Last night was a bit of a bust to get any sleep. Every time I started to nod off I thought of something else I needed to take along. My suitcase is going to overflowing again. I weighed it before I went to bed and it is under, but if I keep putting more stuff in I am going to burst at the seams again. Well a fan I had for an outfit I put in. Then I think oh yeah I need my gloves as well. This is getting a little silly. Go put them in if I need them. So up I get a couple of times to go put more stuff into my suitcase. I do finally get to sleep, but seven in the morning is going to be awful early for me.
Well I was awaken by hubbie coming home from work. The dogs went crazy to welcome him home and then started to jump on me. Well I guess I better get up an get on with my day. I would have had a few more minutes to sleep anyways. It is the pits having to get up, but if I want to catch a plane on time.
Well on the road. Just a little ride to abbotsford airport. After struggling to get my huge suitcase into my little bug. Got it in once but did not sit right and my trunk would not go down. Pulled it back out and tried again. This time went in just right. Not pulling it out again. If I have forgotten anything oh well it is staying home.
Found a good parking spot were I am able to find my car when I get home. Nicely under a roof so if it is raining I am not going to get too wet. Like that idea. Lug my suitcase out of the car. Then my hatbox. Boy oh boy I never use to travel with so much stuff. Just a nice little suitcase and my purse. Now it is a huge suitcase and a carry on for my hats and my purse/napsack. Thank goodness for rolling suitcases or I would not be bringing much at all. The person who invented that I am so thankful for.
Walk into airport and am directed to go to the kios. All is automated now. Really do not talk much with an attendant anymore. Soon will not have them at all. I like the personal touch not pushing buttons on a machine. I guess that is what they call progress though. Print out my suitcase tag and then go up to attendant so they can make sure who I am and then roll my suitcase through. I had checked in the morning before so had a boarding pass already printed. Got to the airport just in time to go through security and a wait only a few minutes as the plane has just landed. Meet up with three other ladies who are on the same flight.
We board the plane and get settled in for our first short hop. This is just over to edmonton. So an hour in the plane. Had a bit of lunch to tie us over until we get to our destination. Wait another hour in Edmonton and then we boarded onto the last part of our journey to ontario. I have a window seat both times. Am not sitting close to the other ladies that are traveling with me so a nice nap I guess will be in order. At least I am hoping I will nap. I usually do not but my eyes are bobbing away. So just put my head against the headrest and see what happens.
An hour later I wake. We are flying over Winnipeg right now. As I look out the window I see snow down there and big puffy clouds that look like cotton balls. Well could be snow or the water we are flying over could still be frozen. I hope it is not too nippy out there. Maybe Ontario will be a little better. I am wearing layers so if warm can take a few off. If cold well guess I am suffering a little.
Both flights so far are relatively smooth. I guess I should not say anything as then it might get bumpy. Yeah I spoke too soon. Here comes the bumpiness. We are jumping around here a little now. Not easy to write too much while this is going on. Spelling is going to get pretty bad here. So will stop for now and write some more tonight when I get to hotel and checked in. We are meeting up with a couple of other ladies in Toronto and then there will be eight traveling together to Oshawa. The convention starts on Thursday with a bus trip to Niagara Falls. I am going on this bus trip. Will be nice to see again. Just hope it is not too nippy.
So we get into Toronto ahead of schedule. My legs are telling me it is time to stand up. Knees are aching a little soon to be turning into allot if I don't get to stand up. There is an announcement that says please stay seated while we have the medical team come on to help a person off the plane. Oh something happened at the front of plane. I wonder what? Well we finally get ourselves off the plane and find out that it was one of the ladies I was traveling with. Her asthma started to acted up on the plane and she could not breath. Oh oh this is not good. We meet of the plane and she is doing much better. A little coughing yet but is ready to make the rest of the trip to Oshawa.
We meet up with the other four ladies and catch a shuttle to Oshawa. Another hour. Riding in a nice comfy shuttle. Seat eight of us just nicely and got all of our luggage in as well. Thank goodness traffic is not too bad this time of night. Easy ride to hotel. Check in and time to get those dresses back out of the suitcase before they are wrinkled to no end.
So have not eaten since noon. Do need to have something to eat. I looked outside as we came into parking lot. Does not seem like there is much around here to walk to close. Maybe in morning will see what is around, but now do need to eat something. Walk by front desk and see they have chocolate bars there. Well it will do in a pinch. As I ask about getting something to eat the attendant says that the bar is staying opened late so we could get something to eat and two of the ladies are already in there. Well that worked out good. So went and sat down with them and ordered some nachos to snack on. Yes that hit the spot well. The fourth lady came down a little later to tell the attendant that her phone was not working and she noticed that we were sitting in there eating. So came in a had a little bite to eat as well.
We have all returned to our rooms now to settle our food and rest up for tomorrow. The fun does not start for another day so will probably just be piddling around and checking out the area. We could catch a shuttle to to raceway and play in the casino for a bit. Tomorrow night may be going out for a nice dinner with some more ladies. Or maybe not, depends on what comes up.
So an early morning tomorrow. For some of us but I don't think for me. Will see what comes of tomorrow morning as to whether I roll over early or late. The bed just feels so comfy right now.
I know today's blog is a little boring. The fun will start in a couple of days. So for now just exploring the area and see what I can come up with before the funvention starts.. Tomorrow exploring and registering, then the next day will be heading on a bus trip to Niagara Falls to see the sights around there. That will be fun. Some of the ladies are going to high tea, but I did not register for that. So guess I am going to miss out on one time of dressing up.
So talk to you again tomorrow.