Marcy Laselle put a note up on facebook a few days ago. She was going to throw a party. This would not be like any other party you ever went to. This one was virtual. So your name goes on for being invited and you can show up anything you want as the party goes on for most of the day and into the night.
Ladies were invited from all around the world. That's right if you are on at the right time you can talk with ladies you meant in Australia or Hawaii or England. Just talk with them for a while or I mean type to them when they are on. Or just hop in and out anytime you want. Jump into ther ladies conversations and put in your two cents. Or even a dollar worth of something to say. This was all in fun and you just let your emagination run with what is coming up or even make up your own part of the party.
Now for me I never really go to parties. I more or less sit at home and watch the boob tube or work on my crafty stuff. Have never been much of a talker. That is for dang sure. Well that is when I am face to face with someone. I am trying but I still do not say very much. I put my pennies in once in while but my mouth is usually pretty closed when I am out with people. I never jump in with both feet because I usually think what will I do wrong and loose what I was just starting to have. I put my foot in my mouth so many times over the years that it just is not worth saying anything that might offend someone and then they never really talk to you anymore. Then again my emagination does not runneth over either when I am around other people. I think latter I could have done that or said that, but at the time couldn't think of any comeback or something to say that would have added to what was being done.
So this virtual party that went on yesterday. Well I had comebacks and lots of things to say and was laughing most of the night. It gave a reason to remanice about what I had accomplished over the past year with my red hat sisters. How much fun I had doing these things and how many friends I am actually making. From all across the world to be exact. I have also met some of these ladies from around the world. I have met ladies from Australia, England and many from the United States. And I talked with many of them through the day and into last night.
So this party started in Australia. The was a few ladies from there who started off the celebration. They brought party favours and lots of appies. Then there was the noise makers and last but not least the big fireworks displays. As the time changes came across Asia and Europe it was a little quieter until we hit into England. Some of the red hat ladies are there for the London New Year's Day parade. They will be joining the parade today, which I have seem on facebook. They looked like they were having such a great time. This is something I would have loved to do in another couple of years when I am retired but they will not be going to the parade anymore. Too bad. Just have to think of another way to go to England and enjoy the sites. I was thinking maybe a river cruise some time or rather. I am hoping my bod will let me do things like this in the future. I would love to keep traveling and see some more countries in retirement.
Okay so back to the party. US and Canada finally got into the acted. Across the country as one time zone to another hit New Years. There was bond fires outside, lots of toast going on, sunsets to see, and all the decorations and food that was virtually brought to the party. Tables were set up so pretty. Then all the smiling faces you see from one end of the country to the other. As the time zone past some headed for bed while others headed for other parties. Then there was the hard core ones who stayed till the end to wish everyone a new year. They may have been awake for many many hours just to watch the whole thing makes its way through the time zones.
Well for me I was in and out many times during the day and into the evening and nightfall. I had many laughs along the way and until our time zone came around. Pacific coast time. One of the last ones for the night. Some diehards popped in to say their best wishes from the east coast and Australia was just waking up again so got to talk with them again, but they were a day ahead of us.
So I know this sounds very silly and what the heck would I do something like that. But you know for thinking it was silly I had a great time. Just talking and using the imagination that I had lost a little as I grow older. The inner child was out in full force last night. I even got to bring home the lampshade I was wearing. And the glitter I found on the floor. I think I will use it to decorated my new lampshade hat. Now won't you be looking if someday I put my lampshade hat up on Facebook.
So Sue Ellen's theme this year is just to have palin fun. And I think that is what happened last night. Well at least it did for me. So many ladies out there and talking to all of them. Reading their post and adding more of your own.
So to 2015 let's bring the fun back into our lives and have a blast. I know I will. Already have a few things planned to do with my issues. Oh sorry I mean sisters and am hoping to have a few more planned as the year goes on.
Happy 2015 everyone. I will catch you on the flip side. Remember Live, Love, And Laugh and above all have the fun you think you should be having. I certainly am trying.