Since I last wrote. I have now become queen of our group. I am known as Queen Iwanna for now. But queen is just a figurehead for me. All the ladies in our group have input into what we do and where we go. They are a fun group of ladies to pal around with a get a few giggles and fun. I was voted in as Queen from my vice queen position after the past queen moved to another part of the province.
We have done so many wonderful things this past year. Things I would have never done if I had not found these ladies to play with. We have done pole dancing, belly dancing, done many different types of crafts, went out to many dinners, traveled to Washington state were we have enjoyed visiting with Red hatters there, and yes food is always involved. We all love to eat.
So I had my sights set on going to the international convention in San Antonio. I had my regidpstration in and hotel room booked. Then the dollar went way down on Canadian dollar and I had to rethink some plans. Cancelling my convention in San Antonio. Bummer!!! I guess it is all for the best though. It opened up another opportunity to go to another convention a little closer to home. Well I guess not much closer but it is in Canada. Will be heading to Winnipeg in September. It is the first convention this group is going to have so will see what plans they come up with. Looks like a great time though and I will get to see some of the ladies I have met at other conventions. That is one of the best parts. To get together with friends I have made over the past few years. I am still the quiet one but these ladies can pull off the shell once in while and bring on the giggles.
Tomorrow will be the start of another adventure for me. I am heading for Ontario. Fly out in the morning and spend a week there. That dang snow better be gone. I am not a fan of driving around in it. Some pictures show it gone others show it is still there. I really don't want to be red hatting in my long johns. But if push comes to shove I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.
First I will enjoy visiting with some family. Need my family time once in while. It feels so good. Then there will a little me time. I have decided again to be a bit of a tourist. Gonna check out some of Ontario, which will bring in the falls and touring some back roads and seeing some country on my way to a convention. I sure as heck am not going to drive through Toronto to get there. That highway is just a little much for me so it will be a round about way to get there. I was to a convention put on by these ladies a couple of years ago. Had such a great time I decided to go again. This time I will know a few more ladies which will make it even a better time. Yep food will be involved as well. Along with dressing in my finest and hoping that dress still fits. Oh yes and the bling too.
While I am away the red hat society will celebrate a birthday. They will be 18 this year. Legal to do whatever they want. Well they have always did what they wanted but now are legal to do it. So there will be some big parties going on this year. So if you see red hatters out and about having a great time wish them a happy birthday. I may be on a plane back home that day. So was thinking get my kazoo out dawn my red hat and blast happy birthday on the plane home. Then again it is just a thought
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