Well I guess I got two days to write about since I missed last night.
So yesterday. My free day. So decided I would take a walk and see some of the the city. I planned out a route and knew I had to be back here by around 3 so I could pick up a ticket for Motown the musical. Never really thought about terrain. Would anyone think about terrain. Just how to get from point a to point b and back again. I figured pretty simple and started out walking around 10 in the morning. After I had a smoothie from Starbucks. Something to hit the spot.
I started out my little trek. Yeah thought it would be a little trek. First come out of the hotel. Okay which way to go. Yeah I need to get to Powell street. So I am walking in the right direction. Come across the cable cars. Watch them for a little while. See the line up for a ride onto it. Then I start to head down the street I was walking on. Powell has to be around here someplace. So I walk a little in circles. It should be here someplace. You know it was were I was standing. The road that I thought was a cable car road was also Powell. Great looking for something and it is right in front of me. Silly silly silly.
So then start heading down Powell. Or should I say up Powell. And up and up and up. What the heck was I thinking. This does have to stop and flatten out sooner or later. You know it didn't. I kept on going up and up and up.
Finally I start going the other way. Go through china town and little Italy. Only see little bits and pieces of it. But yes I did see these places. I stopped for a little while in Washington square. Admired a church there. They sure do build them big here. Or should I say cathedral.
As I walked along I loved the architecture of the different areas. Just so interesting how they build all these buildings so close together. And every window juts out into the street. Some are made of brick which came after a huge fire here. Others are attached and some have a one inch gap between them. The tour driver I had today. Says this is how you can tell when these buildings were built.
I finally made it diown to the pier area. With much up and then much down. I wandered around the pier area for a little while. Looked in a few stores and went to the aquarium. You walk through a tunnel under water and see all the fish swimming above you.
Well time was starting to get the better of me and I had to head back in the other direction. You know I could have just hoped on a cable car and went back over that hill with no problem, but no not me. I decided I had started this and I was going to finish it and see the other two places I wanted to see.
So picked the road I was going to walk to get to Lombard street, Russian hill and nob hill. Bad mistake. This road was steeper then the other one. I kept going though. Up after up Fter up. Stopping once in while to get some feeling back to my legs. Then up some more. Now I say again.. What was I thinking.well I did see Lombard street
Then I thought I would start going down. But no I wanted to see another cathedral. Which was up another hill. This one had stain glass windows. I love looking at those. Even got to walk inside and take a look. If the sun had been shining more. They would have been gorgious to see. They were still pretty impressive.
Finished off my walk and headed to my room. Wanted to cat nap for a little while. But could not do that. Had to go down to registration to get my Motown tickets.. So all the way down two flight of escalators to pick up a ticket. Then back up stairs to change my clothes out of sweaty walking clothes. Back downstairs to wait to see who was going and what rides were being taken and who was walking. I got down there and there was not many ladies there. They seemed to be dwindling out as I stood there wondering were to go and who was going were. I finally went over to the desk and asked were abouts it was. She said four blocks down on mmarket street. So I headed out walking. Got down there were I found everyone else waiting outside to go in. So I missed something along the line but did make it were I was suppose to be.
We all went in to a vip room were every talked and had pictures taken and had a little drink or two. It started getting a little warm in there so I went out to go get my seat. Up four flights of stairs to the balcony. My legs took allot of beating yesterday.
Today tried to get up early enough to make it down for the 7:30 getogether. Well I think I made it down as they were moving to a bigger area. I slipped in with my smoothie from Starbucks. Sat and listend to all the conversations going on. I recognized a few ladies from Facebook. Got a few waves and hi's
I then headed for Mel's diner for a dinner bells breakfast. Got a couple of hugs from some ladies who knew me more then I knew them. All because I am a blabber mouth on Facebook and a quiet one in person. Something I would like to change but it just is not changing for me.
I went to register and pick up my goodies. Bag of nice things I the way of coupons, tickets, pin and a tshirt. I then headed for hat district. Boy is there allot of bling and hats and clothes there. I just do not know were to start. I walked around there. Mocked up some items I had already ordered and wandered a little more. There is just so much. I would love to go home with some of it. Well maybe tomorrow I will look again..
Well it was almost time for the bus to leave for the majestic muirs. Red wood trees that are just huge. As I got down to the lobby I was just on time. They were not to leave for a bit yet and they were already loading the bus. One of these times I am going to miss something. Well not if I can help it.
I got on one of the buses. Now remember what bus you on as when you get off and wander around you will have to find that bus again to get back to were you belong. Through traffic and over the golden gaete bridge to our first stop at solcilito. I know bad spelling. We walked around there for an hour. Some very interesting stores there. A second hand store that is full of evening dresses and furs. Glass stores were you are afraid to walk through without breaking something. Some artist type shops and a few clothing stores. Was a nice walk. You also got a great view of San Francisco.
From there I sat on the curb and waited for the bus to come in. Well you know the bus was already there and down at the other end of parking space. Everyone boarding the bus and I sat for a few minutes more enjoying the breeze that was blowing. It was getting a little warm and my legs were telling me about all my walking.
Well back on the bus. We went along some twisty turny road. Lots of switchbacks and up up we went. Made it to the park were we got out and walked. Oh this was a nice quiet place. The trees overhead. Huge trees at that. Walked along the boardwalk to the path. Down to the third bridge and then headed back on the other side of the creak. Such a beautiful walk.

And just so quiet. So piece full. I just loved it. Nature at its best I say..
I did my usual and took a look at the gift shop. Oh oh found something I liked. A very pretty dolphin carved in wood.. Well I bought it.
I just love dolphins. But everyone who knows me already knows that. Will probably be told about bringing home another dolphin. Meh!! Don't care. Got back on the bus and headed back into town. Got a great view of San Francisco. After that turny curvy road we came back down. Then through rip use hour traffic to get back to hotel a little later then expected... I was hoping for a nap but that did not happen.
Did not even get a chance to change my clothes. Dropped my stuff in the room. Back down stairs to wait for another bus. This one going to another theatre to see beach blanket babylon. I headed up to the balcony and got a great seat. Looking down on the stage. Also got a good view of all the red hat regalia that was down below
The show was about Snow White finding true love around the world. The costumes got more elaborate as the show went on. The hats got bigger. The songs were great to listen to and in the end she did get true love. Aw!!! Happy endings love it.
We lined up outside the theatre and waited to board the bus. The wind was a little brisk but was a good night and not too cold for me. Some were saying it was cold.
The bus did not take as long to get back to hotel were I came up stairs and am doing my thing. I know my Facebook and blog and uploading my pictures. Just to share with you all. It seems I do not want to sleep now anyways. Should I have another early morning tomorrow. So should put my little head down on my pillow and get some shut eye.
Will talk again another day. But I do seem to be busy, busy ,busy with this convention. So catch you all tomorrow sometime.
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