I just signed up to go to a couple more funvations.
Sent off my registration today. One is in ferndale. It is a one day event that sounds like a fun time. I figured I would go a day early and take in the casino for the day.. Then maybe spend another night and drive home in the morning. Sounds like a plan. So now just have to figure out what I can wear to this event. They are having a model how were you had to decorate a lamp shade with dollar store items and then wear it. This will be interesting. Also item from the dollars store to decorate your outfit. Hmmm what can I do with that.
The other one is in Oshawa next year. It is to celebrate the red hat birthday. I am going to take an extra day an go over to niagra falls on a tour. I always like going to see the falls. The theme for this is the titanic. So there will be a night of dressing in your finery from the era of the time of the titanic.
The other event that I signed up of is over the rainbow in Sacramento. I have found a few other ladies who are going from this area. So. They will help me out with my first funvations. Then I will get myself in deep and go on my own.
There is also a few other things going on through the year that will keep me coming back for more. I do like this being able to get out and meet other ladies. To dress up in some finery with bling is a new thing for me. I usually go out someplace and just wear my grubby jeans and a t shirt. So to be dressed up and having some bling on does make big difference in how I feel.
Oh I guess speaking of bling. I have been buying a few pieces. I went on the web site for red hats. Got my self a name badge so everyone will know who I is and were I come from. Then I also was looking and saw a couple of red hat I liked and a bit of blingy jewellery as well. I just had to have it and ordered. Well now I just wait with baited breath for my items to be delivered. Soo excited. Getting into the blingy thing. I really love the decorated hats too. Just not sure where to wear them other then to a red hat event.
I also wander around stores now and seen blingy stuff in the store. Oh that would look great or this would look right. Hmm do thy have that in purple or maybe red and I can wear it on my birthday month. Hmmm there is something that looks good. Or over there I see a red hat. How can I decorate it.
Well I am hooked. Lined and sunk. Lovin it so far.
I joined the red hat society. It is one of the greatest pleasure I have. I get to go out and meet new interesting ladies that I can talk with. Here is my adventure as a red hatter. these are just my opinions not part of the red hat society. if i offend anyone please do not take my writings too seriously. i just like to write about what i am doing and how it is making me happy and keeping myself active.
a sea of red hats

Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Friday, 18 January 2013
I have a fever or bug or something
I go shopping now and the only thing I seem to look at is red or purple . Lets see how would that look on a hat. Does this purple look right to go with that pare of pants or skirt. How can I dress this up to give it more blingy. Will this look good together. Oh there is a red shirt. It would be good for when my birthday month is. Does this hat look too over the top.
Well this is my dilemma. I think I have the red hat fever or bug. Is there a cure for it. Gaul I hope not. I am having the time of my life right now. Just to look at this stuff and just to think of what I could do with it and how I can display myself and not feel like a dork.
There is also soo many events coming up now. I would love to go to all of them. Well see what happens. I have already signed up to go to one of them. This on is in Sacramento in California. I will be there for 5 days. 3 of them will be wandering around doing red hat things. The other two days will probably check out the down town area of sacrament and see the sights. The down town area sounds like a lot of history to see. So should have a good time. I am flying down with a few other red hatters so won't be doing my first trek out in red hating by myself. After this trip will see how brave I am to start going to other ones.
I have decided that I will go to a few other things going on. There is a luncheon in ferndale that sounds like it will be a blast. There will be a modelling of hats as well. You know for this one have to make a hat out of a lamp shade. Well how do I do that. Something I have to figure out. And all the blingy has to come from a dollar store. This should be a fun project.
Then next fall there is the talk like a pirate day. I went to that lunch and it was a blast last year. They are looking for bigger this year so get my name In there early if I can. Get to dress in pirate blingy. I just did a basic last year of a pirate hat. It was my first decorated hat though and was proud of what I did.
They are sending out e mail to get ready for Christmas party next year. Well another thing that would be interesting to go to.
There is always something in the works for red hatters to go to. I think I can keep myself pretty busy with this organization. Fun events are going on all over the world . So if you had the hankering could just about go anywhere and meet a red hatter.
Okay so now. This. bug is a good thing for me. I am getting out. Meeting new ladies to talk with. I can go just about anywhere and meet someone who is a red hat. Have some fun and bling myself up all purdy.
I went to micheals. A craft store here that has all sorts of stuff to use to make different things. I got a gift card for Christmas so decided to go in and get some yarn and work on some more knitting. Instead I came out of the store with butterflies, ribbons, boas and feathery things. I then came home and took a red cowboy hat I had sitting here and started decorating. I came up with something so over the top for wearing anywhere. Boa on the front. Boa and scarf on the back hanging down and feathers galore sticking up one side. It isn't something you would wear around out in the sun or such but to and funvations I think it would be pretty good. I now have more of these feathers and fluff so will probably do up another hat later on. It was a challenge to get it to look just the way I wanted it to but I think I did pretty good.
Now the next thing is for this funvations coming up. I have to have a night where I dress all nice and blingy. But in the purple and red colours. Well I found a shirt today that should fit right in and I have a skirt that has some purple in it. Very dressy. I think this hat that I just decorated will look good with it. Hmm!!! How do I get this hat down to the event on the airplane with out crushing it. There is a question. I don't want to crush the feathers. If I wear it on the plane I think I will get allot of strange looks. Then there is the next night were we will have to dress up I costume like wizard of oz. well I think I figured that one out as well. I got a little red and purple in the costumes and have decided that it is my rendition of wicket witch of the west.. Purple and red included. Well I am hoping it turns out okay anyways. Now just to figure out how to get this all packed at the time and not damages anything.
Here is a picture of my hat I just did up down below. So did I do good or what?
So now fever is in full swing. I look for red and purple. I look at the bling of shiny jewellery. I seek out red hats. I look for stuff to decorate them with. I find feathers and boas butterflies and birds. I read all the e mails that come in for different events and say that sound like fun. Then I say well how do I get off work to go to this. Now book it off and see what happens. I will soon be doing more red hating and less working. Well that is the plan eventually. For now. Try to get in as much as I can before I do retire and then can do it more often.
So for now. Will go to a few events and have a little fun. Then later on more events less working and allot of fun.
Like I say red hats to the rescue. They have given me a not so boring future. Thank you ladies.
Well this is my dilemma. I think I have the red hat fever or bug. Is there a cure for it. Gaul I hope not. I am having the time of my life right now. Just to look at this stuff and just to think of what I could do with it and how I can display myself and not feel like a dork.
There is also soo many events coming up now. I would love to go to all of them. Well see what happens. I have already signed up to go to one of them. This on is in Sacramento in California. I will be there for 5 days. 3 of them will be wandering around doing red hat things. The other two days will probably check out the down town area of sacrament and see the sights. The down town area sounds like a lot of history to see. So should have a good time. I am flying down with a few other red hatters so won't be doing my first trek out in red hating by myself. After this trip will see how brave I am to start going to other ones.
I have decided that I will go to a few other things going on. There is a luncheon in ferndale that sounds like it will be a blast. There will be a modelling of hats as well. You know for this one have to make a hat out of a lamp shade. Well how do I do that. Something I have to figure out. And all the blingy has to come from a dollar store. This should be a fun project.
Then next fall there is the talk like a pirate day. I went to that lunch and it was a blast last year. They are looking for bigger this year so get my name In there early if I can. Get to dress in pirate blingy. I just did a basic last year of a pirate hat. It was my first decorated hat though and was proud of what I did.
They are sending out e mail to get ready for Christmas party next year. Well another thing that would be interesting to go to.
There is always something in the works for red hatters to go to. I think I can keep myself pretty busy with this organization. Fun events are going on all over the world . So if you had the hankering could just about go anywhere and meet a red hatter.
Okay so now. This. bug is a good thing for me. I am getting out. Meeting new ladies to talk with. I can go just about anywhere and meet someone who is a red hat. Have some fun and bling myself up all purdy.
I went to micheals. A craft store here that has all sorts of stuff to use to make different things. I got a gift card for Christmas so decided to go in and get some yarn and work on some more knitting. Instead I came out of the store with butterflies, ribbons, boas and feathery things. I then came home and took a red cowboy hat I had sitting here and started decorating. I came up with something so over the top for wearing anywhere. Boa on the front. Boa and scarf on the back hanging down and feathers galore sticking up one side. It isn't something you would wear around out in the sun or such but to and funvations I think it would be pretty good. I now have more of these feathers and fluff so will probably do up another hat later on. It was a challenge to get it to look just the way I wanted it to but I think I did pretty good.
Now the next thing is for this funvations coming up. I have to have a night where I dress all nice and blingy. But in the purple and red colours. Well I found a shirt today that should fit right in and I have a skirt that has some purple in it. Very dressy. I think this hat that I just decorated will look good with it. Hmm!!! How do I get this hat down to the event on the airplane with out crushing it. There is a question. I don't want to crush the feathers. If I wear it on the plane I think I will get allot of strange looks. Then there is the next night were we will have to dress up I costume like wizard of oz. well I think I figured that one out as well. I got a little red and purple in the costumes and have decided that it is my rendition of wicket witch of the west.. Purple and red included. Well I am hoping it turns out okay anyways. Now just to figure out how to get this all packed at the time and not damages anything.
Here is a picture of my hat I just did up down below. So did I do good or what?
So now fever is in full swing. I look for red and purple. I look at the bling of shiny jewellery. I seek out red hats. I look for stuff to decorate them with. I find feathers and boas butterflies and birds. I read all the e mails that come in for different events and say that sound like fun. Then I say well how do I get off work to go to this. Now book it off and see what happens. I will soon be doing more red hating and less working. Well that is the plan eventually. For now. Try to get in as much as I can before I do retire and then can do it more often.
So for now. Will go to a few events and have a little fun. Then later on more events less working and allot of fun.
Like I say red hats to the rescue. They have given me a not so boring future. Thank you ladies.
Monday, 7 January 2013
I have the bug now
Well I not sure which blog to put this on. The old Harley biker broad or the red hat one. You see this has to do with travel. So it could be put on either. Well for now I will put it on here and as I travel it may be on both.
I got an e mail here a couple of days ago from my queen. There was a convention going on in Sacramento. Well that kinda put the bug in my ear. Started looking around and deciding whether I could do this or not. It sounded like fun but traveling alone. Well this chicken shit of a person had to wonder about whether she would do it or not.
Well I started writing to Sacramento and asking questions. She wrote back saying that there were ladies going from my area and that I should make contact with them. Okay more bugs in my ear and I was getting intreged about this. I really want to go, so wrote to one of the ladies on my Facebook page asking her if she knew any of these ladies going. Well the response I got was just overwhelming. I had lots of answers to my question in no time.
Found out that there were a few going and that if I get my butt in gear I will have ladies to go with. First thing get off my registration. Second get that room booked or they will be gone. Thirdly get to a travel agent and book my flight. Well I got the room done as soon as I got off Facebook and e mail. So that is done. I was told that was the last room available. Tomorrow I will be into travel agent and get airfare one and then head to post office and get the registration mailed.
Well I was back on e mail tonight and the hotel has opened up more rooms according to the lady running the convention. So more room for anyone wanting to go. I didn't take the last room.
Well anyways my story goes I AM GOING TO CALIFORNIA. Am so excited. I just love that I joined up to be a red hatter.. I had my doubts when I thought about it, but I wanted to get out and meet people before I retired and got to know people in another prospective then work.
So far I am having such fun. I have been out to a couple of plays. Have gone to a gala were you got to dress up real purdy. Something I don't do too often. I have enjoyed good meals out with great conversation and lots of laughs. I have found places in mission I never knew existed.
I was just a home body until these ladies came into my life. Now I may get to do things I never dreamed of doing. Well that is to be decided. I can act like myself and hope no one takes too much offence. I can be a real dork sometimes. Ya know. See look at me I am blogging yeah that is kinda dorky I think.
Well anyways the jest of this blog is to say. I have taken a plung and put some fears behind me ( I hope). And get out and do some things beside sit in the house and do my knitting and saw dusting, family tree and watch the boob tube. Well and stare at my hubby because there just ain't nothing else to do.
I was dreading retirement but now maybe there is a light at the end of this tunnel after all. That will be more promising then what I thought. I have to keep doing and moving so I don't eventually end up with my illness in a wheel chair. Which is my third blog I have going.
Well anyways to say again. I thank you ladies for taking me in and entertaining me in the only way you know how. With friendship.
And again I am going to California. Oh this will be such fun and hopefully I can stay out of this shell long enough to really enjoy it.
Wish me luck. I am trying. Boy is it hard.
I got an e mail here a couple of days ago from my queen. There was a convention going on in Sacramento. Well that kinda put the bug in my ear. Started looking around and deciding whether I could do this or not. It sounded like fun but traveling alone. Well this chicken shit of a person had to wonder about whether she would do it or not.
Well I started writing to Sacramento and asking questions. She wrote back saying that there were ladies going from my area and that I should make contact with them. Okay more bugs in my ear and I was getting intreged about this. I really want to go, so wrote to one of the ladies on my Facebook page asking her if she knew any of these ladies going. Well the response I got was just overwhelming. I had lots of answers to my question in no time.
Found out that there were a few going and that if I get my butt in gear I will have ladies to go with. First thing get off my registration. Second get that room booked or they will be gone. Thirdly get to a travel agent and book my flight. Well I got the room done as soon as I got off Facebook and e mail. So that is done. I was told that was the last room available. Tomorrow I will be into travel agent and get airfare one and then head to post office and get the registration mailed.
Well I was back on e mail tonight and the hotel has opened up more rooms according to the lady running the convention. So more room for anyone wanting to go. I didn't take the last room.
Well anyways my story goes I AM GOING TO CALIFORNIA. Am so excited. I just love that I joined up to be a red hatter.. I had my doubts when I thought about it, but I wanted to get out and meet people before I retired and got to know people in another prospective then work.
So far I am having such fun. I have been out to a couple of plays. Have gone to a gala were you got to dress up real purdy. Something I don't do too often. I have enjoyed good meals out with great conversation and lots of laughs. I have found places in mission I never knew existed.
I was just a home body until these ladies came into my life. Now I may get to do things I never dreamed of doing. Well that is to be decided. I can act like myself and hope no one takes too much offence. I can be a real dork sometimes. Ya know. See look at me I am blogging yeah that is kinda dorky I think.
Well anyways the jest of this blog is to say. I have taken a plung and put some fears behind me ( I hope). And get out and do some things beside sit in the house and do my knitting and saw dusting, family tree and watch the boob tube. Well and stare at my hubby because there just ain't nothing else to do.
I was dreading retirement but now maybe there is a light at the end of this tunnel after all. That will be more promising then what I thought. I have to keep doing and moving so I don't eventually end up with my illness in a wheel chair. Which is my third blog I have going.
Well anyways to say again. I thank you ladies for taking me in and entertaining me in the only way you know how. With friendship.
And again I am going to California. Oh this will be such fun and hopefully I can stay out of this shell long enough to really enjoy it.
Wish me luck. I am trying. Boy is it hard.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Little pot luck dinner. Little conversation
Well today was our first get together of the year.
We had a pot luck dinner of some yummy food. Did a little planning for the year to see what we can do for the year ahead.
Came up with some ideas to keep us going this next year. Next month will be doing a bit of a craft thing. Going to one of my fellow red hatters place and checking out her craft room and doing some crafty stuff. Sounds like fun. I am a crafty person here.
In the near future will be maybe going on a day cruise on the Fraser and watching fire works from the water. We will be going to Richmond to a all day ladies day were there will be craft abound for sale. A few other things on the menu are maybe a few lunches out and maybe a few red hat events going on through the year. The gala I went to last year sounds like the rest of the ladies may go to this year. Also I made a suggestion about the Christmas concert Kenny Hess did this year I went to that might be of interest for them next year. Plus a few plays coming up and maybe a few movies through the year. You know the chick flicks that I can't get bill to go to and I usually go by myself.
I got this event coming up I would like to go to. It is in California in august. It is a red hat extravaganza. Would love to go to it. It is three days. Think I could get away for five days to participate in it. Well I am honing to try. The hotel will cost me a little bit. Flight a little more and then to attend a little more. But it sounds like a fun time. It sound like fun. So see what I can do
There was another one in campbell river but I think I am too late to get in on it now. It sounded like it would have been a fun time as well. And it was so close.could have just drove over there.
Well that is it for now. Until next month
We had a pot luck dinner of some yummy food. Did a little planning for the year to see what we can do for the year ahead.
Came up with some ideas to keep us going this next year. Next month will be doing a bit of a craft thing. Going to one of my fellow red hatters place and checking out her craft room and doing some crafty stuff. Sounds like fun. I am a crafty person here.
In the near future will be maybe going on a day cruise on the Fraser and watching fire works from the water. We will be going to Richmond to a all day ladies day were there will be craft abound for sale. A few other things on the menu are maybe a few lunches out and maybe a few red hat events going on through the year. The gala I went to last year sounds like the rest of the ladies may go to this year. Also I made a suggestion about the Christmas concert Kenny Hess did this year I went to that might be of interest for them next year. Plus a few plays coming up and maybe a few movies through the year. You know the chick flicks that I can't get bill to go to and I usually go by myself.
I got this event coming up I would like to go to. It is in California in august. It is a red hat extravaganza. Would love to go to it. It is three days. Think I could get away for five days to participate in it. Well I am honing to try. The hotel will cost me a little bit. Flight a little more and then to attend a little more. But it sounds like a fun time. It sound like fun. So see what I can do
There was another one in campbell river but I think I am too late to get in on it now. It sounded like it would have been a fun time as well. And it was so close.could have just drove over there.
Well that is it for now. Until next month
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