I would but still eluding me.went down to the lobby and waited to see if anyone else was around.  In walks Bev and there is Jan. And the eleanor.  Hugs all around.  So good to see them again.then a few more ladies show up.  Ladies from Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta,, BC, Maine and Connecticut.   We all sat around the lobby and talked.  Got to know each other all over again.  Got our registration in when the table was ready.  Took our goodies back to our rooms.  Grabbed a jacket and we hopped into a couple of cars and went to the keg to enjoy a meal.  More laughs and giggles. Just love these ladies. Two Michigan ladies joined in the fun.

Back to the hotel where I begged off on a little more talking in the lobby.  I had a long day and figured before I conk out on them I go to my room and then if I conk out at least I will be in my bed. You know as you can see I have not conked out yet as I am still here watching a movie and writing about my last couple of days.  Well one thing to say.  This is gonna be one heck of a weekend.  I am still the quiet one but they except me as I am and I am gonna have a great time.  I think I better see if I can shut my eyes now and get a little snooze time.  Or I am gonna ware myself out.  That will not be good.  So talk to you again tomorrow.  That is if I am not playing too much

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Hi all. Well in Ontario and no mishaps

Very long day today.  Up way too dang early for me.  5:45 in the morning.  I guess I got ta do what I got ta do.    I want to red hat I has to get myself out of bed and get me butt in gear.  Then plane will leave without me if I don't.  No plane waits for no one they says.  

So I crawl myself out from under the nice warm covers and my two cuddly dogs and get myself ready to face the world.  Well at least the world of airports.heading for a family visit and then a convention of the most beautiful ladies around (red hatters) and more family visiting and then depression sinks in and I have to head home from playing.  Will be so short and then I have to grow up again and face the world like an adult, but first I have to get myself out of bed.  

Well after a little breakie and the dogs have their stroll I start once again checking and rechecking that I think I got everything.  Well I guess if I don't will probably have to buy it.  Plus a bit of bling and maybe that hat I see and well you know.

I get my ride to the airport still wondering if I am missing anything.  The line up has already started.  I got myself into a fast line though.  Had already checked in and just had to get my boarding pass.  So yeah get to bypass most of the line and check my bag in and I am off to the races.  No line up at security so a breeze going through there as well.  No buzzers for me.  Great I didn't wear that underwire bra or the rhinestone shirt or they would have been checking.  I am learning.

So ten minutes till the plane loads.  Yeah yeah had to check my Facebook.  I think I am addicted.  I could just sit quietly and wait for them to call to board.  No got to check Facebook.  Get myself on line through the airport wifi.  Easy Peasy.   What else can I look at.  Oops they are boarding.  Stuff everything back in my bag and go stand in line to walk on plane.

Aw!!  Window seat.  Never get those when I am with someone else.  I can watch the world go by.  I don't know about you but it just facinates me to just look out the window and look down at the countryside so far below.  Where the water is, looking high on the mountaintops.  The fields and the crop circles.  I think I might have taken a little nap in there too.  It was an awful short flight.

Of in Calgary and an hour wait for my next flight.  Time for a snack and a bathroom break.  The downside at sitting at the window.  You either have to crawl over two other people to get to the washroom or ya gotta hold.

Next flight.  Dumb me.  I got to my seat.  All settled in and then I get told that I am in the wrong seat.  I pull out my ticket and say see this is my seat. You want to know what was dumb.  I was looking at the gate number.  The gate number was 16a and guess where I was sitting.  Oops in 16a.  Should have been sitting in 22a.  Grab my stuff and make a beeline for the back of the plane.  Dumb dumb. Seat 22a.  All settled in again and feeling like an well you know.

Well Westject does one thing right.  If you have the westjet app you can have wifi on the plane.  You still have to pay for Internet service but you can watch a movie or tv show while on your flight.  Wow something I didn't need to pay for.  I paid for my luggage to go on.  That's a new one on me.  It use to be for extra baggage not your first bag.  Guezz!  You pay for food oh but I did get some dry pretzels and a drink of pop for free.  My are those not the perks to flying.

Well since I get to watch a movie for free I sure as heck am going to watch one. Between looking out the window.  Not sure if I got most of the movie but I did watch it.  Had some giggles out of it too.

After three and half hours on plane I finally make it to my destination.  Pee break time again.  Then wait for the luggage to come out.  Yeah mine didn't take to long to appear.  At least a plus there.  Next stop is the car rental.  I got that on airmiles so all paid for and they still want to put a hold on my credit card for $500.  So now when I go to the hotel there will be another hold on my card poof card is done.  Not gonna be much spending at this convention.  No bling for me.  Aw!

Okay next adventure.  Finding my sunglasses in my bag.  I am reaching through the bag to find them.  Nope that isn't them, nope neither is that.  I know I put them in there.  Pull this out pull that out..  Got allot out of the bag and yes there they are. Right where I put them.  Go figure.  Hmm they said there was still cool weather and some snow around here.  It don't seem that cold. In fact the airconditioner is on in the car.  Now how do I turn that off.  And this radio channel sucks as well.  I think I spent and good 20 minutes in the parking lot looking for things and then figuring out what the gadgets do on the car.

Finally on the road and heading in the direction I am suppose to be.    Heading out of this city to get to my sisters place.  Hmm I know there is a turn up here I have to make.  Oh I think it was right back there.  No I am not turning around I can get there from this way as well.  Music blaring and I am a driving.  This does not look right.  I think I might have done something wrong.  No I still do not need to turn around I will just go this way and I know I will get to the highway I am suppose to be on.  A couple of round a outs and yes up ahead.  There is the highway I need.  Shit luck I thinks.

Heading down the highway.  Enjoying the tunes blaring away and yes I am going in the right direction.  Well a tour that was suppose to take three quarters of an hour took an hour and half.  But hey I did some touring and saw a little of the city I really didn't want to see.  You know just checking out my old haunts.  I use to live there many many years ago.  Did I say many!

Well I did make it.  Thank the Angels for that.  I wasn't lost at all.  No not me just touring.  I did get to where I wanted to be, just a little in a round about way.

So that's my adventure for today.  I am going to catch up on some sleep now.  Talk to you tomorrow

Friday, 15 April 2016

Another adventure is soon underway.

My golly I have not been awhile since I was on here.  Last I was on here was to think about doing some herstory.  That went over real well when I posted it on Facebook.  So now just do it for myself.  I am curious I ask questions .  It is my inquiring mind liking to know info why some thing clicks.  So I collect info from newspaper articles and such and keep the info to where sometime I may write something on it.  If I do write on herstory it will just be on my blog.  As I said before I am not in it to make any money just to talk about what I find interesting.  Okay letting it go for now.  

Since I last wrote.  I have now become queen of our group.  I am known as Queen Iwanna for now.  But queen is just a figurehead for me.  All the ladies in our group have input into what we do and where we go.  They are a fun group of ladies to pal around with a get a few giggles and fun. I was voted in as Queen from my vice queen position after the past queen moved to another part of the province.  

We have done so many wonderful things this past year.  Things I would have never done if I had not found these ladies to play with.  We have done pole dancing, belly dancing, done many different types of crafts,  went out to many dinners, traveled to Washington state were we have enjoyed visiting with Red hatters there,  and yes food is always involved.    We all love to eat.

So I had my sights set on going to the international convention in San Antonio.  I had my regidpstration in and hotel room booked.  Then the dollar went way down on Canadian dollar and I had to rethink some plans.  Cancelling my convention in San Antonio.  Bummer!!!    I guess it is all for the best though.  It opened up another opportunity to go to another convention a little closer to home.  Well I guess not much closer but it is in Canada.  Will be heading to Winnipeg in September.  It is the first convention this group is going to have so will see what plans they come up with.  Looks like a great time though and I will get to see some of the ladies I have met at other conventions.  That is one of the best parts.  To get together with friends I have made over the past few years.  I am still the quiet one but these ladies can pull off the shell once in while and bring on the giggles.

Tomorrow will be the start of another adventure for me.  I am heading for Ontario.  Fly out in the morning and spend a week there.  That dang snow better be gone.  I am not a fan of driving around in it.  Some pictures show it gone others show it is still there.  I really don't want to be red hatting in my long johns.  But if push comes to shove I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

First I will enjoy visiting with some family.  Need my family time once in while.  It feels so good.  Then there will a little me time.  I have decided again to be a bit of a tourist.  Gonna check out some of Ontario, which will bring in the falls and touring some back roads and seeing some country on my way to a convention.  I sure as heck am not going to drive through Toronto to get there.  That highway is just a little much for me so it will be a round about way to get there.  I was to a convention put on by these ladies a couple of years ago.  Had such a great time I decided to go again.  This time I will know a few more ladies which will make it even a better time.  Yep food will be involved as well.  Along with dressing in my finest and hoping that dress still fits.  Oh yes and the bling too.

While I am away the red hat society will celebrate a birthday.  They will be 18 this year.  Legal to do whatever they want.  Well they have always did what they wanted but now are legal to do it.  So there will be some big parties going on this year.  So if you see red hatters out and about having a great time wish them a happy birthday. I may be on a plane back home that day.  So was thinking get my kazoo out dawn my red hat and blast happy birthday on the plane home.  Then again it is just a thought