Woke up every couple of hours last night. Is it time to get up. Heck no time for more sleep. Finally around 8:30 I rolled myself out of bed. Am I ready for this day? Well you gonna do this you gonna do this. Now which way do I walk . Okay let head to the forks and the river.
I have good intentions I go down to the desk ask if a bus does go down town or do I have to change buses. They say it is easy and the price is 2.65. Okay my good intentions are I am going to take the bus down town. Look at all the things I have circled on a map. Enjoy my day there and then take the bus back.
Ha that didn't last long. I start walking towards the bus stop and then say to myself well walk to the next stop as it is better then waiting for a bus. It is a beautiful day anyways. Enjoy the bit of a walk to the next stop. Well the thing is I never did stop at that bus stop.i just kept walking. Something I do when I am enjoying the day. No ups and downs and the weather is great for walking. Not too hot and sticky, not going to rain.so the dumb, dumb in me just kept walking.
I knew were I was going and if I head in the wrong direction have a map in my purse to put me back in the right place. Well as long as I don't go off the map that I have.
I turn off portage street and go on Broadway. I decided I stay on highway 1 it will get me to my first stop. I love looking down the smaller cross roads. They are all tree lined with huge elm trees. Makes a canopy over the street. Old growth and old houses. Just spectacular. You never really notice this kind of ambiance when you are driving in a car or riding a bus. You can look at things and not worry about traffic behind you. A bus you don't see much as someone else is always in the way of what you want to look at.
Anyways yes I am still walking. Been doing this for about an hour. One foot in front of the other. At least it is not up and down hills like I do at home or larger hills like I did in San Francisco. That was a walk and a half. I finally come the the legislation building. Wow!!! Very impressive. Stone Mason's must have been very busy to build this. There are carvings in the stone. A dome in the centre with a golden boy on the top. I took a walk inside. Have to go through a security check before you can go wandering around. Then you walk inside. Looks brass and stone and marble. Just beautiful. The stairway up to the second floor. It is defiantly a grand stairway. Two Buffalo on each side of the stairway.. You walk to the back and there is a tables set in a circle around an opening. You look down through the opening and see a star on the floor. You look up and see a painted dome above. As you wander around the building you notice all the stonework, the statues and the workmanship to put this building together.
I finally leave the building and head further down Broadway towards the river. Construction and traffic, but what I also notice is allot of food trucks. Parked every few feet selling something different. Ooooo! Yum! Yep still walking towards the river. I come across Carlton street. There is suppose to be a burned cathedral on that street. I am not sure where but if I walk a little ways down might see it. Well I did see an older church. Don't think it was the cathedral but the church was something nice to take a picture of. Decide to head back to Broadway and keep going. At the end of Broadway I come to the train station. One of the hubs of the area. I walk through the station and out the other side. I see the museum of huma right. Now there is a modern building. To me looks like an ice cream cone. Different layers piled on top of others and a tower on top.i like the building but was not interested in going inside.. Walk a little further down the path and come to a walking bridge that goes over the red river and into the French quarter. I could walk along the river walk on this side or I can venture a little into the French quarter or I could turn around and head over to the forks market, which is where I wanted to go. Well the market was were I went. I got a couple of pictures of the church top in the French quarter but didn't venture much further. Was getting too far away from to hotel as it was. So back over the bridge I went. There is an outcropping on this bridge. It is a resteraunt over the water. That is different. Walked through the waterfront park over to the market.
The forks market. Boy are there allot of interesting things in there. From food to articians to clothing.three floors of it and a tower you can climb stairs to get up or an elevator for those who are tired. You really want to know I took the stairs. Not too high but did give you a birds eye view of the area. I met up with Brenda Marshall a few times walking around. She told me about the river cruise that was very interesting. You get to all the interesting sites from the water. I never thought of going out on a mini cruise and it sounded interesting. Well my feet and back were starting to tell me tails and I knew if I sat down I would probably not get back up again. So a pass on the cruise or lunch for that matter. Just keep me going and start heading back the other way.
I was even a bigger dummy and said no to a ride back to the hotel. Well my mind was set on walking and I was going to finish it. I headed up Assiniboine street. Heading back towards the legislation building. Walking around the back of the building. There are allot of memorial statues and other statues around the back lawn. I made my way around the back of the building and then headed over to portage street and back towards the hotel. I saw the bay building. All five story building. I didn't go in but was kinda wondering if they use all the floors anymore or just two like they do in other towns. I guess not curious enough though as I kept walking.
Hour later I am back at the hotel and in my swimsuit and down to the hot tub. Oooo that felt so good. Didn't do much for the blister I got but yes it did relieve some of the tightness in my back. A little floating around and a little soaking in the tub. I was in there for about an hour between both pools. Had to go back up to the room eventually though.
I had just sat down on the bed checking Facebook and my mail and a text comes in. A few of us are going out to the Olive Garden for supper. Around seven want to come. Okay it is a phone number no name. I write back sure interested in a bite to eat and by the way who am I going out to dinner with. Jan was in the building.
I got myself off the be dandy down to the lobby to meet up with some other ladies. Jan was down at the desk. I got my big hug from her and we chatted a bit. I went to sit with some other ladies sitting in the lobby. They were putting together flowers for decorations. So I fluffed up a couple of them . There was going to be a big group heading out for dinner, but we're not going out till 8 when the reservation was. Jan said a little late for her to be eating so she was heading out to eat now. I decided to go along with her and keep her company. We caught up from the last time we were together. I found out things that were going on in Ontario. I gave her My sister in laws info so she could text her and maybe get her out a few more times with some other events going on. So Ivy you may have an email for you to answer. You are going to meet so many wonderful ladies in Ontario.
We sat and talked in the resteraunt for at least an hour or so. Well Jan did most of the talking, but I put my two cents in once in while. It was abreast catching up.
Now my last problem. Will I be able to roll myself out of bed tomorrow or am I gonna be gimped up and not able to move. Well I am gonna push myself to get up and get moving. Maybe even be on time up to get to have breakie with everyone else. Or am I just going to eat my muffin in my room and roll out of my room when I am ready. Registration is tomorrow so stick around the hotel to get that done. I would like to go down to the zoo, but could I walk anymore for a long time. Yep my problem and I guess I am to deal with it.
Yay!!! Big time red hatting fun coming up tomorrow.