a sea of red hats

a sea of red hats

Friday 19 October 2012

Another night out

Yeah I get to spend another great night with a few ladies in the red and purple.

Tonight I am going to Mission Springs to enjoy a delightful meal and then we head over to railway ave and watch a play called Blithe Spirits. Sounds like a good night to me.

Mission Springs is a pub on the outskirts of town. Serve great food and very filing. The pub also produces its own beer there. It is a very popular place to go here in Mission for a meal or just a drink.

The play we are going to is about a wife coming back from the otherside to find out that her place has been taken by a new wife. So she haunts the heck out of everyone to see if she can get her rightful place back. Sounds like a fairly good comedy to see.

So now from being a sit at home person to someone who goes out once in while. It feels so good to be able to get out and do something. The thing is everything they are doing does have a cost to it. I guess nothing is free in life is it?

I had an invite to go down to the states next week but work would get in the way of that and also my passport is in transit. Means it expired and had to get it redone. So now have to wait until it gets back before I can plan any types of trips to the states.

Well it is off to the pub I am a going right now. Will write again tomorrow on how it all was.

I am a red hatter and proud of it. A lady at work called me a mad hatter the other day. Don't care am having some fun for now.

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