This morning had to get all dolled up and blingy.
Today was a birthday bash at minter gardens. It was the 15 th birthday. So had a beautiful day.
The weather was great. Got up into close to 20. Pulled one of my many hats off the hook and figured out what to wear. Some purple. Yah but what. Well through my closet I go. I do have allot of purple. This has to be a dressy up affair. Well I think it is anyways. Got to get all blingy and fancy. Gosh do I have anything fancy to wear? Well let's see what I can come up with. Here is a nice looking shirt. Kinda dressy and I do have allot of long skirts. I am not one for short skirts or short dresses. I don't like showing off my bony legs. So everything is long and covering up.
Now how can I bling it up. I know I have a couple of shawls that are shiny and sparkly. I will put one around my waist and see how it looks. Yes it will bling me up just right. Now a purple scarf around my neck and a necklace that is shiny. A bit of other jewellery and I am ready to go.
I think I put myself together pretty good. Now I just have to wonder will I be over dressed or under dressed. What the heck am I doing. I know one of these people. I am turning into a chicken shit again. Why am I going I don't know why . Well to meet new people and get to know someone. Well it won't come unless I get myself out there and do this. Just keep driving. You are just about there. Oaky where do I turn. I have never been here before. Oh my gosh I forgot my name tag. Now what do I do. I am just about there and donor have my name tag. They won't know who I am. Well I won't know any of them either. Stop over thinking this. You are going to have some fun and if not well you did try.
So into the parking lot I go. Well I made it. Didn't turn around and go home. Afterwards I took a walk around the gardens. It is spring and there is not too,inch in the way of flowers out yet. But for now what I saw was beautiful. The water features and the flowers that where out were put together so nicely.
Yes I did have a good time. I jumped on those demonds and went in and had a great time. Lots of laughs and great food. I sat at a table were I did not know anyone and got to know these ladies. They are just the same as me. Not sure about being there and have to get out and meet people.
Okay so now onto the next adventure. I have to keep doing or I am going to end up sitting in my house staring at the tv. Oh joy that will be fun. Not!!! Have to keep pushing myself out to do these things. Chicken or not this has to be done.
So my adventure continues. I am having some fun and meeting new friends. Well acquaintances anyways. The if thing is I am getting out in the world and not just hiding out at home.
I joined the red hat society. It is one of the greatest pleasure I have. I get to go out and meet new interesting ladies that I can talk with. Here is my adventure as a red hatter. these are just my opinions not part of the red hat society. if i offend anyone please do not take my writings too seriously. i just like to write about what i am doing and how it is making me happy and keeping myself active.
a sea of red hats

Thursday, 25 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Now I am up to five funvations and a few meals and get togethers around here
I just booked my hotel in Vegas. Gaul this is going to be fun. A week in Vegas. Part of it enjoying being a red hatter and another part keeping company with my son.
Yeah my son has decided to go along with me for a Minnie vacation. So now I am hoping that the room comes up with two beds. The problem is they are not garanteing two beds. Aw come on what is with that.? Well I will just have to hope for the best.
So now have to find some flights that will work out with this that are not too expensive. This will be a little later down the line though. I don't need to book that far in advanced for flights. Also have to see whether my son gets his pass port or not as well. I may still be going on ,y own with a few ladies instead of enjoying his company.
See what happens in that department. Ifhe does go with me we are going to a couple of shows. Want to see circus solei. Sorry can't spell so your guess is as good as mine on that. Maybe see if can get to shania twain as well. I know he doesn't want to see her but I kinda would like to or maybe Bette or Celine. Would Bernice too if they are still doing shows there.
So. Ow I am up to five funvations. I just hope that work will lemme off for them. I am keeping my fingers crossed on that. It is only a few days here or there but it may be that I have too much time off and they won't let me do it. That would not be too fun would it.
So tomorrow I am going to a red hat dinner. Celebrating being a red hatter. Will be meeting up a Minter Gardens for a red hat meal.. Will be great fun to get together with a few ladies and eat and talk. I am not much of a talker but I do listen allot. I don't know too many of these ladies but will know them allot better by the time the meal is over. Made some new friends along the way.
Then in a couple of weeks am enjoying company again with my group and having a meal and then going to see a play in our little theatre. This is always a good time when we get together.
In a couple of months will be heading to Sacramento for my first funvation. I booked this one to see if I would enjoy it or not. Then another came up and ,I booked it too. Then another and another. I have not gone to my first and I have booked a few of them. Sometimes I can just be. Real silly and do things without even thinking. The thing is if I don't book them I won't know what I am missing. So now I am on my way to five of them. Three this year and two more next year.
What the heck have I done. I know made some fun for myself. Well at least I hope I have and not get there and feel like itis something I shouldn't be doing. Oh well I am going and I am going to kick the chicken shit out of me and have a hell of a time.
So now wish me luck. I am going toned it. My gosh what am I thinking. That it is time to get out of my shell and start living a life thati want to live. Canit be done. Well, you betcha.
Red hats to the rescue. Please make this chicken shit lady have some fun.
Yeah my son has decided to go along with me for a Minnie vacation. So now I am hoping that the room comes up with two beds. The problem is they are not garanteing two beds. Aw come on what is with that.? Well I will just have to hope for the best.
So now have to find some flights that will work out with this that are not too expensive. This will be a little later down the line though. I don't need to book that far in advanced for flights. Also have to see whether my son gets his pass port or not as well. I may still be going on ,y own with a few ladies instead of enjoying his company.
See what happens in that department. Ifhe does go with me we are going to a couple of shows. Want to see circus solei. Sorry can't spell so your guess is as good as mine on that. Maybe see if can get to shania twain as well. I know he doesn't want to see her but I kinda would like to or maybe Bette or Celine. Would Bernice too if they are still doing shows there.
So. Ow I am up to five funvations. I just hope that work will lemme off for them. I am keeping my fingers crossed on that. It is only a few days here or there but it may be that I have too much time off and they won't let me do it. That would not be too fun would it.
So tomorrow I am going to a red hat dinner. Celebrating being a red hatter. Will be meeting up a Minter Gardens for a red hat meal.. Will be great fun to get together with a few ladies and eat and talk. I am not much of a talker but I do listen allot. I don't know too many of these ladies but will know them allot better by the time the meal is over. Made some new friends along the way.
Then in a couple of weeks am enjoying company again with my group and having a meal and then going to see a play in our little theatre. This is always a good time when we get together.
In a couple of months will be heading to Sacramento for my first funvation. I booked this one to see if I would enjoy it or not. Then another came up and ,I booked it too. Then another and another. I have not gone to my first and I have booked a few of them. Sometimes I can just be. Real silly and do things without even thinking. The thing is if I don't book them I won't know what I am missing. So now I am on my way to five of them. Three this year and two more next year.
What the heck have I done. I know made some fun for myself. Well at least I hope I have and not get there and feel like itis something I shouldn't be doing. Oh well I am going and I am going to kick the chicken shit out of me and have a hell of a time.
So now wish me luck. I am going toned it. My gosh what am I thinking. That it is time to get out of my shell and start living a life thati want to live. Canit be done. Well, you betcha.
Red hats to the rescue. Please make this chicken shit lady have some fun.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Just clicken away here while I wait for pictures to print.
Was on holidays the past few weeks. Had a great time but now is back to reality.
My computer is kinda slow. It is taking along time in order to print off some pictures from my trip to Florida. Well it is up to ten pages now. You know there is a heck of allot more to print as well.
I know this has nothing to do with red hating but I thought I would share. You see that is the reason I am on here now writing about well, not much of anything.
Oh it has made it up to eleven pages now. Soon the printer will start.
Well what I really got on here for is to write Bout upcoming events for me. I am looking so forward to being able to go to these funventions coming up.
The first one is coming up in a matter of months. I still haven't gotmycostumeready for the ball they are having one night. I was thinking maybe going as the wicked witch of the west. This has to fall into the theme of wizard of oz. I have the idea I just haven't got around to the make yet. I was thinking of blinging up some black gloves I have. You know put a little brightness into them. I already have a cape and a little witches hat. Yeah I mean a very little witches hat. It is more like a facinator then a hat. But it looks witchy. So I will use it. A long purple dress and allot of blingy jewelry. Should look okay. Just have to get the bling on e gloves and maybe a little on the hat. My next problem is how do I get a special hat I have in a suitcase and not have it crushed in any way. That will be a challenge. I already have a carryon I use and a hat will not fit into that. I have a hat that is all blinged up and would love to take it for the gala night. So here is a problem. I don't want to break it in any way. It is something I made and I am kinda particular about my creations.
Getting on one plane and then transferring to another plane and hour later. Going to sacramento first. This is my first funvation. Looking forward to it. The next is a mini one in ferndale. I am going to stay overnight instead of traveling back in the dark. This one I had made a lampshade hat for. Yah it is finished. Just have to do a little tweaking to it. Now I am just wondering if I have to wear it or not. It is suppose to be a fashion show of lampshade hats. I did not volunteer for that so maybe do not even need one. I made one for the fun of it anyways. While I was making it I had spread sprinkles all over the place from the taffeta I was using. That was a mess to clean up. The third one for this year is in Reno. Gambling that what I need . No I don't think so. Just go to watch and learn. Another fun time.
Next year I have lined up a couple already as well. Will be heading to Oshawa and then to Las Vegas to enjoy their hospitality.
So have a year full of things to do. I have a social life. First time for that. My life before red hat was going to work, coming home making supper and then flopping on the couch. Now I get out a couple of times a month with a few ladies to swap stories and I do a little traveling on the side to bright up my life. I thank you for the fun red hatters.
Well I guess my printing is finally going to happen here. So now I can ask it todo some more. Maybe a little less pictures this time. I have allot to print to get into a scrap book. This is going to take a long time.
My computer is kinda slow. It is taking along time in order to print off some pictures from my trip to Florida. Well it is up to ten pages now. You know there is a heck of allot more to print as well.
I know this has nothing to do with red hating but I thought I would share. You see that is the reason I am on here now writing about well, not much of anything.
Oh it has made it up to eleven pages now. Soon the printer will start.
Well what I really got on here for is to write Bout upcoming events for me. I am looking so forward to being able to go to these funventions coming up.
The first one is coming up in a matter of months. I still haven't gotmycostumeready for the ball they are having one night. I was thinking maybe going as the wicked witch of the west. This has to fall into the theme of wizard of oz. I have the idea I just haven't got around to the make yet. I was thinking of blinging up some black gloves I have. You know put a little brightness into them. I already have a cape and a little witches hat. Yeah I mean a very little witches hat. It is more like a facinator then a hat. But it looks witchy. So I will use it. A long purple dress and allot of blingy jewelry. Should look okay. Just have to get the bling on e gloves and maybe a little on the hat. My next problem is how do I get a special hat I have in a suitcase and not have it crushed in any way. That will be a challenge. I already have a carryon I use and a hat will not fit into that. I have a hat that is all blinged up and would love to take it for the gala night. So here is a problem. I don't want to break it in any way. It is something I made and I am kinda particular about my creations.
Getting on one plane and then transferring to another plane and hour later. Going to sacramento first. This is my first funvation. Looking forward to it. The next is a mini one in ferndale. I am going to stay overnight instead of traveling back in the dark. This one I had made a lampshade hat for. Yah it is finished. Just have to do a little tweaking to it. Now I am just wondering if I have to wear it or not. It is suppose to be a fashion show of lampshade hats. I did not volunteer for that so maybe do not even need one. I made one for the fun of it anyways. While I was making it I had spread sprinkles all over the place from the taffeta I was using. That was a mess to clean up. The third one for this year is in Reno. Gambling that what I need . No I don't think so. Just go to watch and learn. Another fun time.
Next year I have lined up a couple already as well. Will be heading to Oshawa and then to Las Vegas to enjoy their hospitality.
So have a year full of things to do. I have a social life. First time for that. My life before red hat was going to work, coming home making supper and then flopping on the couch. Now I get out a couple of times a month with a few ladies to swap stories and I do a little traveling on the side to bright up my life. I thank you for the fun red hatters.
Well I guess my printing is finally going to happen here. So now I can ask it todo some more. Maybe a little less pictures this time. I have allot to print to get into a scrap book. This is going to take a long time.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Hey all arr!!! Had a great time today at a red hat craft fair today
I had to get up early this morning to catch a ride to Richmond. Pirates and red hats one fun day coming up
Three other people from my group today decided to go to the craft fair today.
So up early in the morning, walk the dogs and the head over to my queens place in order to get on the road. Richmond is a bit of a drive from where we live. So we travel over to the next town where we drop in on a couple of more ladies. Then it is off to the races. Four of unbundle into the car and head for Richmond.
Well at least it is not raining anymore today. Are not sure what we will find when we get there. Is some of this outside or is it all inside.. Well guess we will find out when we get there.
The fair starts at 10 o clock and we make it there by 9 40 . Oh still plenty of time. The doors are not opened yet but there is ladies already lined up to get in and get the good stuff first. Okay it is getting chilly out here. The doors are not opened yet. It is now ten after and the ladies are getting antsy. More ladies are lining up outside.
Finally the doors open. In rushes everyone just to be filed back out again to be told instructions and a big thank you for coming out. These ladies are not interested in thank you'd they just want to get to the good stuff.
So finally we all file in. There are tables glamour of blindly jewelry, feathery things and lots of red and people items. A few snake type tables and a few home made items. Coloured yarn to make your own things. You would Foto one table and a price would be set. The you go to another table and the price is set at something totally different. So you had to look around allot and try to get the best price.
In the back room they had red hat bingo going on. One of the ladies was playing and won a red hat. Door prizes where sold as raffle tickets. Allot of fascinating stuff there. Boston pizza even catered for this event.
For me I picked up a few things as well. I found a couple more red hats that I can decorate sometime or rather. Along with a few feathered items to put on these red hats. A couple of interesting scarves that insight want to try and make. Oh yeah I also found a pair of silver earrings that at in the pattern of dolphins and a pin in the shape of a blingy dolphin.
All in all I think I got some pretty good deals. The hats I do love to decorate. Not much place I can wear them but they look nice on my shelf. Maybe to some of the conventions I am going to. Just have to figure out how to carry them down on a plane so they do not get crushed. Well that is a few months off yet so have sometime .
Well after we finished off doing a little shopping at the craft fair we stopped in Langley and had a nice meal at SAMs pub. It was our queens birthday month so gave her a treat.
Well I enjoyed myself today. Did a little talking a little shopping and then more talking. Well for me it was allot of listening as I am not much of a talker. I am a good listener though.
Thanks ladies for the day out. I got a few new ideas to work with and now am thinking maybe a sewing machine is in my future. That is to be seen. My craft room is soooo full of stuff now to work on and make up. Well time to get on some of it. I have an afghan to finish for a shower coming up here soon.
Well until next time. Two weeks till my next outing. A lunch at minter gardens, a play my group would like to go to and then to look forward to the funventions coming up this summer and fall. Have now got a busy schedule to look forward to.
Three other people from my group today decided to go to the craft fair today.
So up early in the morning, walk the dogs and the head over to my queens place in order to get on the road. Richmond is a bit of a drive from where we live. So we travel over to the next town where we drop in on a couple of more ladies. Then it is off to the races. Four of unbundle into the car and head for Richmond.
Well at least it is not raining anymore today. Are not sure what we will find when we get there. Is some of this outside or is it all inside.. Well guess we will find out when we get there.
The fair starts at 10 o clock and we make it there by 9 40 . Oh still plenty of time. The doors are not opened yet but there is ladies already lined up to get in and get the good stuff first. Okay it is getting chilly out here. The doors are not opened yet. It is now ten after and the ladies are getting antsy. More ladies are lining up outside.
Finally the doors open. In rushes everyone just to be filed back out again to be told instructions and a big thank you for coming out. These ladies are not interested in thank you'd they just want to get to the good stuff.
So finally we all file in. There are tables glamour of blindly jewelry, feathery things and lots of red and people items. A few snake type tables and a few home made items. Coloured yarn to make your own things. You would Foto one table and a price would be set. The you go to another table and the price is set at something totally different. So you had to look around allot and try to get the best price.
In the back room they had red hat bingo going on. One of the ladies was playing and won a red hat. Door prizes where sold as raffle tickets. Allot of fascinating stuff there. Boston pizza even catered for this event.
For me I picked up a few things as well. I found a couple more red hats that I can decorate sometime or rather. Along with a few feathered items to put on these red hats. A couple of interesting scarves that insight want to try and make. Oh yeah I also found a pair of silver earrings that at in the pattern of dolphins and a pin in the shape of a blingy dolphin.
All in all I think I got some pretty good deals. The hats I do love to decorate. Not much place I can wear them but they look nice on my shelf. Maybe to some of the conventions I am going to. Just have to figure out how to carry them down on a plane so they do not get crushed. Well that is a few months off yet so have sometime .
Well after we finished off doing a little shopping at the craft fair we stopped in Langley and had a nice meal at SAMs pub. It was our queens birthday month so gave her a treat.
Well I enjoyed myself today. Did a little talking a little shopping and then more talking. Well for me it was allot of listening as I am not much of a talker. I am a good listener though.
Thanks ladies for the day out. I got a few new ideas to work with and now am thinking maybe a sewing machine is in my future. That is to be seen. My craft room is soooo full of stuff now to work on and make up. Well time to get on some of it. I have an afghan to finish for a shower coming up here soon.
Well until next time. Two weeks till my next outing. A lunch at minter gardens, a play my group would like to go to and then to look forward to the funventions coming up this summer and fall. Have now got a busy schedule to look forward to.
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