a sea of red hats

a sea of red hats

Wednesday 23 April 2014

I thought today would be a bust,but!!!

So this morning I did not get out of bed until ten o'clock.   I guess I needed the sleep.  Did work out good though.  There was not much going on today except registration.

So got myself out of bed and headed down to the resteraunt to get a bit of breakie.  Hopefully it is still opened for breakfast.  Yes it is.  A nice buffet to get some eggs a muffin and a little meat.  Filled the spot.  Now what do I do for the day.  Well let's see a walk should be in order and see what is around here.  It wasn't looking too promising last night as to what might be close by.  So I step outside and emediatly come back through the door.  Dang it is chilly out there.  Cold cold cold.  I am not use to that.  Should go back up to room and get another layer or so on.  Well that should do it.

I don't think there is much out around there to see, but will head down the road anyways and see.  Got to get some fresh air and a little exercise.  Boy is that wind chilly.  I can do this though.  Hey just down the way it looks like there is a food land there.  Well I can get myself a little fruit and something to drink there for later.  Five minutes down the road and I am back in someplace warm.  Wander around the store for a few minutes and see the best looking plums I have seem in ages.  Nice big and juicy.  So pick up three of them and a couple of apples and something to drink.  Well all set for next few days.  Might as well check out the rest of the stip mall.  Hey there is a fabricland down at the other end.  No I am not buying any fabric.  Just in case I find something else at the vendors.  I need room in my suitcase.  After I am done at the vendors and checked them all out may go back to fabricland.  There was some material there.  Beautiful purple, on sale that could be used for something.  Let's see fabric or vendors.  Do the vendors first and then maybe a trip back out in the cold.  Or maybe not.  Might talk myself out of it yet.  Then again maybe not.

So head back with my food to the room.  More cold cold walk. This is not what I signed up for.  Hopefully it will be a little better tomorrow.  Going to see the falls tomorrow and would love it to be a little warmer so can spend some time outside.  I am not use to this cool weather anymore.  I guess my blood has gotten a little thinner from when I use to live here.

So have not met up with anyone yet today.  So head back to my room until it opis time for registration. That is any two o'clock.
There ya go the picture proves it. I am registered now.  I also dropped off the shawl I was giving as a raffle prize.  Something I had made for another event and did not happen.  So decided to get rid of it here.
So now this is out of my hands and I have room for some other craft in the house.  Will be going to someone else very special at the end of the convention.

So as I was down registering I meet up with Norma and jean .  Two of the ladies I am traveling with.  I also meet a few other ladies as well.
Well not a very sharp picture but these ladies in order are from Michigan, two sisters from Australia another lady from Michigan and one from Ontario.  The one from Ontario is Jan Lukas who I heard so much about through Facebook and have now had the pleasure of meeting.  She is such a lovely outgoing person who says she is very quiet.  Well okay!!!

Jan organized a few of us to go out to the keg for dinner tonight.  Boy the meal was just delish and you know there was so many laughs and stories going around the table.  One lady from Edmonton who had come by herself had joined in with us and was so welcomed in.  She thought she would be a little alone but not to be had when Jan and others are around.

The fun continues as we all went to Norma's room afterwards for a nightcap.  Sat around and talked and laughed some more.  This is what red hatting is about.  Getting out meeting new friends that will last a lifetime.  

I thought that this first couple of days would be quiet for me, but instead I am ending up meeting up with other ladies having a good time and enjoying myself emencely.

The quiet one is going to break this shell yet.

Oops I put the picture up again when I was looking for another it was this one I wanted to put up.

That is the last for tonight.  Talk again tomorrow

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