So I crawl myself out from under the nice warm covers and my two cuddly dogs and get myself ready to face the world. Well at least the world of airports.heading for a family visit and then a convention of the most beautiful ladies around (red hatters) and more family visiting and then depression sinks in and I have to head home from playing. Will be so short and then I have to grow up again and face the world like an adult, but first I have to get myself out of bed.
Well after a little breakie and the dogs have their stroll I start once again checking and rechecking that I think I got everything. Well I guess if I don't will probably have to buy it. Plus a bit of bling and maybe that hat I see and well you know.
I get my ride to the airport still wondering if I am missing anything. The line up has already started. I got myself into a fast line though. Had already checked in and just had to get my boarding pass. So yeah get to bypass most of the line and check my bag in and I am off to the races. No line up at security so a breeze going through there as well. No buzzers for me. Great I didn't wear that underwire bra or the rhinestone shirt or they would have been checking. I am learning.
So ten minutes till the plane loads. Yeah yeah had to check my Facebook. I think I am addicted. I could just sit quietly and wait for them to call to board. No got to check Facebook. Get myself on line through the airport wifi. Easy Peasy. What else can I look at. Oops they are boarding. Stuff everything back in my bag and go stand in line to walk on plane.
Aw!! Window seat. Never get those when I am with someone else. I can watch the world go by. I don't know about you but it just facinates me to just look out the window and look down at the countryside so far below. Where the water is, looking high on the mountaintops. The fields and the crop circles. I think I might have taken a little nap in there too. It was an awful short flight.
Of in Calgary and an hour wait for my next flight. Time for a snack and a bathroom break. The downside at sitting at the window. You either have to crawl over two other people to get to the washroom or ya gotta hold.
Next flight. Dumb me. I got to my seat. All settled in and then I get told that I am in the wrong seat. I pull out my ticket and say see this is my seat. You want to know what was dumb. I was looking at the gate number. The gate number was 16a and guess where I was sitting. Oops in 16a. Should have been sitting in 22a. Grab my stuff and make a beeline for the back of the plane. Dumb dumb. Seat 22a. All settled in again and feeling like an well you know.
Well Westject does one thing right. If you have the westjet app you can have wifi on the plane. You still have to pay for Internet service but you can watch a movie or tv show while on your flight. Wow something I didn't need to pay for. I paid for my luggage to go on. That's a new one on me. It use to be for extra baggage not your first bag. Guezz! You pay for food oh but I did get some dry pretzels and a drink of pop for free. My are those not the perks to flying.
Well since I get to watch a movie for free I sure as heck am going to watch one. Between looking out the window. Not sure if I got most of the movie but I did watch it. Had some giggles out of it too.
After three and half hours on plane I finally make it to my destination. Pee break time again. Then wait for the luggage to come out. Yeah mine didn't take to long to appear. At least a plus there. Next stop is the car rental. I got that on airmiles so all paid for and they still want to put a hold on my credit card for $500. So now when I go to the hotel there will be another hold on my card poof card is done. Not gonna be much spending at this convention. No bling for me. Aw!
Okay next adventure. Finding my sunglasses in my bag. I am reaching through the bag to find them. Nope that isn't them, nope neither is that. I know I put them in there. Pull this out pull that out.. Got allot out of the bag and yes there they are. Right where I put them. Go figure. Hmm they said there was still cool weather and some snow around here. It don't seem that cold. In fact the airconditioner is on in the car. Now how do I turn that off. And this radio channel sucks as well. I think I spent and good 20 minutes in the parking lot looking for things and then figuring out what the gadgets do on the car.
Finally on the road and heading in the direction I am suppose to be. Heading out of this city to get to my sisters place. Hmm I know there is a turn up here I have to make. Oh I think it was right back there. No I am not turning around I can get there from this way as well. Music blaring and I am a driving. This does not look right. I think I might have done something wrong. No I still do not need to turn around I will just go this way and I know I will get to the highway I am suppose to be on. A couple of round a outs and yes up ahead. There is the highway I need. Shit luck I thinks.
Heading down the highway. Enjoying the tunes blaring away and yes I am going in the right direction. Well a tour that was suppose to take three quarters of an hour took an hour and half. But hey I did some touring and saw a little of the city I really didn't want to see. You know just checking out my old haunts. I use to live there many many years ago. Did I say many!
Well I did make it. Thank the Angels for that. I wasn't lost at all. No not me just touring. I did get to where I wanted to be, just a little in a round about way.
So that's my adventure for today. I am going to catch up on some sleep now. Talk to you tomorrow
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