So got up this morning and you know we missed the continental breakfast downstairs. I think I needed the sleep more then I needed the food. After the plane ride from heck yesterday I was so happy that we still had a room and I could just put my head down and my feet up and just relax.
You see last night plane ride which was suppose to be an hour and half ride turned out to be five hours. We got loaded in the plane. Then had to wait to see what the weather was doing. As storm fronts were traveling over New Orleans. The plane finally taxied out to the Tarmac but then all of a sudden after a bit of a wait at the runway he turned back towards the hanger. Said had to get gas in order to make this flight happen. So another wait while we filled with gas and they figured out a flight plan. Then back out to the runway and waited again while plane after plane took off. We finally got in the air and started heading north. Did not turn south until we were up north of Arkansas. Then came back down to New Orleans via Mississippi. We got into New Orleans at midnight or there abouts. Then getting the shuttle and onto the hotel. We still had a room when we got there. Thank goodness for that. Was out like a light in. I time after Rob got us a couple of snacks from the vending machine to tie us over till morning. There was no walking for me. My feet had a little problem and started to swell on me. Not easy walking with that. So I slept with my feet up and my head down. And out like a light in. O time. Yeah I already said that.
Next morning woken up by house keeping. Oh gosh we have to get on the road. Picking up a rental car and then the drive out to Houma. Grabbed a taxi over to car rental place. Well at least I did something right. I got a rental place close to easy access to the road going to Houma. So only had to get on expressway and head out of town. Not through town but out of town. Easiest drive I had to make and tank goodness for gps. Got us there without a hitch. Love when things go together like that.
So now have a room in Houma. There are so many red hatters walking and driving around town. I missed some of the fun things they were doing this afternoon but made it to the pirate get together tonight.
I took Rob on a bit of a walk. He being a big guy the humidity did not do too much for him. First thing he did when we got back to room was go take a shower.. He may spend allot of time there if this keeps up. Walking around New Orleans may be tough on him. I was hoping that maybe we could walk down to were a few were meeting but didn't make it that far. Decided to turn around as was a little further then what the map looked like. Dang maps never tell the truth of how close you are to something. So I hoped into my pirate outfit and headed down stairs to meet up with the other ladies going there. Got a ride over to were the buses were picking us up and road the bus over to were the event was taking place.
Two tents set up. One nice and cool inside. With chairs set up for socializing. The other tent was filled with buffet type meal and the vendors were there as well. Two vendors with some gorgeous hats and the bling lady herself that I by lots of bling from. Diane. She had a couple more items for me that I had paid for already..
So wandered the room for a little while. Found a seat were a few ladies were sitting and ended spending a few hours with them chatting a way. Well as you know they were chatting I did my usual and not too many words coming out but did keep up my end of the conversation. Imagine that. From the quiet one.
Met Anna tonight and she was surprised. She thought when I said I was the quiet one that I was just kidding. Well she found out the opposite of what she was thinking. I can say so much on Facebook but when it comes to face to face I am as quiet as they come. I got a certificate and a pin tonight by joining ROOTH. That is the royal order of the hat. You make a hat that has a ship on it and then you show it off to all the Pirates there. Mine includes and bear on the back and mermaid Barbie waving to everyone as I walked by. Plus my ship in the front. A little heavy but was fun to wear.
Anyways the night rolled on. Laughing and fun and a few prizes given out. Great night together with these ladies. They may still be partying over there. The dance floor was opening up when I left. I found a ride back to the hotel and called it a night.. Now I sit here jabbering away on my blog. Happy to say my feet are holding up better then they did last night.
A picture I stole from Angela. A pinkie I was sitting with for the night.
My outfit for the night. Just a tad warm for Louisiana weather. Was going to wear a vest with it too but decided just a little hot.
And I thought I was the only one that gropes all out for a costume
Pirates, Pirates every were but not the swill to be seen.
So tonight was a fun night. Met a few ladies I had seem on Facebook and more or less did my usual and watched and learned and laughed my night away.
Tomorrow will be the big dinner. To now find another ride to this or maybe driving myself. Who knows. Just follow the caravan that is going and have another fun day with these ladies. I seem to be at a great table and up in the balcony. No do not worry I am not bringing any water balloons or paper airplanes to drop. I will behave myself.
Talk again tomorrow.
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