a sea of red hats

a sea of red hats

Thursday 6 December 2012

One tea toddler in a wine shop

Well it is not a red hat outing but it was an outing on my part.

A lady from work had decided to invite me along. She and a few other ladies she knew go out once in awhile and check out the sights around the area. Or do a little stitching and bitching in her craft room. Well this time they invited me to tag along.

Now get this. I am not a drinker. Have never been much of a drinker or even a sipper for that matter and they decided to go to the wine brewery out in Deroche. Well I am up for it lets go.

Now these ladies live in Maple Ridge and are heading my way after everyone else is picked up. I get a text that says. Just heading out now. Will be picking up everyone and then heading your way. Okay I figure about half hour or so and they will be here. Lets see hour later after hubby bugging me that they got lost and couldn't find the place. Aw they forgot about me. Two cars come up the road. But they are just neighbours coming home. Then their they are. Driving slowly up the road checking out each address. And then pull into my driveway.

Aw freedom from my hubby. Off on an adventure of such. Five ladies in a car heading out to delve into tastings of the vine and the berry. Yummy on some peoples palate. Mine well I am not too sure but will give it a go.

Not more then ten minutes down the road we are there. It isn't far from wereI live. Mind you I have never been to the winery before so it will be an experience for me. The last time these ladies were here they drove all the way out to find it was closed on Mondays so had to try another day. So comments were. It better not be closed today. Well as we pull into the drive the door opens magically. Well it is like they were expecting someone to come and visit..

So now glasses are set out and a wine list is brought out. Lets see they all look so so temping. Well to someone else. I know shit about wine. When I was was a kid I had some wine and thought well yeah that is something I could do with out.

I did give it a go though. Tried the glacier bear, and a blueberry flavoured and a couple of others. They were nothing like the wine I had when I was a kid. Go figure. Still had the bit of a flavour that were pleasing to the palate. Well I can say that I did try some wine. A little sip here and a little sip there. Sorta yummy but not enough that I would like to take some home and keep for special occasions. Anyway who would drink it. It would probably sit in the cupboard like the other booze we have sitting here from a party my son had many years ago.

Well after cases were bought to give as presents by the other ladies we were on the road again. Headed back to my home town and had lunch at the mission springs brewery. Very good food there. Also very filling. Good conversation and a few Facebook pictures taken. Then it was time to head home.

Well ladies had a very nice time with you all. Thanks so much for the meal and conversation. Made my day off a little more special. It was almost a red hat thing but didn't have to wear the red and purple. I would love to venture out again sometime if you are in the mood.

Until next time

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