Raining out. Good night to go someplace and enjoy some good conversation.
So plans are made to see a play at the small playhouse on railway ave. went and bought a ticket.
A few days later got an email. Newell where are we going for supper. Yeah supper and a play. Sounds great. Two choices came up. Elena's or mission springs.. Well we went to mission springs last time so now lets try some Greek food. Hmm never had Greek food. So lets give it a try. My conisour pallet gropes to Burger King or Wendy's or McDonald's. so this will be an experience for me.
So tonight bling myself up with a bit of jewellery put on my purple shirt and red hat. A little makeup and off I go. Yeah still pouring out so is an good night to go out.
I arrive first at the restaraunts. A couple minutes later my queen is there, then a couple of other ladies show up. The last is on her way back from Washington so will be a little late. May just enjoy a coffee afterwards with us. No meal for her. I try the roast lamb.. Oh Gaul was it good, I mean real good. Mouth watering and just so juicy. With a Caesar salade and some rice. It was just right. I couldn't eat it all. No desert for me.
The conversation was all over the place. From women issues to what was going on about town. To red hatting stuff. I told them that I would be going to a few funvations and how I am spreading my wings. They thought it was great.
After the meal we walked over to the playhouse and enjoyed the play. It was a full house. All about a murder in the garden at a big mansion. Then had to figure out who done it. Well I was wrong. But I did not guess the maid. And you know the maid did not do it. It usually is something like that. I am not giving away the who done it. So go see the play yourself. It is well worth it. The actors are very good in it.
Well this brings me up to me now writing down my fun filled night. I know the boring part. Well you got it now. I will now take my garlic breath to bed.
Night night. Red hat hugs