So brunch started at 9 this morning. Let the fun begin for the day!!!
We waited outside the doors for the room to open. Some ladies had on thier Jammie's others had dressed to the hilt for breakie. It was a mix and match of outfits this morning. Buffet style meal that consisted of items for breakfast as well as items for lunch. An abundance of food. Yes and all yummy.
After the brunch was eaten a few door prizes were given out and Crusty came for a visit. I got a red hat titanic pin for being one of the first to sign up for this event.
We all left the room around 1 to have free time for the afternoon. Some ladies signed up to do a few crafts. Others went to a display on the titanic. There was even a room that was set up with red hat memoralbelia owned by a couple of the ladies.
They had a whole room full of items they had collected over the years. Just amazing if you like that kind of stuff, which right now I do.
I spent a little time in the pool again today. Just to get the kinks out from dancing last night. Yeah I did a little dancing. Something I had not done in ages. Such fun but my back was telling me about it.
Around 4 started to put on the ritz again. Another dress of purple and the bling. Tonight is the night of beautiful dresses. I have a nice dress but will not look as good as some of the ideas that going to be worn tonight.

Purdy huh!!! We waited again in the hall for the doors to open. The queens were to go in another room to have their picture taken as a group. I scooted into the titanic room while these pictures were being taken. This gave me a little time to snap a few pictures of how they decorated the room. It is just amazing what they had done.
There is the saitprcase in behind the table we were going to sit at. Look how the table is all set up and the chairs are covered so elegantly.

And some of the outfits
This is across the dance floor. Life boats and even an iceberg showing up.
The queens made their entrance into the room. My my all the beautiful outfits and bling. Just stunning. I tried getting a couple of pictures but they are too dark to see.
We all sat down and got ourselves settled. The meal was then served. We had butternut squash soup, salad, roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy and a veggie. And desert as well. Just stuffed. More door prizes were given out and the thank yous to all the volunteers. Then in came a band to play so we could get up and shake our booty again.
Dancing to the music of the sixties and seventies. So much fun. Jean was even up having a great time. She is eighty four years old and still has the moves
When the band took a break there was a few more door prizes given out. They have allot a great prizes to give away. A fifty fifty draw was done and the lucky lady got herself a nice prize.

Here is just a couple more pictures of the ladies at my table. Great bunch of gals. Am having a wonderful time with them. Have met a few more that will be lifetime friends for me. Just have to get over the shyness but that is coming. My circle is increasing every time I go to one of these events and the events in my neighbourhood. And oh the fun I am having.
Well will talk again tomorrow. Last day and then it is time to head for home. I really enjoy these days and am sad to see them over. But then I look forward to the next adventure and what I can do and wear. I have a few ideas in the works and hope they go over as well as the ideas I had for this one and the one I went to a couple of months ago. I always think that if I wear something silly that it will not go over good. But so far I have not had any negative feedback except maybe behind my back and who cares about what they say behind my back. It is my back anyways and not my face. That is their prerogative not mine. So will keep doing what I am doing and enjoy myself to the best that I can. Yes the smile is on my face and I am laughing again. Thoroughly enjoying myself and having a great yes I mean really great time.
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